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Sync back ratings & play counts (MSC) v1.9.3 2013-12-03

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:50 pm
by Aff
What is it about?

With Android devices - if you don't want to use "MediaMonkey for Android" - Auto-Sync is unable to sync back ratings (tags only, not the entire file!) and play count, neither in MTP (Media Player) nor in MSC (Mass Storage) mode. Basically the same problem exists for all portable devices in MSC mode.
And here comes the solution: this script enables you to sync your rating tags from any portable USB device back to MediaMonkey and to sync play statistics from/to Android Music PlayerPro! 8)

How does it work?

The script looks up all tracks from the last Auto-Sync of a device in MediaMonkey. Therefore the songs are matched precisely by their ID in MediaMonkey and the file name on the device. So it doesn't matter if you changed e.g. the artist name of a song after your last Auto-Sync anywhere, or even the file name on the PC. And it works for format converted songs as well, e.g. ape on PC and mp3 on portable device.

Ratings are synced back from the device node (be aware that in MM 4 only the Folder node shows current tags, the Music node is not refreshed).
Unchanged or empty (no star) ratings are ignored.
Play count, skip count (needs MM 4) and last played date are synced from an XML file on the device. If a value is higher than in MM it is copied to MM, otherwise it is copied from MM. At the moment, this feature is supported only for Android with PlayerPro as music player app.
New files from the device are ignored (e.g. tracks downloaded to a phone).
If you have several synced MSC devices, you can choose which one to sync. The device has to be attached of course... :)


Download and execute the installation package SyncBackRatings.mmip

After this, you can start "Sync Back Ratings" by the corresponding menu item in Tools or in the pop up of the main tree (press right mouse key).

Requires USB mass storage device (d_USBMass*.dll)! If your device was automatically attached using d_WMDM.dll, you have to disable it and configure d_USBMass1.dll manually.

The script is for MediaMonkey version 3 and 4. I will be glad to give you support, however my spare time is somewhat limited. So use it at your own risk.

Android devices

The android USB connection has to be set to "Mass storage" (not "Media player").
Your music player app has to be capable of writing the rating tag to the file.

In case you use PlayerPro:
  1. Select Settings, Music library, Rating system, Media Monkey
  2. Select Settings, Music library, Import music stats, Music files (ratings only)
If Windows Media Player or Winamp was selected as rating system before, you may see different ratings, because PlayerPro adds a new rating tag instead of moving the ratings from one system to another. Then in MM you may only see the old ratings. To clean up, check/set the ratings in MM manually first, delete all music from the device and do a complete Auto-Sync.

How to sync play statistics:
  1. In MM, go to Tools, Options, Portable/Audio Devices, SyncBackRatings and enable "Sync back play count from PlayerPro on Android (Songbird format)"
  2. Create the XML file from PlayerPro. To do this, start the app, go to Settings, Library, Settings, Music library, Export music stats, Songbird.
  3. Attach the device (you may have to activate the USB drive and restart MM)
  4. Start "Sync Back Ratings"
  5. Detach the device (eject and deactivate)
  6. In PlayerPro, Import music stats, External library.
    After an auto-sync do steps 2-6 before playing any music in order to import stats from MM first.
Updates or Uninstall

To update or uninstall, go to menu Tools->Extensions.
Uninstall will remove any older manually installed version (before v0.7) as well. If you update from a version before v0.7, it is strongly recommended to uninstall the old version, either manually (delete from \scripts and scripts.ini) or by installing, then uninstalling and reinstalling the current version.


This script is not a perfect solution yet. Why?
  • A few new Android phones like Samsung Galaxy S3 don't support MSC natively. Alternatives are rooting and Easy UMS or using the external SD card directly on the PC. Or you can use the other script Sync stats for Android PlayerPro XML (MTP).
  • This has to be executed manually. Does anybody know how the script could execute an Auto-Sync afterwards? I guess it's not possible to let the script be started automatically with an Auto-Sync, but before MM syncs actually?
  • To get the ratings the script navigates to the node of the device and reads its song list, which can take some time.
Options screen


Update songs screen


Source Code (SyncBackRatings.vbs)

Code: Select all

'  Sync back ratings and play count from device to MM according to last executed sync
'  12. Mar. 2013
'  First created 14. Aug. 2011
'  by Aff
'  Some portions inspired from trixmoto and apoujade
'  Thanks abatistas1709 for contributing conversion from UTC/GMT to local time
'  For details please visit the MediaMonkey forum:
'  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
'  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
'  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
'  (at your option) any later version.
'  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'  GNU General Public License for more details.
'  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
'  If you plan to modify this script and publish it, please
'    - make a clear reference to the above-mentioned forum thread and authorship
'    - use the most recent source if possible
'    - inform me (PM) if there are any bugs in my code or if you have made any improvements to it.

