ShuffleNavigate 1.0 (2007-03-27) [Script]

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ShuffleNavigate 1.0 (2007-03-27) [Script]

Post by SHR »

I would like to thank all those developers, community members and coders out there, for spending their time,
knowledge, passion and patience on making MediaMonkey the best music manager around.
I hope that it's now my turn to make something useful for the community. So I would be very happy to achieve this with the release of this script.
Any suggestions and comments are welcome.

This Script is inspired by and based upon trixmoto's "BackButton.vbs".
The original script can be found at:
Thanks to trixmoto for making so many useful scripts and his permission to publish this modification to his script!

Script creates buttons/menuentries, which allow to navigate in a list of recently played tracks.
This is especially useful when tracks are played in random order (shuffle mode) or when "jumping around"
in the now playing list.
Hence the name "ShuffleNavigate". :wink:

- The script is not yet tested in MediaMonkey 3.0
- If you experience memory problems, then try to disable menuentries or buttons and reduce the number of listentries (especially iMaxJumpEntries)

1) Create a textfile nameed "ShuffleNavigate.vbs" in the folder "..\MediaMonkey\scripts\Auto\"
2) Copy the code from below and paste it into "ShuffleNavigate.vbs"
3) Modify any of the default values (see usage tips below)
4) Locate your scripts.ini in the folder "..\MediaMonkey\scripts\". Open the scripts.ini and add the following lines:
5) MediaMonkey needs to be restarted to activate the script

Usage tips:
iMaxHistorySize = 10 -> Maximum number of remembered songs in history
iMaxJumpEntries = 10 -> Maximum number of songs in the submenu called by pressing the button in the toolbar
Do not set the value too high, as I fear, that it would consume to much memory!
So try to increase the value in small steps.
bJumpButtonMode = True -> If True then pressing the button in the toolbar shows a submenu for direct songselection
If False then pressing the button in the toolbar selects/plays the first listentry
iMaxHintLines = 10 -> Maximum number of entries listed in buttonhints (tooltips)
bClearHistory = True -> If True then history will be erased on startup
bBrowserMode = False -> If True then the behavior of the forward history is comparable to internet browsers. So forward history is cleared, when the currently played track changes.
If False then forward history remembers every track skipped by moving backwards.
sBackShortCut = "Ctrl+Alt+B" -> Set this according to your preferences.
sForShortCut = "Ctrl+Alt+F" Depends on locale! Maybe you must use Strg (german) instead of Ctrl.
bShowButton = True -> Set it to False to avoid the creation of toolbarbuttons
bShowMenu = True -> Set it to False to hide the play menu entries
bShowInPopupMenu = True -> Set it to False to avoid the creation of entries in the NP popupmenu
bShowMessages = False -> Supress end of list messages. This value is just a relict of trixmoto's script and has no real function by now. But maybe it will be used in future.
sBackCaption = "Previous" -> Caption should be localized.
sForCaption = "Next" But if you prefer a different caption or localization didn't work, you can change it here.
sBackIcon = "41" -> All menuentries and buttons use the Mediamonkey standardicon "41"
sForIcon = "42" Let me know, if you want to use user-definable icons.
bDebug = False -> True = Output() writes into logfile .\scripts\Auto\ShuffleNavigate.vbs.log.
Only useful for developers. Currently only the start of a procedure or function is logged.
bLogAppend = False -> False = Logfile will be deleted on Startup

- Setting of script parameters via option sheet
- Creation of a script installer (I don't know the commonly used installer, so I have to check out it's usage first)
- Adding submenus to the mainmenuentries and the popupmenus to allow direct selection
- Test in MediaMonkey 3.x

