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Update Rating from Ipod to MM and files

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:30 am
by apoujade

I done this script that upadte rating tag file and library MM from rating database iPOD.
In fact a pbm for me was that i can change rating in iPod but i don't find any way to backup this change on the file.

Her this script respons to that and seems to work. it is perfectible on different way
a) i don't find how déclare dynamic array with 2 dimmension ex test(x,y)
b) i don't find how to jump directly on iPod. I must use manuel positionning
c) in several case, i must use MsgBox to wait that MM is correctly positionned on TreeMain Node
d) I must use sonlist.Writetags instead UpdateAll that be very slow ?
e) Fisrt time, open node Artist from Ipod by mous select. I think is because a reaction time from MM
f) and the last but not the least, it seems that SortCriteria do not work or i use it badly

If somewhone can improve that, i will be happy.
Sorry for my english, but i tried to set all information in english

In waiting this script work. I tested on my library for 4653 Files

Copy Script in Scripts Folder under MediaMonkey/scripts
You must only déclare this script in script.ini with

DisplayName=&_APO Update Rating from iPod to MM
Description=Update MM Rating from iPod

IMPORTANT in the state of scrip, You must modify your iPod Name in script

And run MediaMonkey
Thank's for your help

Here the script _______________

Option Explicit ' report undefined variables, ...
Dim Root
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' Alain Poujade
' version : 1.0
' date : 14 April 2007
' This script update tag rating in MM Library and files from Database Ipod
' that can be changed in move directly on iPod
' You must start this script from Ipod Node Database
' i don't find a way to select this node directly
' ..........................................................
' WARNING 1 : No control of good selection is done at the moment except message
' WARNING 2 : Maximum files to compare = 10 000
' You can change that by your value in Dim declaration for iPod, MM and Ko Array
' Here You must changeMyiPodName that is Name of your iPod showed in MediaMonkey
' ..........................................................
'Const MyiPodName = "IPOD (ALAIN - iPod (X:)"
Const MyiPodName = "iPod 5.5 80G - iPod (I:)"
Dim iPod(10000,4)
Dim MM(10000,4)
Dim Ko(10000,2)

Dim Temp, Result, res
Dim iP, itm, list
Dim mk, tag, last
Dim iPm, mkm, ffind, ftag
Root = MyiPodName

res = SDB.MessageBox(" Run you this script from Device iPod Database Node or Child?", mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
If res <> 6 Then
res = SDB.MessageBox("Retry after good selection on iPod",mtInformation,Array(mbOK))
Exit Sub
End If

' First Find Artist Node on iPod that must be first child
Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode
Result = Temp.caption
On Error Resume Next
if Result <> Root Then
Do While Result <> Root
Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.PreviousNode(Temp) 'Node parent de l'actuel
Result = Temp.caption
If Err.Number <> 0 then
' Err.Clear
MsgBox "Seems to be not start from iPod Node"
Exit Sub 'Sécurity to quit if not iPod selected
End If
End If

Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.FirstChildNode(Temp)
SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = Temp
Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.NextNode(Temp)
SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = Temp
SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode.SortCriteria = 4 'Does means not work !!!!
res = SDB.MessageBox( "Positioned to iPod in Node Artist ? ", mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
If res <> 6 Then
MsgBox "Opération canceled"
Exit Sub
End If

' Here Work from iPod, scan Songs
' Iterate through the list and export all songs

Set list = SDB.CurrentSongList
for iP=0 to list.count-1
' for iP=0 to 3
Set itm = list.Item(iP)
iPod(iP,1) = itm.Title
iPod(iP,2) = itm.AlbumName
iPod(iP,3) = itm.ArtistName
iPod(iP,4) = itm.Rating
Progress.Value = iP+1
res = SDB.MessageBox( "End browsing " + CStr(iP) + " Songs from iPod", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))

' Here switch to MM Database node Artist

Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.Node_Artist
SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = Temp
SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode.SortCriteria = 4 'Does means not work !!!!
res = SDB.MessageBox( "Positioned to MM Library in Node Artist ? ", mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
If res <> 6 Then
MsgBox "Opération canceled"
Exit Sub
End If

