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Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:14 pm
by Hagar
Thanks, I'm having troubles with patience. I had to reboot mediamonkey to have it take effect. So I've got it down to 10 sec previews. Somehow, some songs aren't able to be created and yet some (few) are ghosted out and not played. And another is you still have to watch as a Aerosmith whole album got two different dates associated with it.

But this is a far sight better then no script at all to do this.
To bad the search in Media Monkey is associated with Amazon whom you think would be a tad bit better.

Still kudos to the guy who came up with this one. :D

Ya know playing around with this (and I think I reached my limit as I'm not getting any hit results) could this be scripted to use Wikipedia instead and maybe pull in original art work?
hmmmm, ah heck lets pull in the comments as well.

I was a long time fan and paid for Music-match before yahoo ruined it. And to do this same thing you had to plow through scores of hits. So glad to have discovered Media Monkey and I paid lifetime. Worth it!

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:58 pm
by Eyal
richiefinger wrote:Can someone please tell me how I can edit the code from this so I can get it to use "original year" instead of "year"
I did that change in the script for myself. The script is in \Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\EarliestDateDock.vbs
Using Notepad (or any TEXT editor), modify lines 272 and 284 :


Code: Select all

xdata.year =

Code: Select all

xdata.originalyear =
I'm using the panel undocked, it's always visible, I can resize and move it. Looks like this:


To better handle window resize, I've changed all Anchors alignment @ lines 56, 60, 73, 79 and 86 :

Code: Select all

.Common.Anchors = 15

Code: Select all

.Common.Anchors = 5

To disable automatic date update, so you need to expressly click on a radio button, change lines 245, 247, 251 and 253 :

Code: Select all

.checked = True

Code: Select all

.checked = False

Finally, to prevent the script from setting Cutom5 field with "Date Corrected" string, disable (or delete) lines 278 and 285.

SO... this is the script with all above mods:

Code: Select all

'This script will display a dockable window that shows the searched release dates from discogs,
'will automatically select and save the earliest exact match to date only
'made by yhsiuqs
'email to ubersquishy at gmail dot com

Public Const iMatchesPerSong = 7

Public APIKey
Public XMLdoc, XMLdoc2
Public SrchTxt, SrchType
Public aSongMatchLinks
' the first fields in the last Publicension is an integer showing the heirarchy of the release year
' 1 = earliest release year from all results, is an exact match
' 2 = earliest release year from all results, not an exact match
' 3 = earliest release year from exact matches
' 4 = earliest release year from non-exact matches
' 5 = later release, is an exact match
' 6 = later release, is not an exact match
Public aList
Public xTemp,xData
Public fMain,bStartStop,bApply,lvMain,cOptions,lProgress
Public oRelease
Public aTrackList
Public iArrayIndex1
Public iArrayIndex2
Public aReleaseLinks()
Public bRunFlag
Public fProgress
Public bChecked

Public Sep, Mnu, Pnl, LblAPI, Edt, LblCurrent, lMatches, lCurrent, iExact, iFuzzy
Public rButtons()

Sub OnStartup 
	Dim x,i
	set i = SDB.IniFile
	Set UI = SDB.UI 
	Set Pnl = UI.NewDockablePersistentPanel("DateFixer") 
	if Pnl.IsNew then 
    	Pnl.DockedTo = 2 
    	Pnl.Common.Width = 250 
	end if 
	Pnl.Caption = "Date Fixer" 
	Script.RegisterEvent Pnl, "OnClose", "PnlClose"
	redim rButtons(iMatchesPerSong)

	Set LblAPI = UI.NewLabel(Pnl) 
	LblAPI.Autosize = false 
	LblAPI.Caption = "Discogs API Key"
	LblAPI.Alignment = 2 'centered
	LblAPI.Common.SetRect 10, 10, Pnl.Common.Width-20, 15
	LblAPI.Common.Anchors = 5  'Left+Right                        'Eyal: changed from 15  '1+2+4+8 

	Set Edt = UI.NewEdit(Pnl)
	Edt.Common.SetRect 10, 25, Pnl.Common.Width-20, 15
	Edt.Common.Anchors = 5  'Left+Right                        'Eyal: changed from 15  '1+2+4+8
	Script.RegisterEvent Edt, "OnChange", "EdtSave" 
	if i.ValueExists("EarliestDateDock","APIKey") then
		Edt.Text = i.StringValue("EarliestDateDock","APIKey")
		Edt.Text = "Key"
	end if