Option Explicit

Const AppTitle = "Sync Back Ratings"
Const AppID = "SyncBackRatings"
Const AppVersion = "1.9.2"

Dim bOnTrackListFilled
Dim bTimeOut
Dim aMulticolList 'for TreeView ListView event

Sub OnStartup()

    ' Add a submenu to the Tools menu...
    Dim Mnu
    Set Mnu = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Tools, 2, -2)       ' The second item from the bottom in the second section of tools menu
    Mnu.Caption = AppTitle
    Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Mnu.OnClickFunc = AppID
    Mnu.IconIndex = 66
    '...and keep a reference for uninstall
    Set SDB.Objects(AppID & "_MnuTools") = Mnu
    ' Add a submenu to pop-up menu of the main tree. ...
    SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_Tree, -1, -1
    Set Mnu = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_Tree, -1, -1)
    Mnu.Caption = AppTitle
    Mnu.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Mnu.OnClickFunc = AppID
    Mnu.IconIndex = 66
    '...and keep a reference for uninstall
    Set SDB.Objects(AppID & "_MnuPopTree") = Mnu
    ' Create default options if missing
    If SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "TimeOut") = 0 Then _
       SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "TimeOut") = 120
    ' Create sheet that is a child of Portable/Audio devices sheet and store ID for uninstall
    SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "OptionSheet") = _
        SDB.UI.AddOptionSheet(AppTitle, Script.ScriptPath, "InitSheet", "SaveSheet", -4)

End Sub

Sub SyncBackRatings(v)
    Dim aHeader 'for ReportMulticolList
    'create progress bar
    Dim prog: Set prog = SDB.Progress
    prog.Value = 0
    prog.MaxValue = 1
    prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Initialising - getting devices..."
    WriteLog AppID & " " & AppVersion
    'select device
    Dim i
    Dim DevC: DevC = 0
    Dim DevId: DevId = "" 'Device ID
    Dim DevName: DevName = "" 'Device name
    Dim DevTg: DevTg = "" 'Target (music folder)
    Dim aDevN() 'DeviceCaption (name)
    Dim aDevIdTg() 'ID and Target (music folder)
    'Get devices, last synched will be selected in DropDown
    Dim sTarget
    If SDB.VersionHi >= 4 Then sTarget = "MusicMask" Else sTarget = "TargetMask"
    Dim DevIt
    Set DevIt = SDB.Database.OpenSQL( _
        "SELECT DeviceCaption, ID, " & sTarget & _
        " FROM Devices WHERE DeviceCaption <> '' AND PluginName LIKE 'd\_USBMass%.dll' ESCAPE '\' AND LastAutoSynch > 0 ORDER BY LastAutoSynch DESC")
    While Not DevIt.EOF
        ReDim Preserve aDevN(DevC)
        ReDim Preserve aDevIdTg(1, DevC)
        DevName = DevIt.StringByIndex(0)
        DevId = DevIt.StringByIndex(1)
        DevTg = DevIt.StringByIndex(2)
        WriteLog DevName & "; " & DevTg
        'Find music root folder. DevTg could be e.g. "\music\%R" or "%A" or "\%A", we are interested in "\music" only.
        i = InStr(1, DevTg, "\")
        If i <> 1 Then
            DevTg = "" 'No root folder for music
            DevTg = Mid(DevTg, 2)
            i = InStr(1, DevTg, "\")
            If i > 0 Then DevTg = Mid(DevTg, 1, i - 1)
            If InStr(DevTg, "%") Then DevTg = "" 'No common root folder for all music
        End If
        aDevN(DevC) = DevName
        aDevIdTg(0, DevC) = DevId
        aDevIdTg(1, DevC) = DevTg
        DevC = DevC + 1
    Set DevIt = Nothing
    If DevC < 1 Then
        Call SDB.MessageBox(AppTitle & ": You have no synchronised devices." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                            "Please configure the plug-in for USB Mass Storage Devices with your device and Auto-Sync first." & vbCrLf & _
                            "If your device was automatically attached using d_WMDM.dll, you have to disable it and configure d_USBMass1.dll manually.", mtError, Array(mbOK))
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If DevC > 1 Then
        i = SkinnedListBox("Please select device:", AppTitle, aDevN)
        If i < 0 Then Exit Sub
        DevName = aDevN(i)
        DevId = aDevIdTg(0, i)
        DevTg = aDevIdTg(1, i)
        WriteLog "Selected: " & DevName
    End If

    prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Initialising - getting song list from device..."