' Here Work from MM, scan Songs
' Iterate through the list and export all songs

Set last = SDB.CurrentSongList
for mk=0 to last.count-1
' for mk=0 to 3
Set tag = last.Item(mk)
MM(mk,1) = tag.Title
MM(mk,2) = tag.AlbumName
MM(mk,3) = tag.ArtistName
MM(mk,4) = tag.Rating
res = SDB.MessageBox( "End browsing " + CStr(mk ) + " Songs from MediaMonkey", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))
MsgBox "Be Patient, that can be very long, Wait until next message End Processing, Thank's"
' Here Compare Scanning and list delta

ffind = 0
ftag = 0
mkm = mk -1
iPm = iP -1
Set last = SDB.CurrentSongList
For iP=0 to iPm
' Find Title
mk = 0
Do While mk <= mkm
If iPod(iP,1) = MM(mk,1) Then
If iPod(iP,2) = MM(mk,2) then
If iPod(iP,3) = MM(mk,3) then
if iPod(iP,4) = MM(mk,4) then
ffind = ffind+1
' Maybe here something with Progressvalue
ftag = ftag + 1
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
End If
mk = mk +1
res = SDB.MessageBox( "End processing " + CStr(ffind) + " / " + CStr(iPm+1)+ " Identical Songs", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))
res = SDB.MessageBox( CStr(ftag)+ " / " + CStr(iPm+1)+ " Rating to change", mtInformation, Array(mbOk))

' Here Update MM File from delta
' Write all back to DB and update tags
if ftag > 0 Then
res = SDB.MessageBox(" Confirm Update MM Library and file's TAG", mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
If res <> 6 Then
res = SDB.MessageBox("Opération canceled",mtInformation,Array(mbOK))
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Progress Update"
Set last = SDB.CurrentSongList
Do While ftag > 0
iP = Ko(ftag-1,1)
mk = Ko(ftag-1,2)
Set tag = last.Item(mk)
ftag = ftag-1
' last.UpdateAll ' Other way but too long
MsgBox "Update Finished"
End If
End if
End Sub


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:13 am
by IshMEL
This is just the script I needed! I couldn't understand why the ratings I put on my iPod didn't synch to the MM database. Now they do!

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:37 am
by nohitter151
I don't understand.. my iPod already syncs back the rating to my library without any script!


Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:03 am
by Guest
I'm very surprise

I don't find a way nor help that respons to my need.

When i modify rating directly on my ipod, back home and connect iPod to PC with MM, i never see writeback off my change in MM.
Only MM to iPod, never iPod to MM.
Maybe i dont use MM correctly, but nobody give me tunning to do that.

Are you reliable about that is possible and if yes, can you give me tunning

in parallel i done a new version that not be restrictive to only Ipod and make dynamic report and mp3 playlist

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:59 am
by apoujade
Hello last version here

Now is not limited to iPod, but iPod can be reference of your tagging by select it in firt message

other i made translation French and English
HTML report and M3U list

Code: Select all

Option Explicit                      ' report undefined variables, ...
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' Alain Poujade 
Const version = 1.4 
'  date       : 24 April 2007
' This script update File's Tag rating and in MM Library from Reference List
'    that can be changed with other way (ex in iPod)
'  You must start this script from Source Node Database
' ..........................................................
' Improvement to do
' a) Auto select an spécifiq node

Dim  fout, Fname, fm3u      ' Gestion report files
' Translation Table 1=French, 2 = English
Dim Mes(30,2), lng

Mes(1,1)="Positionnez vous sur votre liste de référence des classements"
Mes(1,2)="Select  your rating reference list"


Mes(3,1)="Opération annulée, Au revoir"
Mes(3,2)="Operation canceled, Bye"

Mes(4,1)="Identification "
Mes(4,2)="Identify "

Mes(5,1)=" Musique(s) dans la liste de référence"
Mes(5,2)=" Song(s) from your taging's reference"

Mes(6,1)="Continuer ?"
Mes(6,2)="Continu ?"

Mes(7,1)=" Musique(s) dans Database MediaMonkey"
Mes(7,2)=" Song(s) in MediaMonkey's DataBase"

Mes(8,1)="Lancer la recherche ? (Cela peut être long)"
Mes(8,2)="Ready to start comparation ? (Can be very long)"

Mes(9,1)="Rapport d'analyse différence(s) Classement"
Mes(9,2)="Report Analyze delta Rating Source <> MM"

Mes(10,1)="Confirmez Maj"
Mes(10,2)="Confirm Update"

Mes(11,1)="Copie Classements dans MM Database et dans les fichiers MP3"
Mes(11,2)="Make Update for Rating in MM Library and MP3 Tag Files"

Mes(12,1)="Sauve en HTML"
Mes(12,2)="Save in HTML"

Mes(13,1)="Sauve le rapport en page WEB sous "
Mes(13,2)="Save report in HTML under "

Mes(14,1)="Ne pas faire Maj"
Mes(14,2)="Do Not Update"

Mes(15,1)="Abandonne Mise à jour, ne modifie rien"
Mes(15,2)="Cancel Update, don't modify anything"

Mes(16,1)="Compare référence avec MM..."
Mes(16,2)="Comparing Source with MM...."