	Set lCurrent = UI.NewLabel(Pnl) 
	lCurrent.Autosize = False
	lCurrent.Alignment = 2 'centered
	lCurrent.Caption = "Current Info"
	lCurrent.Common.SetRect 10, 50, Pnl.Common.Width-20, 20
	lCurrent.Common.Anchors = 5  'Left+Right                        'Eyal: changed from 15  '1+2+4+8

	Set LblCurrent = UI.NewLabel(Pnl) 
	LblCurrent.Autosize = False
	LblCurrent.Alignment = 2 'centered
	LblCurrent.Common.SetRect 10, 70, Pnl.Common.Width-20, 20
	LblCurrent.Common.Anchors = 5  'Left+Right                        'Eyal: changed from 15  '1+2+4+8
	Set lMatches = UI.NewLabel(Pnl) 
	lMatches.Autosize = False
	lMatches.Alignment = 2 'centered
	lMatches.Caption = "Search Results"
	lMatches.Common.SetRect 10, 100, Pnl.Common.Width-20, 20
	lMatches.Common.Anchors = 5  'Left+Right                        'Eyal: changed from 15  '1+2+4+8
	for x = 1 to imatchespersong
		set rbuttons(x-1) = UI.NewRadioButton(Pnl)
		rbuttons(x-1).Common.SetRect 10,120+(x-1)*20,Pnl.Common.Width-20, 20
		rbuttons(x-1).Caption = ""
		rbuttons(x-1).Checked = False
		rbuttons(x-1).Common.Visible = False
		rbuttons(x-1).Common.ControlName = cstr("r" & x)
		Script.RegisterEvent rbuttons(x-1).common, "OnClick", "EvalButtons"
	' Add menu item that shows panel after it is closed 
	Set Sep = SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep(SDB.UI.Menu_View,0,0) 
	Set Mnu = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_View,0,0) 
	Mnu.Caption = "Date Fixer" 
	Mnu.Checked = Pnl.Common.Visible 
	Script.RegisterEvent Mnu, "OnClick", "ShowPanel" 
	Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnPlay", "SearchCurrent" 
End Sub 
Sub ShowPanel(Item) 
	Pnl.Common.Visible = not Pnl.Common.Visible 
	Mnu.Checked = Pnl.Common.Visible 
End Sub 
Sub PnlClose( Item) 
	Mnu.Checked = false 
End Sub

