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Post by kasnki »

Very very good! :D

Please add feature: Artists with several songs not displayed, because if you have many compiliation albums, where one artist - one track, then offen in artist node displayed one track. Add setting "Displayed artist with minimum tracks".

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Post by jsummers »

I take this is not working with MM3?

Re: mm3

Post by Guest »

jsummers wrote:I take this is not working with MM3?
I was just going to post something here to mention that this script appears to not work with MM3... Any chance of it being made compatible? I really enjoyed this script with MM2...
Posts: 17
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Re: Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs

Post by Siggiminator »

Well the code does not seem to be too difficult - I am sure it is just a command compatibility issue... If anyone if some scripting abilities could please have a look at this - I really like the idea behind this!

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Re: Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs

Post by Bex »

I've only changed the sql used in the script but this should do it:

Code: Select all

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
    '                  "Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs", Sept-01-2004
    '         VBScript for MediaMonkey MM3 (or above), written by Octopod
    '         MM3 support added by Bex (2008-09-22)
    ' Purpose:
    ' - This script adds a new tree node named "Today..." after the Playlists one
    ' - Each time you start MediaMonkey: an artist, an album and 14 songs (default)
    '   are randomly selected from the entire DB
    ' - If you don't like the selection of the day, a toolbar icon can be enabled to
    '   re-randomize it ("Standard" toolbar)
    ' - If you do not change the used strings, this script is localization-compatible
    ' - Hope you will enjoy it!
    ' Known issue:
    ' - If a "today sub-node" is already selected when randomize is manually forced:
    '   1. Bad node selection refresh
    '   2. Tracks list is not updated (need to hit 'F5' or change node)
    ' Notes:
    ' - This script uses registry keys because i did not succeeded in retrieving a
    '   global value from the nodes callbacks
    ' - This script may be not or badly optimized as i do not know VBS
    ' - So, and although this script should be safe, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    ' --> Number of songs you want to be proposed?
    NbSongs = 14

    ' --> Expand the node at startup?
    ExpandNewNode = False

    ' --> Explicit nodes caption?
    ExplicitCaption = True

    ' --> Enable re-randomize?
    EnableReRandomize = False

    ' Globals (cardinals)
    Dim ArtistsCardinal
    Dim AlbumsCardinal
    Dim SongsCardinal

    ' Globals (random positions)
    Dim SelectedArtistPos
    Dim SelectedAlbumPos
    Dim SelectedSongsPos()

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Sub OnStartup

      Dim Tree
      Set Tree = SDB.MainTree

      ' Main node
      Set Node_Today = Tree.CreateNode
      Node_Today.Caption = SDB.Localize("Today") + "..."
      Node_Today.IconIndex = 49
      Node_Today.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      Tree.AddNode Tree.Node_Playlists, Node_Today, 1
      SDB.Objects("Node_Today") = Node_Today

      ' Subnode 1 (Artist)
      Set Node_TodayArtist = Tree.CreateNode
      Node_TodayArtist.Caption = SDB.Localize("Artist")
      Node_TodayArtist.IconIndex = 0
      Node_TodayArtist.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      Node_TodayArtist.OnFillTracksFunct = "FillTodayArtist"
      Tree.AddNode Node_Today, Node_TodayArtist, 3
      SDB.Objects("Node_TodayArtist") = Node_TodayArtist

      ' Subnode 2 (Album)
      Set Node_TodayAlbum = Tree.CreateNode
      Node_TodayAlbum.Caption = SDB.Localize("Album")
      Node_TodayAlbum.IconIndex = 16
      Node_TodayAlbum.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      Node_TodayAlbum.OnFillTracksFunct = "FillTodayAlbum"
      Tree.AddNode Node_Today, Node_TodayAlbum, 3
      SDB.Objects("Node_TodayAlbum")  = Node_TodayAlbum
      ' Subnode 3 (Songs)
      Set Node_TodaySong = Tree.CreateNode
      If (ExplicitCaption) Then
        Node_TodaySong.Caption = "(" + CStr(NbSongs) + " " + SDB.Localize("tracks") + ")"
        Node_TodaySong.Caption = SDB.Localize("Title")
      End If
      Node_TodaySong.IconIndex = 3
      Node_TodaySong.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
      Node_TodaySong.OnFillTracksFunct = "FillTodaySong"
      Tree.AddNode Node_Today, Node_TodaySong, 3