Mes(17,1)="Nombre de MP3 "
Mes(17,2)="Total Tracks "

Mes(18,1)=" devant être(s) mise à jour"
Mes(18,2)=" need to be updated"

Mes(19,1)=" non trouvé(s) dans MM"
Mes(19,2)=" not find in MM"

Mes(20,1)="Liste de Lecture sauvée sous "
Mes(20,2)="Player Liste saved under "

Mes(21,1)="HTML Rapport sauvé sous"
Mes(21,2)="HTML Raport saved under"

Mes(22,1)="Confirmer demande de mise à jour des classements" & vbcrlf & "dans Database MM et dans les fichiers MP3 ?"
Mes(22,2)="Confirm Update Rating" & vbcrlf & "in MM's Database and in MP3's File(s)"

Mes(23,1)=" Classement à mettre à jour"
Mes(23,2)=" Rating to change"

Mes(24,1)=" Rien à modifier, Au revoir"
Mes(24,2)=" Nothing to do, Bye"

Mes(27,1)="Réf Classement"
Mes(27,2)="Ref Rating"
Mes(28,1)="MM Classement"
Mes(28,2)="MM rating"

Mes(29,1)="Liste Vide, rien à analyser, Au revoir"
Mes(29,2)="Empty List, Nothing to analyze, Bye"


  Dim Temp, Result, res
  Dim Sr, itm, list                     ' Source Song
  Dim mk, tag, last                 'MM Song
  Dim Srm, mkm, ffind, ftag  ' Compare var
  Dim Progress, fso, mks, fsm
  Dim  Srce(), MM(), Ko()

  Do While lng=0
      res=InputBox("Select your langage" & vbcrlf & "1 for French" & vbcrlf & "2 for English" & vbcrlf,"Question",1)
      If res = 1 then
      Elseif res=2 then
      End If
  res= MsgBox (Mes(1,lng) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & vbcrlf, 4096+1+32,Mes(2,lng))
   if res<> 1 then
       MsgBox Mes(3,lng)
       Exit Sub
   End If
   fname = Day(Now) & " " & MonthName(Month(Now)) & " " & Year(Now) & " " & Hour(Now) & "h" & Minute(Now)

   ' Here Work from Source, scan Songs
   ' Iterate through the list and export all songs
   mks = 0
   Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode
   Temp.Expanded = True
   Set list = SDB.CurrentSongList 
   Redim Srce(list.count-1,4)
   If list.count = 0 then
         MsgBox Mes(29,lng)
         Exit Sub
   End If
   for Sr=0 to list.count-1
        Set itm = list.Item(Sr)
        Srce(Sr,1) = itm.Title
        Srce(Sr,2) = itm.AlbumName
        Srce(Sr,3) = itm.ArtistName
        Srce(Sr,4) = itm.Rating
     if  Temp.Caption <> SDB.Localize("Artist") Then
         mks = 1
     End If
    ' Here switch to MM Database node Artist

    Set Temp = SDB.MainTree.Node_Artist
    SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = Temp
   Temp.Expanded = True
    SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode.SortCriteria = 4 'Does means not work !!!!
   res = SDB.MessageBox( Mes(4,lng) & CStr(Sr) & Mes(5,lng) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & Mes(6,lng), mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
    If res <> 6 Then
       MsgBox Mes(3,lng)
      Exit Sub
    End If

   ' Here Work from MM, scan Songs
   ' Iterate through the list and export all songs
   Set last = SDB.CurrentSongList 
   Redim MM(last.count-1,4)
   If last.count = 0 then
        MsgBox Mes(29,lng)
        Exit Sub
   End If
   for mk=0 to last.count-1
        Set tag = last.Item(mk)
        MM(mk,1) = tag.Title
        MM(mk,2) = tag.AlbumName
        MM(mk,3) = tag.ArtistName
        MM(mk,4) = tag.Rating
   res = SDB.MessageBox( Mes(4,lng) + CStr(mk ) + Mes(7,lng) & vbcrlf & vbcrlf &_
   Mes(8,lng), mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort))
    If res <> 6 Then
       MsgBox Mes(3,lng)
      Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Create Form for reporting
    Dim DlgWith, ecart
    DlgWith = 700
    ecart = (DlgWith-368)/7