Sub SearchCurrent
End Sub

Sub LookupYear()
    Dim u,v, w, x, y, z
	Set UI = SDB.UI
	Set XMLdoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
	XMLdoc.async = "false"
	Set XMLdoc2 = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
	XMLdoc2.async = "false"
	u = 0
	APIKey = Edt.Text
	Set xdata = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
	srchtxt = xdata.artistname & " - " & xdata.title
	iExact = ""
	iFuzzy = ""
	for x = 1 to imatchespersong
		rbuttons(x-1).Caption = ""
		rbuttons(x-1).Checked = False
		rbuttons(x-1).Common.Visible = False
	if cint(xdata.year) > 0 then
		LblCurrent.Caption = srchtxt & ", " & xdata.year
		LblCurrent.Caption = srchtxt & ", no date"
	end if
	if len(APIKey) > 5 then
		if XMLdoc.load("" & SrchTxt & "&f=xml&api_key=" & APIKey) then 'there is search results
			set asongmatchlinks = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("uri")
			if asongmatchlinks.length >= imatchespersong then
				u = imatchespersong
			elseif asongmatchlinks.length > 0 then
				u = asongmatchlinks.length
				u = 0
			end if
			if u > 0 then
				redim areleaselinks(u)
				redim atemp(u,4)
				for y = 0 to (u - 1) 'load release links into array
				   areleaselinks(y) = mid(asongmatchlinks(y).childnodes(0).nodevalue, instr(asongmatchlinks(y).childnodes(0).nodevalue ,"/release/")+9)
				for y = 0 to (u - 1)
					if XMLdoc2.load("" & areleaselinks(y) & "?f=xml&api_key=" & APIKey) then
						if cint(XMLdoc2.selectSingleNode("/resp").attributes.item(2).value) > 5000 then 'maxumimum Discogs searches have been performed for today
							LblCurrent.Caption = "You have reached the maximum allowable searches from Discogs.  Please try again in 24 hours."
							exit sub
						end if
						set oRelease = XMLdoc2.selectSingleNode("/resp/release")
						atemp(y,1) = oRelease.selectSingleNode("artists/artist/name").text 'artist
						Set aTrackList = oRelease.selectNodes("tracklist/track")
						soriginal = ucase(xdata.title)
						for each z in aTrackList
							slookup = ucase(z.selectsinglenode("title").text)
							if slookup = soriginal then 'exact match
								atemp(y,2) = z.selectsinglenode("title").text
								exit for
							elseif instr(1,slookup,soriginal) <> 0 or instr(1,soriginal,slookup) <> 0 then 'title is found in the song title
								atemp(y,2) = z.selectsinglenode("title").text
							end if
						if atemp(y,2) <> vbnullstring then 'found a match
							on error resume next
							z = 0
							z = oRelease.selectsinglenode("released").text
							if z <> 0 then
								atemp(y,3) = left(oRelease.selectsinglenode("released").text,4) 'release year
								atemp(y,3) = vbnullstring
							end if
							on error goto 0
							if instr(1,ucase(atemp(y,1)),ucase(xdata.artistname)) <> 0 or instr(1,ucase(xdata.artistname),ucase(atemp(y,1))) <> 0 then 'matched artist and title
								atemp(y,0) = 5 'show it's an exact match
								atemp(y,0) = 6 'the data is in question
							end if
							rbuttons(y).Common.Visible = True
							if atemp(y,3) <> vbnullstring then
								rbuttons(y).Caption = atemp(y,1) & " - " & atemp(y,2) & ", " & atemp(y,3)
								rbuttons(y).Caption = atemp(y,1) & " - " & atemp(y,2) & ", no date"
							end if
						end if
					end if
				z = (-1) 'set earliest compare index for exact matches
				v = (-1) 'set index for non exact matches
				for y = 0 to (u - 1)
					if atemp(y,3) <> vbnullstring and isnumeric(atemp(y,3)) then 'there is a year found
						if atemp(y,0) = 5 then 'exact match
							if z = (-1) then 'haven't found an earlier release year in exact matches
								if len(xdata.year) > 1 then
									if cint(atemp(y,3)) < cint(xdata.year) then 'it's earlier than the current date
										atemp(y,0) = 3
										z = y
									end if
								else 'no year currently
									atemp(y,0) = 3
									z = y
								end if
							elseif cint(atemp(y,3)) < cint(atemp(z,3)) then 'it's an earlier release date
								atemp(y,0) = 3
								atemp(z,0) = 5
								z = y
							end if
						else 'non exact
							if v = (-1) then 'haven't found an earlier release year in non exact matches
								if len(xdata.year) > 1 then
									if cint(atemp(y,3)) < cint(xdata.year) then 'it's earlier than the current date
										atemp(y,0) = 4
										v = y
									end if
									atemp(y,0) = 4
									v = y
								end if
								if cint(atemp(y,3)) < cint(atemp(v,3)) then 'it's an earlier release date
									atemp(y,0) = 4
									atemp(v,0) = 6
									v = y
								end if
							end if
						end if
					end if
				if z <> (-1) and v <> (-1) then 'both exact and non exact have dates
					if cint(atemp(z,3)) <= cint(atemp(v,3)) then 'exact match is earlier or same release year
						pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & z+1).checked = False            'Eyal: changed for False
					else 'non exact is earliest
						pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & v+1).checked = False            'Eyal: changed for False
					end if
					if z <> (-1) then 'there is an exact match
						pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & z+1).checked = False            'Eyal: changed for False
					elseif v <> (-1) then 'there is a non exact match, but not an exact match
						pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & v+1).checked = False            'Eyal: changed for False
					else 'no matches
					end if
				end if
			end if
		end if
		LblCurrent.Caption = "Please enter a valid discogs API key."
	end if
End Sub

Sub EvalResults
	Dim x
	for x = 1 to imatchespersong
		if rbuttons(x-1).common.visible = true then
			if pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & x).checked = true then
				if right(rbuttons(x-1).caption,4) <> "date" then 'there is a date
					xdata.originalyear = cint(right(rbuttons(x-1).caption,4))                          'Eyal: changed for OriginalYear
				end if
				exit for
			end if
		end if
	'xdata.custom5 = "Date Corrected"                                                                  'Eyal: disabled
End Sub

Sub EvalButtons(r)
	if right(r.caption,4) <> "date" then 'there is a date
		xdata.originalyear = cint(right(r.caption,4))           'Eyal: changed for OriginalYear
		'xdata.custom5 = "Date Corrected"                       'Eyal: disabled
	end if
End Sub