Code: Select all

'+ MediaMonkey Auto Script                                                     +
' NAME: ShuffleNavigate 1.0
' DATE : 24/03/2007 
' DESCRIPTION: Script creates buttons/menuentries, which allow to navigate in a 
'              list of recently played tracks. This is especially useful when  
'              tracks are played in random order (shuffle mode). 
'              Hence the name "ShuffleNavigate". ;-)
' NOTE:        Script is inspired by and based upon trixmoto's "BackButton.vbs".
'              Original script can be found at: 
'              Thanks to trixmoto for making so many useful scripts and his 
'              permission to publish this version!               
' INSTALL:     Copy to Scripts\Auto directory and add the following section to 
'              Scripts.ini. 
'              You must remove the comments ('). Set the order value as needed.
'              This script uses default values
' [ShuffleNavigateMain]
' FileName=Auto\ShuffleNavigate.vbs
' ProcName=ShuffleNavigateMain
' Order=38
' DisplayName=ShuffleNavigateMain
' Description=ShuffleNavigateMain
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=2
'>> ForumURL:
'>> ScriptName: ShuffleNavigate  
'>> VersionNumber: 1.0 
'>> Author: SHR 
Option Explicit 

'+ declarations +
Dim sNavigateMode
Dim obtnBack, obtnFor, omnuBack, omnuFor
Dim opopNPBack, opopNPFor, opopTLBack, opopTLFor

'+++                           default values                                +++  
Dim iMaxHistorySize : iMaxHistorySize = 10     ' maximum number of songs in history
Dim iMaxJumpEntries : iMaxJumpEntries = 10     ' maximum number of songs in submenu
Dim bJumpButtonMode : bJumpButtonMode = True   ' True = Use submenu for selection
Dim iMaxHintLines : iMaxHintLines = 10         ' maximum number of songs in buttonhints
Dim bClearHistory : bClearHistory = True       ' True = Clear history on startup
Dim bBrowserMode : bBrowserMode = False        ' If True then the behavior of the forward 
                                               ' history is comparable to internet browsers
Dim sBackShortCut : sBackShortCut = "Strg+Alt+B" ' Depends on locale! Maybe you 
Dim sForShortCut : sForShortCut = "Strg+Alt+F"   ' must use Strg instead of Ctrl
Dim bShowButton : bShowButton = True           ' False = Don't create toolbarbuttons
Dim bShowMenu : bShowMenu = True               ' False = Menu entries will be hidden
Dim bShowInPopupMenu : bShowInPopupMenu = True ' False = Don't show in NP popup
Dim bShowMessages : bShowMessages = False      ' False = Supress end of list messages          
Dim sBackCaption : sBackCaption = "Previous"   ' Choose whatever makes sense to you
Dim sForCaption : sForCaption = "Next"         ' Choose whatever makes sense to you
Dim sBackIcon : sBackIcon = "41"               ' Default icon "41"
Dim sForIcon : sForIcon = "42"                 ' Default icon "42"
Dim bDebug : bDebug = False                    ' True = Output() writes into logfile
Dim bLogAppend : bLogAppend = False            ' False = Logfile will be deleted on Startup

' +++ Subroutines +++
'+ Called when MediaMonkey is started                                          +
Sub OnStartup()
  Dim sBackHistory, sForHistory
  Dim asEntries
  If Not bLogAppend Then Output "OutputCommand=DeleteLogfile"
  Output "On Startup(): started"  
  '+ Create menu entries +
  If bShowMenu Then
    Call SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep(SDB.UI.Menu_Play,2,-1)
  End If 
  ' these are always created, but hidden if bShowMenu = False
  Call CreateMI("omnu", "Back")
  Call CreateMI("omnu", "For")