    Dim Report : Set Report = SDB.UI.NewForm
    Report.Common.SetRect 50,50,DlgWith,400
    Report.Common.MinWidth = DlgWith
    Report.Common.MinHeight = 200
    Report.FormPosition = 4
    Report.BorderStyle = 2
    Report.Caption = Mes(9,lng)
'    Script.RegisterEvent Report, "OnClose", "Salut"

  ' Create a web browser component
    Dim WB : Set WB = SDB.UI.NewActiveX(Report, "Shell.Explorer")
    WB.Common.Align = 5      ' Fill all client rectangle
    WB.Common.ControlName = "WB"

    ' Create a panel at the bottom of the window
    Dim Faot :  Set Faot = SDB.UI.NewPanel(Report)
    Faot.Common.Align = 2
    Faot.Common.Height = 40
    Faot.Common.Width = DlgWith

    Dim Maj : Set Maj = SDB.UI.NewButton(Faot)
    Maj.Common.SetRect (ecart * 2) ,6,120,28
    Maj.Common.Anchors = 8
    Maj.Caption = Mes(10,lng)
    Maj.Common.Hint = Mes(11,lng)
    Maj.ModalResult = 10

    Dim Sfl : Set Sfl = SDB.UI.NewButton(Faot)
    Sfl.Common.SetRect (120+(ecart*3)),6,120,28
    Sfl.Common.Anchors = 8
    Sfl.Caption = Mes(12,lng)
    Sfl.Common.Hint = Mes(13,lng) & SDB.MyMusicPath
    Sfl.ModalResult = 20

    Dim Niet : Set Niet = SDB.UI.NewButton(Faot)
    Niet.Common.SetRect (240+(ecart*4)),6,120,28
    Niet.Common.Anchors = 8
    Niet.Caption = Mes(14,lng)
    Niet.Common.Hint = Mes(15,lng)
    Niet.ModalResult = 30
    Niet.default = True

    ' SDB.Objects("Etat") = Report ' Save reference to the form somewhere, otherwise it would simply disappear
    ' Format header line
    ' Here Compare Scanning and list delta

    Dim RSrce, RMM
    ffind = 0
    ftag = 0
    mkm = mk -1
    Srm = Sr -1
    Redim Ko(Srm,2)  ' At Maxi the Song number of Source

    Set Progress = SDB.Progress
    Progress.Text =Mes(16,lng)
    Progress.MaxValue = Srm
    For Sr=0 to Srm
      ' Search and Compare Loop
      ' Validate this instruction if the 2 Node View are not sorted as the same way
      if mks = 1 then
           mk = 0
      end if
        Do While mk <= mkm
           If Srce(Sr,1) = MM(mk,1) Then
                If Srce(Sr,2) = MM(mk,2) then
                     If Srce(Sr,3) = MM(mk,3) then
                          if Srce(Sr,4) = MM(mk,4) then
                              ffind = ffind+1
                              ftag = ftag + 1
                              RSrce = Srce(Sr,4)/20
                              if RSrce < 0 Then
                                  RSrce = "N/A"
                                  RSrce =String(RSrce, "*") 
                               End If
                              RMM = MM(mk,4)/20
                              if RMM < 0 Then
                                  RMM = "N/A"
                                  RMM =String(RMM, "*") 
                               End If
                              ' Body of the report 
                               fout= fout &  "<tr><td align=right class=dark>"&ftag&"</td><td align=left>"&Srce(Sr,1) &"</td><td align=left class=dark>"&Srce(Sr,3) _ 
                              &"</td><td align=left>"&Srce(Sr,2) &"</td><td align=center class=dark><b>"&RSrce _ 
                              &"</td><td align=center><b>"&RMM&"</b></td></tr>" & vbcrlf
                              Set tag = last.Item(mk)
                              fm3u = fm3u & tag.Path & vbcrlf
                        End If
                          Exit Do
                     End If
                 End If
            End If
            mk = mk +1
        Progress.Value = Sr
    Set  Progress = Nothing