    'Tracks last synced to device
    Dim DevTrackIt
    Dim DevTrackItCount
    Set DevTrackIt = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = " & DevId)
    If Not DevTrackIt.EOF Then DevTrackItCount = CInt(DevTrackIt.ValueByIndex(0))
    WriteLog "DevTrackItCount: " & DevTrackItCount

    If DevTrackItCount < 1 Then
        Call SDB.MessageBox(AppTitle & ": You have no synchronised tracks.", mtError, Array(mbOK))
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Register events to wait for songlist
    Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnTrackListFilled", "OnTrackListFilled"
    Dim Tmr
    Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "TimeOut") * 1000)   'Timeout (milliseconds)
    Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "TestTimer"

    'Check/Enable All-Node
    Const sMsgAll = ": Options, Appearance, ""Show 'All' node for contents of folders at top"" has to be enabled."
    With SDB.IniFile
        If Not (.BoolValue("Tree", "ShowLocationAll") And .BoolValue("Tree", "LocationAllTop")) Then
            If SDB.VersionHi >= 4 Then 'in MM3 any change would be lost when closing MM
                If SDB.MessageBox(AppTitle & sMsgAll & vbCrLf & " Change this now?", mtWarning, Array(mbYes, mbabort)) = mrYes Then
                    .BoolValue("Tree", "ShowLocationAll") = True
                    .BoolValue("Tree", "LocationAllTop") = True
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & sMsgAll, mtError, Array(mbabort)
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    End With
    'Navigate to device node
    Dim OldNode
    Set OldNode = SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode
    Dim Node
    Dim NodeMatch
    Set Node = SDB.MainTree.Node_Library
    Do While Not (Node Is Nothing)
        'Node caption is device name + drive letter in brackets
        If Len(Node.Caption) > 5 Then NodeMatch = Left(Node.Caption, Len(Node.Caption) - 5)
        WriteLog NodeMatch & " _ " & DevName
        If NodeMatch = DevName Then Exit Do
        Set Node = SDB.MainTree.NextSiblingNode(Node)
    If Node Is Nothing Then
        SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Device node for '" & DevName & "' not found", mtError, Array(mbabort)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim Drive
    Drive = Left(Right(Node.Caption, 3), 2)
    'MM4: Navigate to Folders node (first Music node is not relevant as it reflects the PC or sync history rather than the actual track tags from the device)
    If SDB.VersionHi >= 4 Then
        Node.Expanded = True 'necessary before activating FirstChildNode if the node wasn't expanded once manually before! Otherwise children not available. MM bug IMHO.
        Set Node = SDB.MainTree.FirstChildNode(Node)
        Do While Not Node Is Nothing
            WriteLog Node.Caption & " _ " & SDB.localize("Folders")
            If Node.Caption = SDB.localize("Folders") Then Exit Do
            Set Node = SDB.MainTree.NextSiblingNode(Node)
        If Node Is Nothing Then
            SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": " & SDB.localize("Folders") & " node '" & DevTg & "' not found", mtError, Array(mbabort)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    'Navigate to music folder (if defined)
    If DevTg <> "" Then
        Node.Expanded = True 'necessary before activating FirstChildNode if the node wasn't expanded once manually before! Otherwise children not available. MM bug IMHO.
        Set Node = SDB.MainTree.FirstChildNode(Node)
        Do While Not Node Is Nothing
            WriteLog Node.Caption & " _ " & DevTg
            If LCase(Node.Caption) = LCase(DevTg) Then Exit Do
            Set Node = SDB.MainTree.NextSiblingNode(Node)
        If Node Is Nothing Then
            SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Music node '" & DevTg & "' not found", mtError, Array(mbabort)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = Node
    Node.Expanded = True 'necessary before activating FirstChildNode if the node wasn't expanded once manually before! Otherwise children not available. MM bug IMHO.
    bOnTrackListFilled = False
    bTimeOut = False
    SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = SDB.MainTree.FirstChildNode(Node) '"All" node
    Loop Until bOnTrackListFilled Or bTimeOut
    'unregister events
    Script.UnRegisterEvents SDB
    Script.UnRegisterEvents Tmr
    If bTimeOut Then
        If SDB.MessageBox(AppTitle & ": Time out waiting for complete track list." & vbCrLf & _
                            "Please increase the time out in Options, Sync Back Ratings." & vbCrLf & _
                            "Sync anyway?", mtError, Array(mbOK, mbabort)) <> mrOk Then Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim DevNodeSongList
    Set DevNodeSongList = SDB.AllVisibleSongList
    SDB.MainTree.CurrentNode = OldNode
    WriteLog "DevNodeSongList.Count: " & DevNodeSongList.Count