  '+ Create buttons +
  If bShowButton then
    Call CreateMI("obtn", "Back")
    Call CreateMI("obtn", "For")
  End If
  '+ Create popupmenu entries +  
  If bShowInPopupMenu Then
    Call CreateMI("opopNP", "Back")
    Call CreateMI("opopNP", "For")
    Call CreateMI("opopTL", "Back")
    Call CreateMI("opopTL", "For")
  End If
  '+ read saved history and initialize +
  If bClearHistory Then
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","BackButtonHistory") = ""
    sBackHistory = ""
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","ForButtonHistory") = ""
    sForHistory = ""
    sBackHistory = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","BackButtonHistory")
    sForHistory = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","ForButtonHistory")
  End If
  If bBrowserMode Then
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","ForButtonHistory") = ""
  End If
  '+ Set initial state of all menuitems +
  Dim i, asList
  asList = Split("Back|sBackHistory|For|sForHistory", "|")
  For i = 0 to UBound(asList) Step 2
    asList(i+1) = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate", asList(i) & "ButtonHistory")
    If asList(i+1) = "" Or asList(i+1) = "|" Then
      Call ChangeState(asList(i), False)
      asEntries = Split(asList(i+1),"|")
      If UBound(asEntries)=0 Then
        Call ChangeState(asList(i), False) 
        Call ChangeState(asList(i), True)
      End If
    End If
End Sub
'+ Capture "OnClick" events and trigger ShuffleNavigate routine                +
Sub OnBackButton(obtnClicked)
  Output "OnBackButton(obtnClicked): started"
  Call ShuffleNavigate ("Back",1)
End Sub
Sub OnForButton(obtnClicked)
  Output "OnForButton(obtnClicked): started"
  Call ShuffleNavigate ("For",1)
End Sub
Sub OnJumpBackButton(obtnClicked)
  Dim iCycle, sCaption
  sCaption = obtnClicked.Caption
  Output "OnJumpBackButton(obtnClicked): started"
  iCycle = left(sCaption, Instr(sCaption,":")-1)
  Call ShuffleNavigate ("Back", iCycle)
End Sub
Sub OnJumpForButton(obtnClicked)
  Dim iCycle, sCaption
  sCaption = obtnClicked.Caption
  Output "OnJumpForButton(obtnClicked): started"
  iCycle = left(sCaption, Instr(sCaption,":")-1)
  Call ShuffleNavigate ("For", iCycle)
End Sub
'+ ShuffleNavigate is called by "OnClick" events                               +
Sub ShuffleNavigate(sMode, iCycle)
  Dim sHistory, sSaveHistory, sTrackID, sTrackIDToSave
  Dim iPos, asEntries, iMaxEntries
  Dim sHistoryToRead, sHistoryToSave
  Dim sDirection1, sDirection2
  Output "ShuffleNavigate(sMode, iCycle): started"
  SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = sMode
  Select Case sMode
    Case "Back"
      sHistoryToRead = "BackButtonHistory"
      sHistoryToSave = "ForButtonHistory"
      sDirection1 = "Back"
      sDirection2 = "For"
    Case "For"
      sHistoryToRead = "ForButtonHistory"
      sHistoryToSave = "BackButtonHistory"    
      sDirection1 = "For" 
      sDirection2 = "Back"
    Case Else
      Exit Sub  
  End Select
  sHistory = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate",sHistoryToRead)
  If sHistory = "" Then
    If bShowMessages Then
      iPos = SDB.MessageBox("Sorry, there are no tracks in the History to go to.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
    End If
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = "" 
    Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' get track to play
  asEntries = Split(Mid(sHistory,2,Len(sHistory)-2),"|")
  iMaxEntries = UBound(asEntries)
  Dim iDo
  Select Case sMode
    Case "For"
      If iMaxEntries >= 0 Then
        For iDo = 0 To iCycle-1
          sTrackID = Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries - iDo))
          If sTrackIDToSave = "" Then
            sTrackIDToSave = Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries - iDo))
            sTrackIDToSave = sTrackIDToSave & "|" & Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries - iDo))
          End If
        If iMaxEntries = 0 Then
          Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False)
        End If
        If bShowMessages Then
          iPos = SDB.MessageBox("Sorry, there are no tracks in the History to go to.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
        End If
        SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = ""
        Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False) 
        Exit Sub
      End If  
    Case "Back"
      If iMaxEntries > 0 Then
        For iDo = 0 To iCycle-1
          sTrackID = Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries-1-iDo))
          If sTrackIDToSave = "" Then
            sTrackIDToSave = Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries - iDo))
            sTrackIDToSave = sTrackIDToSave & "|" & Int(asEntries(iMaxEntries - iDo))
          End If
        If iMaxEntries - iDo + 1 = 1 Then
          Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False)
        End If
        If bShowMessages Then
          iPos = SDB.MessageBox("Sorry, there are no tracks in the History to go to.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
        End If
        SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = ""
          Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False) 
        Exit Sub
      End If
  End Select  
  Dim found
  found = False
  If SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ID = sTrackID Then 
    found = True
    Dim list, itm, i
    Set list = SDB.Player.CurrentSongList
    For i = 0 To list.Count-1
      Set itm = list.Item(i)
      If itm.ID = sTrackID Then 
        SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex = CLng(i)
        found = True
        Exit For
      End If
    ' Search and add song
    If Not found Then 
      Dim sSQL,iter      
      sSQL = "AND (Songs.ID="&sTrackID&")"
      Set iter = SDB.Database.QuerySongs(sSQL)
      If Not iter.EOF Then 
        SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex = list.Count
        found = True
      End If
    End If      
  End If
  ' update history
  If found Then
    sHistory = Left(sHistory,Len(sHistory)-(Len(sTrackIDToSave)+1))
    Call ChangeState(sDirection2, True)
    sSaveHistory = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate",sHistoryToSave)
    If sSaveHistory = "" Or sSaveHistory = "|" Then
      sSaveHistory = "|" & sTrackIDToSave & "|"
      ' only append if sTrackIDToSave not last in sSaveHistory
      If Not Right(sSaveHistory,Len(sTrackIDToSave)+2)="|" & sTrackIDToSave & "|" Then
        sSaveHistory = sSaveHistory & sTrackIDToSave & "|"
      End If
    End If
    asEntries = split(sSaveHistory,"|")
    If sMode = "For" Then iMaxHistorySize = iMaxHistorySize + 1
    If Ubound(asEntries) > iMaxHistorySize + 1 Then
      sSaveHistory = ""
      For i = Ubound(asEntries) - (iMaxHistorySize) to Ubound(asEntries)
        sSaveHistory = sSaveHistory & "|" & asEntries(i)
    End If
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate",sHistoryToSave) = sSaveHistory
    call UpdateUI(sSaveHistory, sDirection2)
    If bShowMessages Then
      iPos = SDB.MessageBox("Sorry, the track could not be found.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
    End If
    sHistory = Left(sHistory,Len(sHistory)-(Len(sTrackID)+Len(sTrackIDToSave)+2))
    ' only append if sTrackIDToSave not last in sHistory
    If Not Right(sHistory,Len(sTrackIDToSave)+2)="|" & sTrackIDToSave & "|" Then
        sHistory = sHistory & sTrackIDToSave & "|"
    End If
  End If
  If sHistory = "" Or sHistory = "|" Then
    Call ChangeState(sDirection1, False)
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate",sHistoryToRead) = ""
    call UpdateUI("", sDirection1)
    SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate",sHistoryToRead) = sHistory
    call UpdateUI(sHistory, sDirection1)
  End If  