      If (EnableReRandomize) Then
        ' Add a button to the Standard toolbar...
        Set UI = SDB.UI
        UI.AddMenuItemSep UI.Menu_TbStandard, -1, 0
        Set Mnu = UI.AddMenuItem( UI.Menu_TbStandard, 0, 0)
        Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
        Mnu.OnClickFunc = "ForceNewSelection"
        Mnu.IconIndex = 45
        Mnu.Hint = SDB.Localize("Today") + "..."
      End If
      ' Prepare selection at startup
      Node_Today.Expanded = ExpandNewNode

    End Sub

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Sub NewSelection(arg)

      ' Explicit caption
      If (ExplicitCaption) Then

        Dim ID

        ' Artist
        Set Node_TodayArtist = SDB.Objects("Node_TodayArtist")
        ID = GetArtistID(SelectedArtistPos)
        Set ArtistName = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Artists.Artist FROM Artists WHERE Tracks>0 AND Artists.ID = " + CStr(ID))
        Node_TodayArtist.Caption = ArtistName.StringByIndex(0)
        ' Album
        Set Node_TodayAlbum = SDB.Objects("Node_TodayAlbum")
        ID = GetAlbumID(SelectedAlbumPos)
        Set AlbumName = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Albums.Album FROM Albums WHERE Albums.ID = " + CStr(ID))
        Node_TodayAlbum.Caption = AlbumName.StringByIndex(0)

      End If

    End Sub

    Sub ForceNewSelection(arg)

      ' Force explicit captions refresh
      If (EnableReRandomize) Then
        ' Main node
        Set Node_Today = SDB.Objects("Node_Today")
        If (Node_Today.Expanded) Then
          Node_Today.Expanded = False
          Node_Today.Expanded = True
        End If
      End If

    End Sub

    Sub InitCardinals

      ' Artists (remove ID = 0 = "Unknown" artist)
      Set AllArtists = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Artists WHERE Tracks>0")
      ArtistsCardinal = AllArtists.StringByIndex(0)

      ' Albums (remove ID = 0 = "Unknown" album)
      Set AllAlbums = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Albums WHERE Tracks>0")
      AlbumsCardinal = AllAlbums.StringByIndex(0)

      ' Songs
      Set AllSongs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Songs")
      SongsCardinal = AllSongs.StringByIndex(0)

    End Sub

    Sub InitSelections


      ' Randomly select a **position** within artists IDs records
      SelectedArtistPos = Int(Rnd * ArtistsCardinal)

      ' Randomly select **position** within albums IDs records
      SelectedAlbumPos = Int(Rnd * AlbumsCardinal)
      ' Randomly select "NbSongs" **positions** within songs IDs records
      ReDim SelectedSongsPos(NbSongs)
      For i = 1 to NbSongs
        SelectedSongsPos(i) = Int(Rnd * SongsCardinal)
      ' Bubble sort
      ' (sort positions to speed up songs display; only one loop)
      Dim count, i, j, temp
      count = UBound(SelectedSongsPos, 1)
      For j = 0 To NbSongs - 1
        For i = 0 To NbSongs - 1
          If SelectedSongsPos(i) > SelectedSongsPos(i + 1) Then
            temp = SelectedSongsPos(i + 1)
            SelectedSongsPos(i + 1) = SelectedSongsPos(i)
            SelectedSongsPos(i) = temp
          End If