    'Get synced tracks
    Set DevTrackIt = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT IDTrack,ID,DevicePath,Rating FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = " & DevId)
    'Get track statistics from XML on device for play count (search loop on array is 100x faster than on xml node objects!)
    Dim bSyncPlayCount
    bSyncPlayCount = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "SyncPlayCount")
    If bSyncPlayCount Then
        prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Initialising - getting play count from PlayerPro..."
        'Get the newest file, e.g. "exported_Di._Okt_25_110412_Songbird.xml"
        Dim sXMLFolder, oFSO, oDrive, oFolder, oFile, sXMLFile, sXMLFileFolder, dNewestDate, sDrives
        Const sSubdirs = "\PlayerPro\Stats\", sFileNameL = "exported_", sFileNameR = "_songbird.xml"
        Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        'Search all removable drives for the latest file (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S has internal & external drive)
        For Each oDrive In oFSO.Drives
            If oDrive.DriveType = 1 Then 'Removable
                If oDrive.IsReady Then
                    WriteLog "Searching XML on " & oDrive.Path
                    sDrives = sDrives & vbCrLf & oDrive.Path 'Drive list for message if nothing found
                    sXMLFolder = oDrive.Path & sSubdirs
                    If oFSO.FolderExists(sXMLFolder) Then
                        Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sXMLFolder)
                        For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
                            If LCase(Left(oFile.Name, 9)) = sFileNameL And LCase(Right(oFile.Name, 13)) = sFileNameR Then
                                If oFile.DateLastModified > dNewestDate Then
                                    dNewestDate = oFile.DateLastModified
                                    sXMLFile = oFile.Path
                                    sXMLFileFolder = oFile.ParentFolder
                                    WriteLog sXMLFile & " " & dNewestDate
                                End If
                            End If
                    End If
                    WriteLog "Drive not ready " & oDrive.Path
                End If
            End If
        If sXMLFile = "" Then
            SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": no statistics file found " & vbCrLf & sSubdirs & sFileNameL & "*" & sFileNameR & vbCrLf _
                            & "on drive(s)" & sDrives & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
                            & "Please export statistics from Android PlayerPro in Songbird format:" & vbCrLf _
                            & "Settings, Music library, Export music stats, Songbird", mtError, Array(mbabort)
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Read play count statistics from the file
        Dim oXmlFile
        Dim oXmlChildNodes, oXmlChildNode
        Set oXmlFile = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
        If oXmlFile.Load(sXMLFile) Then
            Set oXmlChildNodes = oXmlFile.SelectNodes("/properties/mediaitem")
            If oXmlChildNodes.Length = 0 Then
                SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Invalid XML format" & vbCrLf & "No properties/mediaitem found in " & vbCrLf & sXMLFile, mtError, Array(mbabort)
                Exit Sub
            End If
            SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Unable to load" & vbCrLf & sXMLFile, mtError, Array(mbabort)
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Put statistics into array
        Dim aDevXMLStat '()
        ReDim aDevXMLStat(5, oXmlChildNodes.Length - 1)
        i = 0
        For Each oXmlChildNode In oXmlChildNodes
            aDevXMLStat(0, i) = oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("artist")(0).Text
            aDevXMLStat(1, i) = oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("track")(0).Text
            aDevXMLStat(2, i) = oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("album")(0).Text
            aDevXMLStat(3, i) = CInt(0 & oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("play-count")(0).Text) 'Trick to avoid type mismatch error if there is no play-count
            aDevXMLStat(4, i) = CInt(0 & oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("skip-count")(0).Text)
            aDevXMLStat(5, i) = Epoch2DateLocal(CDbl(0 & oXmlChildNode.getElementsByTagName("last-played")(0).Text) / 1000) 'Unix timestamp in Millisekunden
            i = i + 1