End Sub
'+ ShuffleNavigateMain is called, when a new track is played                   +
Sub ShuffleNavigateMain()
  Dim sBackHistory, sTempHistory, obtn, asEntries, iMaxEntries, sTrackID
  sNavigateMode = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode")
  Output "ShuffleNavigateMain(): started"
  Select Case sNavigateMode 
    Case "Back"
      SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = ""
    Case "For"
      SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","NavigateMode") = ""
    Case Else
      sBackHistory = SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","BackButtonHistory")
      sTrackID = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ID
      ' save sBackHistory for later use
      sTempHistory = sBackHistory
      If sBackHistory = "" Then
        sBackHistory = "|" & sTrackID & "|"
        sBackHistory = sBackHistory & sTrackID & "|"
      End If 
      Call ChangeState("Back", True)
      asEntries = Split(Mid(sBackHistory,2,Len(sBackHistory)-2),"|")
      iMaxEntries = UBound(asEntries)
      If iMaxEntries > 0 Then
        If asEntries(iMaxEntries-1) = asEntries(iMaxEntries) Then
          ' ignore track
          sBackHistory = sTempHistory
          If iMaxEntries = 1 Then
            Call ChangeState("Back", False)
          End If
          If iMaxEntries > iMaxHistorySize Then 
            sBackHistory = Mid(sBackHistory,Instr(2,sBackHistory,"|"))
          End If
        End If
        Call ChangeState("Back", False)
      End If
      SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","BackButtonHistory") = sBackHistory
      Call UpdateUI(sBackHistory,"Back")
      If bBrowserMode Then
        Call ChangeState("For", False)
        SDB.IniFile.stringValue("ShuffleNavigate","ForButtonHistory") = ""
        Call UpdateUI("","For")
      End If  
  End Select