    if ftag > 0 Then
       ' Write some code to finish html document 
        fout = fout & "</table><p/><table width=100%><tr>" & vbcrlf
        fout = fout & "<td style='border-bottom-width:0px'><b>"& Mes(17,lng)  & ftag &"</b>" & (" / ") & (ffind+ftag) & Mes(18,lng) & "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
        fout = fout & "<tr><td style='border-bottom-width:0px'><b>" & Mes(17,lng) & Srm+1-(ffind+ftag) &"</b>" & (" / ") & Srm+1 & Mes(19,lng)& "</td></tr>" & vbcrlf
        fout = fout & "<tr><td style='border-bottom-width:0px'>" & Mes(20,lng) & SDB.MyMusicPath & "Delta rating.m3u </td> <td align=right style='border-bottom-width:0px'>Generated under <a href=''>MediaMonkey</a></td>" & vbcrlf
        fout = fout & "</tr></table></body></html>" & vbcrlf
        Set fsm = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
        Set res =  fsm.CreateTextFile(SDB.MyMusicPath & "Delta rating" & ".m3u", True)
        res.Write fm3u
        Temp = 20
        Do While Temp = 20        
           Temp = Report.ShowModal
            Select Case Temp
               Case 20
                    Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
                    Set Result = fso.CreateTextFile( SDB.MyMusicPath & "Report_Delta_Rating " & Fname & ".html", True)
                    Result.Write fout
                    MsgBox Mes(21,lng) & vbcrlf & SDB.MyMusicPath & "Report_Delta_Rating " & Fname & ".html"
               Case 10
                    ' Here Update MM File from delta
                    ' Write all back to DB and update tags
                    If SDB.MessageBox(Mes(22,lng), mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo)) = 6 then
                        Set last = SDB.CurrentSongList 
                        Do While ftag > 0 
                           Sr = Ko(ftag-1,1)
                           mk = Ko(ftag-1,2)
                          Set tag = last.Item(mk)
                          ftag = ftag-1
                        MsgBox "Update Finished"
                         Temp = 20
                    End If
'               Case 30
               Case Else
                    res = SDB.MessageBox(Mes(3,lng),mtInformation,Array(mbOK))
                   ' SDB.Objects("Etat") = Nothing
            End Select
        res = SDB.MessageBox( CStr(ftag)+ " / " & CStr(Srm+1) & Mes(23,lng) &vbcrlf & vbcrlf &Mes(24,lng), mtInformation, Array(mbOk))
    End if
End Sub

Sub InitHead
  fout = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"">"
  fout = fout & vbcrlf & "<html>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "<head><title>" & ("Report Analyse Rating") & "</title>" 

  ' Code to format the document 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "<style type=text/css>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "body{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-size:9pt; color:#000000;}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "H1{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; color:#AAAAAA; text-aligh:left}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "P{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:9pt; color:#000000;}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "TH{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; border-color:#000000; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:3px;}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "TD{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:9pt; color:#000000; border-color:#000000; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:1px;}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "TD.dark{background-color:#EEEEEE}" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "</style>" 

  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "</head><body>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "<h1>" & Mes(9,lng) & ("  date : ") & fname & "</h1>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &   "<h1>" & ("Alain Poujade  version : ") & Replace(CStr(version),",",".") & "</h1>" 
  ' Headers of table 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "<table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "<tr align=left>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th id=dark>#</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th>" & (Mes(25,lng)) & "</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th id=dark>" & (Mes(26,lng)) & "</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th>" & ("Album") & "</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th id=dark>" & (Mes(27,lng)) & "</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  " <th>" & (Mes(28,lng)) &"</th>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf &  "</tr>" 
  fout = fout & vbcrlf
  fm3u = "#EXTM3U" & vbcrlf
End Sub

Sub Salut(Report)
      MsgBox "Not used at the moment"
End Sub

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:54 am
by nohitter151
Here are my settings that currently DO sync back ratings, playcounts, and On-the-go playlists to my MM library:

iPod mini 2nd gen - d_Pod.dll settings

Auto Synchronization settings
Synchronize entire library

Synchronization options
Synchronize tracks to: Artist - Title
Auto Synchronization settings
Delete Tracks that aren't on the Auto synchronization list from the device
Confirm deletion
Auto synchronize tracks from the device to the pc
Confirm updates
Automatically unmount after Auto synchronize

Device Configuration
Force iTunes style folders
Trim path and/or file name to 31
On rebuild 'device database':
Update database based on newly added tracks

Allow device filesystem browsing

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:52 am
by apoujade
Thank's for your setting

I will try immediatly and make back my result after