      ' Save selections
      Set Regs = SDB.Registry
      If Regs.OpenKey("SelectionOfTheDay", True) Then
        Regs.IntValue("SelectedArtistPos") = SelectedArtistPos
        Regs.IntValue("SelectedAlbumPos") = SelectedAlbumPos
        For i = 1 to NbSongs
          Regs.IntValue("SelectedSongsPos" + CStr(i)) = SelectedSongsPos(i)
        Regs.IntValue("SongsCardinal") = SongsCardinal
      End If

    End Sub

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Function GetArtistID(ArtistPos)

      ' Get all available artists IDs
      ' (This query is done in the callback to avoid slowing startup)
      Set ArtistsIDs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Tracks>0")

      ' Get its related **artist ID** (as position <> ID):

      ' 1. Forward to ArtistPos'th record
      For j = 1 to ArtistPos - 1

      ' 2. Then get its related artist ID
      GetArtistID = ArtistsIDs.StringByIndex(0)

    End Function

    Sub FillTodayArtist(Node)

      ' Get back selected artist position
      Set Regs = SDB.Registry
      If Regs.OpenKey("SelectionOfTheDay", True) Then
        SelectedArtistPos = Regs.IntValue("SelectedArtistPos")
      End If

      ' Get back related artist ID
      Dim ID
      ID = GetArtistID(SelectedArtistPos)

      ' Prepare query
      Dim ArtistQuery
      ArtistQuery = ", ArtistsSongs WHERE Songs.ID=IDSong AND PersonType=1 AND IDArtist="
      ArtistQuery = ArtistQuery + CStr(ID)
      ArtistQuery = ArtistQuery + " ORDER BY Songs.Year DESC, Songs.IDAlbum, DiscNumber COLLATE NUMERICSTRING, TrackNumber COLLATE NUMERICSTRING"

      ' Now, invoke query and update tracks list
      Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow
      Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery ArtistQuery

    End Sub

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Function GetAlbumID(AlbumPos)

      ' Get all available albums IDs
      ' (This query is done in the callback to avoid slowing startup)
      Set AlbumsIDs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Albums.ID FROM Albums WHERE Tracks>0")

      ' Get its related **album ID** (as position <> ID):

      ' 1. Forward to SelectedAlbumPos'th record
      For j = 1 to SelectedAlbumPos - 1

      ' 2. Then get its related album ID
      GetAlbumID = AlbumsIDs.StringByIndex(0)
    End Function

    Sub FillTodayAlbum(Node)

      ' Get back selected album position
      Set Regs = SDB.Registry
      If Regs.OpenKey("SelectionOfTheDay", True) Then
        SelectedAlbumPos = Regs.IntValue("SelectedAlbumPos")
      End If

      ' Get back related album ID
      Dim ID
      ID = GetAlbumID(SelectedAlbumPos)

      ' Prepare query
      Dim AlbumQuery
      AlbumQuery = "WHERE Songs.IDAlbum = "
      AlbumQuery = AlbumQuery + CStr(ID)
      AlbumQuery = AlbumQuery + " ORDER BY DiscNumber COLLATE NUMERICSTRING, TrackNumber COLLATE NUMERICSTRING"

      ' Now, invoke query and update tracks list
      Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow
      Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery AlbumQuery

    End Sub

    ' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

    Sub FillTodaySong(Node)

      ReDim SelectedSongsPos(NbSongs)

      Dim tempo
      tempo = ""

      ' Get back selected songs positions
      Set Regs = SDB.Registry
      If Regs.OpenKey("SelectionOfTheDay", True) Then
        For i = 1 to NbSongs
          SelectedSongsPos(i) = Regs.IntValue("SelectedSongsPos" + CStr(i))
          tempo = tempo + CStr(SelectedSongsPos(i)) + " / "
        SongsCardinal = Regs.IntValue("SongsCardinal")
      End If