End Sub
' +++ Functions +++
'+ Set property .Enabled to (de-)activate menu items                           +
Function ChangeState(sDirection, bState)
  Dim obtn, omnu, opopNP, opopTL

  Output "ChangeState(sDirection, bState): started"
  Set obtn = SDB.Objects("obtn" & sDirection)
  Set omnu = SDB.Objects("omnu" & sDirection)
  Set opopNP = SDB.Objects("opopNP" & sDirection)
  Set opopTL = SDB.Objects("opopTL" & sDirection)
  omnu.Enabled = bState
  If bShowButton then
    obtn.Enabled = bState
  End If
  If bShowInPopupMenu Then
    opopNP.Enabled = bState
    opopTL.Enabled = bState
  End If
End Function  
'+ Called by 'On Startup()' to create all menuitems 
Function CreateMI(sMIType, sDirection)
  Dim oMI, oMSI
  Dim bUseScript : bUseScript = True
  Output "CreateMI(sMIType, sDirection): started"
  Select Case sMIType
    Case "omnu"
      Set oMI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Play,3,-1)
      oMI.Visible = bShowMenu
    Case "obtn"
      If bJumpButtonMode Then
        Set oMI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSub(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,2,-1)
        Dim iCounter
        For iCounter = 1 to iMaxJumpEntries  
          Set oMSI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(oMI,0,0)
          With oMSI
            .Visible = False
            .UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
            .OnClickFunc = "OnJump" & sDirection & "Button"
          End With
          SDB.Objects("Jump" & sDirection & iCounter) = oMSI
        bUseScript = False
        Set oMI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TbStandard,2,-1)
      End If
    Case "opopNP"
      Set oMI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_NP,1,-1)
    Case "opopTL"
      Set oMI = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList,2,-1)
  End Select
  Select Case sDirection
    Case "Back"
      With oMI
        .Caption = SDB.Localize(sBackCaption)
        .ShortCut = sBackShortCut
        .IconIndex = sBackIcon
      End With
    Case "For"
      With oMI
        .Caption = SDB.Localize(sForCaption)
        .ShortCut = sForShortCut
        .IconIndex = sForIcon
      End With
  End Select
  With oMI
    If bUseScript Then
      .UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      .OnClickFunc = "On" & sDirection & "Button"
    End If
    .Enabled = False
  End With
  Set SDB.Objects(sMIType & sDirection) = oMI
End Function
'+ Update hints, captions and submenuentries                                   +
Function UpdateUI(sTrackList, sHintMode)

  Dim oArtist, obtnTBB, oRS
  Dim sArtistname, sTitle, sSQL, asTracks
  Dim i, iPos
  Output "UpdateUI(sTrackList, sHintMode): started"
  If bShowButton Then
    Select Case sHintMode
      Case "Back"
        Set obtnTBB = SDB.Objects("obtnBack")
      Case "For"
        Set obtnTBB = SDB.Objects("obtnFor")
      Case Else
        Exit Function
    End Select
    If bJumpButtonMode Then
      Dim obtnJumpButton
      For i = 1 To iMaxJumpEntries
        Set obtnJumpButton = SDB.Objects("Jump" & sHintMode & i)
        If Not obtnJumpButton is Nothing then
          With obtnJumpButton
            .Visible = False
          End With
        End If
    End If
    obtnTBB.Hint = ""
    asTracks = split(sTrackList, "|")
    iPos = 0
    For i = UBound(asTracks) to 0 Step -1
      If asTracks(i)<>"" Then
        If i = UBound(asTracks)-1 And sHintMode = "Back" Then
          ' Skip first Entry
          iPos = iPos + 1        
          sSQL = "AND (Songs.ID=" & asTracks(i) & ")"
          Set oRS = SDB.Database.QuerySongs(sSQL)
          If Not oRS.EOF Then
            set oArtist = oRS.Item.Artist
            sArtistName = oArtist.Name
            sTitle = oRS.Item.Title
            If sTitle = "" then sTitle = "Unknown"
            If sArtistName = "" then sArtistName = "Unknown"
            If iMaxHintLines >= iPos Then
              obtnTBB.Hint = obtnTBB.Hint & iPos & ": '" & sTitle & "' - '" & sArtistName & "' [" & asTracks(i) & "]" & "'" & vbcrlf
            End If
            If bJumpButtonMode And iMaxJumpEntries >= iPos Then
              Set obtnJumpButton = SDB.Objects("Jump" & sHintMode & iPos)
              If Not obtnJumpButton is Nothing then
                With obtnJumpButton
                  .Caption = iPos & ": '" & sTitle & "' - '" & sArtistName & "' [" & asTracks(i) & "]"
                  .Visible = True
                End With
              End If
            End If
          End If 
        End If 
      End If
  End If
End Function
'+ Used to write messages into Logfile, when bDebug = True in default section  +
Function Output(sText)
  Dim oFSO, oLog, sCommand

