Creating/simulating of a seekbar

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Andreas Weichert
Posts: 57
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:51 am

Creating/simulating of a seekbar

Post by Andreas Weichert »

I need a continious seekbar. Click on a position and get its value.
But the common seekbar behaves like a spin-button - it increments/decrements the value.
Therefore I look for a OnMouseDown-event which delivers me a x,y position to simulate a seekbar with other controls.

But I cannot fiqure out how to link a OnMouseDown event. Nothing works !!!

Script.RegisterEvent Btn3, "OnMouseDown", "TestMD"
Script.RegisterEvent Panel, "OnMouseDown", "TestMD"

It is possible to give a panel or a button an other color?
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