Sub EdtSave(e)
	dim i
	set i = SDB.IniFile
	i.StringValue("EarliestDateDock","APIKey") = e.Text
End Sub

Eyal :~)

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:22 pm
by caewen
i was wondering if anyone could give me a quick hand here. i am trying to mod the script to put a year into SDB.Player.CurrentSong.Year and into SDB.Player.CurrentSong.OriginalYear. if a date exists in SDB.Player.CurrentSong.Year, don't update that field. i don't know squat about vbs, so i am just guessing on how to do it, however, it isn't doing what i want. the changes i have made give me this error:

Error #9 - Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Subscript out of range: '[number: -1]'
File: "long ass line here", Line 290, Column: 5

i have changed the following 2 subs in the script

Code: Select all

Sub EvalResults
   Dim x
   for x = 1 to imatchespersong
      if rbuttons(x-1).common.visible = true then
         if pnl.common.childcontrol("r" & x).checked = true then
            if right(rbuttons(x-1).caption,4) <> "date" then 'there is a date
               xdata.originalyear = cint(right(rbuttons(x-1).caption,4))
            end if
            exit for
         end if
      end if
'   xdata.custom5 = "Date Corrected"
End Sub

Sub EvalButtons(r)
   if right(r.caption,4) <> "date" then 'there is a date
   if cint(xdata.year) > 0 then
      xdata.originalyear = cint(right(r.caption,4))
      xdata.originalyear = cint(right(r.caption,4))
      xdata.year = cint(right(r.caption,4))
   end if
'      xdata.custom5 = "Date Corrected"
   end if
End Sub
anyone able to tell me how to make this work to update only the originalyear if year already exists, or update both year and originalyear if it doesn't?

thanks a ton

edit: dunno why, but just changing the second sub and not the first one works the way i want it to. it will change the originalyear field always, and will change year if it doesn't already have data in it. changed the section in code brackets to show the new part if anyone else wants to use it.

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:28 pm
by corncobia
I would like to give this script a try but am having trouble with the Discogs API code. I signed up at Discogs but they no long use codes. Any ideas?


Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:53 pm
by Eyal
corncobia wrote: am having trouble with the Discogs API code.
I think you need it anyway. You can find your API key in Discogs web site (need to be logged in):
--> My Discogs (menu at top right) -> Settings --> API Access (tab).


Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:33 pm
by Trajan
Thanks, Eyal, that worked. BTW, I LOVE your skins. I am currently alternating between two of your Zekton skins, (Red and Black Currant). I like Dawn also but it is not available on MediaFire. I get a message that the file is "Invalid or Deleted." Anyway, VERY nice work!

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:26 am
by Blutarsky
Would be great if:
(A) Could use MusicBrainz Database: seems more accurate than discogs
(B) Allow update of multiple tracks at once (with preview)
(C) Fix the clipped content! :

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:06 pm
by spikestorey
Will there be an update for api v2

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:24 pm
by Hagar
I take it that this a dead issue now. It won't or doesn't work anymore?

NOOOOoooooooo :o

What can one do now to have the earliest date show in the date?

And I'm not talking by looking up auto tag from the web, that does an album search and not the song.

Discog seems to work only if I type in the group and each song. This is a pain for best of CD's.

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:24 am
by Hagar
Anyone, Buller,Buller?

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:09 am
by Hagar
Well then does anyone know if another script will do this?


Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:46 pm
by Hagar
All right, is there another way to do this? Discogs perhaps.

Oh why oh why when the other way was working so well. :(

Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:09 am
by Guest
Apparently Discogs made a big API change on 1/15/12 and e-mailed existing users new keys,
but I can't find any clear directions for new users to obtain one.

Looks like this script is d-e-d. |-(


Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:09 pm
by Hagar
I think got the new key or actually you don't need a key I think. This script just doesn't work with the new system. Wish I knew how to make it work or someone would say what works.
Discogs perhaps? :o

Hoping someone smarter then I takes up the challenge. :D


Re: Earliest release date from Discogs

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:03 am
by yhsiuqs
Hey folks!

Sorry for not monitoring this thread looks like the site stopped notifying me of new posts a while back. I also stopped using this script a couple of computer upgrades ago, forgetting that it was even there.

I will see about updating the script to handle the new stuff over at Discogs (and make it more user-friendly), but I can't guarantee anything. If you know anything about scripting, feel free to take the script and modify it however you feel fit...hopefully we will one day have an integrated solution that is both user-friendly AND bug-free!