  Const ForWriting = 2
  Const ForAppending = 8
  Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Instr(sText, "OutputCommand=")>0 then sCommand = Mid(sText, Instr(sText, "=")+1)
  Select Case sCommand
    Case "DeleteLogfile"
      If oFSO.FileExists(Script.ScriptPath & ".log") Then oFSO.DeleteFile(Script.ScriptPath & ".log")
    Case Else  
      If bDebug Then
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set oLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile(Script.ScriptPath & ".log", ForAppending, True)
        Set oLog = Nothing
      End If
  End Select
End Function
Enjoy the script
Last edited by SHR on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:09 pm
Location: Kansas City, Missouri, United States

Post by Mizery_Made »

Yeah, so... this isn't working. Added the script file in the Auto folder as stated, then added the needed to the Script.ini but instead of it working, I receive a message that it can't open the script, probably because it's looking for it in the Scripts folder and NOT the Auto folder.

So, I thought I'd try something and add it to the Scripts folder instead, got a little closer to it working with this route but instead receive a message:
Error #424 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Object required: 'omnu'
File: "C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\ShuffleNavigate.vbs", Line: 390, Column: 2
Any thoughts?
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Post by Peke »

Try To replace INI state for script
Best regards,
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Post by Mizery_Made »

Cool, Peke, thanks. That seemed to solve that issue.

Though, SRH, your script isn't doing much of anything, I see no buttons, no menus, nothing. So... uh... *Scratches head* If you need more information to know what's up and such, just let me know what you need to know.
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Post by SHR »

:oops: :oops: :oops:
Shame on me. I'm sorry. I've edited my post. So now it's pointing to Auto\ShuffleNavigate.vbs.

@Peke: Thanks for support :)

@Mizery_Made: Thanks for your patience. I hope, that we can figure out what's going wrong.
Have you restarted MediaMonkey after you changed the string in scripts.ini?
Is the shuffleNavigate.vbs now in the .\scripts\auto folder? It should be there and not in scripts folder. Otherwise it won't be executed on startup and buttons or menuentries won't be created.
The buttons are in the standard toolbar (right after visplugin-button).
Menuentries are in play menu.
If this doesn't help:
Which MM version do you use? I can only test with version on a german Windows XP SP2.
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Post by Peke »

:) Do not worry, you better not see what My mistakes sometimes do and mostly it is cause of ";" missing.
Best regards,
MediaMonkey Team lead QA/Tech Support guru
Admin of Free MediaMonkey addon Site HappyMonkeying
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Post by Mizery_Made »

Haha, it's working today, don't know what was up yesterday... might have just overlooked the buttons and whatnot.

Looks like a great script *Thumbs Up*
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Post by SHR »

@Mizery_Made: Maybe the installation hassle caused this. But now I'm glad that it works. :D I should build an installer soon. Any other suggestions?

@Peke: Missing ";" problems. Java? I know this problems too. :wink: But as you can see, it's now working. :)
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Post by Peke »

Mostly Delphi.
Best regards,
MediaMonkey Team lead QA/Tech Support guru
Admin of Free MediaMonkey addon Site HappyMonkeying
How to attach PICTURE/SCREENSHOTS to forum posts
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