      ' Get all available songs IDs
      ' (This query is done in the callback to avoid slowing startup)
      Set SongsIDs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs ORDER BY Songs.ID")

      ' Store IDs
      ReDim IDList(NbSongs)
      Dim IDCardinal
      IDCardinal = 0

      ' Current position counter
      Dim NextID
      NextID = 1
      ' Forward along the iterator
      ' (This block is a bit complex but its aim is to avoid browsing the iterator
      '  several times, so display of the selected tracks will be faster)
      For j = 0 to (SongsCardinal - 1)

        ' Check if the current item is selected ("SelectedSongsPos" is sorted)
        If (j = SelectedSongsPos(NextID)) Then

          IDList(IDCardinal) = SongsIDs.StringByIndex(0)
          IDCardinal = IDCardinal + 1

          ' Break loop if all IDs already found
          If (NextID = NbSongs) Then
            Exit For
          End If

          ' Otherwise, update next position to reach
          NextID = NextID + 1
          ' Check if douboons in the subsequent cells
          If (NextID < NbSongs) Then
            While (SelectedSongsPos(NextID) = SelectedSongsPos(NextID + 1))
              NextID = NextID + 1
          End If
        End If
        ' Continue...
      ' Prepare query
      Dim SongQuery
      SongQuery = "WHERE Songs.ID IN ("
      For i = 0 to (IDCardinal - 2)
        SongQuery = SongQuery + CStr(IDList(i)) + ", "
      SongQuery = SongQuery + CStr(IDList(IDCardinal - 1)) + ") ORDER BY Songs.SongTitle"
      ' Now, invoke query and update tracks list
      Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow
      Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery SongQuery

      ' Because of possible doubloons and/or ghost songs IDs,
      ' less than "NbSongs" songs might be proposed

    End Sub
Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix Find More From Same - Custom Search. | Transfer PlayStat & Copy-Paste Tags/AlbumArt between any tracks.
Tagging Inconsistencies Do you think you have your tags in order? Think again...
Play History & Stats Node Like having your Last-FM account stored locally, but more advanced.
Case & Leading Zero Fixer Works on filenames too!

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Re: Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs

Post by Senpai3330 »

Hey Great script! I always wanted something like this to rediscover old favorites.

I have a feature to request though. Is there a way to filter out certain genres?

Podcasts/Audiobooks/Soundtracks keep showing up for me :-?

Re: Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs

Post by kmleo »

I have the same issue as the above poster. I would like to filter out the podcasts and audiobooks from my list. I think the SQL code I got from one of my Magic Nodes will work. I modified the SQL call in one of the subfunctions like so:

Subfunction begins at line 328:

Code: Select all

Sub FillTodaySong(Node)

Set SongsIDs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID NOT IN (SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs, GenresSongs, Genres WHERE Songs.ID = GenresSongs.IDSong AND GenresSongs.IDGenre = Genres.IDGenre AND Genres.GenreName IN ('Podcast', 'Audiobook'))")	
The error I get reads like this:
There was a problem querying the database:
Error executing SQL "SELECT Songs.*
FROM Songs
WHERE Songs.ID IN (30, 37, 66, 86, 96, 117, 231, 380,,,,,,,,) ORDER BY Songs.SongTitle
":near ",":syntax error(1,1)
Any thoughts on where I went wrong? I'm not a VBS programmer, so this is a little baffling to me....

Thanks for your assistance!
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Location: Québec

Re: Auto/SelectionOfTheDay.vbs

Post by Eyal »


Try replacing line 348 with this one:

Code: Select all

Set SongsIDs = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT Songs.ID FROM Songs WHERE Genre NOT IN('Podcast', 'Audiobook') ORDER BY Songs.ID")
You need to restart MM after modifying auto scripts.
Skins for MediaMonkey: Cafe, Carbon, Helium, Spotify, Zekton. [ Wiki Zone ].
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