        'Check and optionally show duplicates in XML
        Dim aXMLData
        If i > 0 Then
            aXMLData = aDevXMLStat
            Dim iDuplicates, iDupl
            iDuplicates = iGetDuplicates(aXMLData, aMulticolList, Array(1, 2, 3))
            If iDuplicates > 0 Then
                If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "ShowDuplicates") Then
                    aHeader = Array("Artist               ", "Title                 ", "Album                   ", "Play Count", "Skip Count", "Last Played")
                    rsSort aMulticolList, aHeader, aHeader 'sort from left to right column
                    ReportMulticolList iDuplicates & " duplicate tracks found in XML. " & vbCrLf & _
                                        "This may cause unsynched statistics. You may have to clear PlayerPro app data.", _
                                        AppTitle & ": Duplicate Tracks in XML", aHeader, aMulticolList, False
                End If
                WriteLog "Duplicates in XML: " & iDuplicates
                For iDupl = 0 To UBound(aMulticolList, 2)
                    Dim sDupl, iCol
                    sDupl = ""
                    For iCol = 0 To 5
                        sDupl = sDupl & " | " & aMulticolList(iCol, iDupl)
                    WriteLog "Duplicate " & iDupl & sDupl
            End If
        End If
    End If
    'Get tracks to update
    Dim iSongsUpd
    iSongsUpd = 0
    Dim SongsIt 'Songs from MM
    Dim oSonglistUpd 'Songs to update in MM
    Set oSonglistUpd = SDB.NewSongList
    Dim oSonglistDevTrack
    Set oSonglistDevTrack = SDB.NewSongList 'Songs from device
    Dim abUpdRating()
    Dim aiUpdPlaycount()
    Dim aiUpdSkipcount()
    Dim adUpdLastPlayed()
    Dim iRatingsUpd 'count for info
    iRatingsUpd = 0
    Dim iPlaycountsUpd 'count for info
    iPlaycountsUpd = 0
    Dim iSkipcountsUpd 'count for info
    iSkipcountsUpd = 0
    Dim iLastPlayedUpd 'count for info
    iLastPlayedUpd = 0
    Dim iImpTrackUpd 'count tracks to import in PlayerPro for info
    iImpTrackUpd = 0

    Dim bNoSyncIfModifiedInMM
    bNoSyncIfModifiedInMM = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "NoSyncIfModifiedInMM")
    Dim iDevNodeUnmatched
    iDevNodeUnmatched = 0
    Dim iMatched
    iMatched = 0
    Dim iUnMatched
    iUnMatched = 0
    ReDim aMulticolList(3, 0) 'used for report of unmatched
    prog.MaxValue = DevTrackItCount
    i = 0
    'loop synced tracks
    While Not DevTrackIt.EOF
        i = i + 1
        prog.Value = i
        prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Checking track " & i & " of " & DevTrackItCount & "..."
        WriteLog DevTrackIt.StringByName("IDTrack") & " " & DevTrackIt.StringByName("DevicePath")
        'get MM track
        Set SongsIt = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND Songs.ID = " & DevTrackIt.StringByName("IDTrack"))
        If SongsIt.EOF Then
            SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Track not found in MM: " & SongsIt.Item.Title, mtError, Array(mbOK)
            'lookup track in device node
            Dim DevNodeSongItm, iP
            Dim bDevNodeMatched
            bDevNodeMatched = False
            Dim FileName
            FileName = Drive & "\" & DevTrackIt.StringByName("DevicePath")
            'WriteLog FileName & vbCrLf & DevNodeSongItm.Path
            For iP = 0 To DevNodeSongList.Count - 1
                If prog.Terminate Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                Set DevNodeSongItm = DevNodeSongList.Item(iP)
                'if found
                If DevNodeSongItm.Path = FileName Then
                    bDevNodeMatched = True
                    'check if rating has to be synced to MM
                    If DevNodeSongItm.Rating <> -1 Then WriteLog "Old rating " & SongsIt.Item.Rating & " New: " & DevNodeSongItm.Rating
                    Dim bChangeRating
                    bChangeRating = False
                    If DevNodeSongItm.Rating > -1 Then 'Is there any rating?
                        If DevNodeSongItm.Rating <> SongsIt.Item.Rating Then 'Is it different to MM?
                            If DevNodeSongItm.Rating <> DevTrackIt.StringByName("Rating") Then 'Has it changed on the device (since the last autosync)?
                                If Not bNoSyncIfModifiedInMM _
                                   Or DevNodeSongItm.FileModified > SongsIt.Item.FileModified _
                                   Or SongsIt.Item.Rating = -1 Then 'Optionally: was the track modified and not empty in MM?
                                    WriteLog "Rating for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title & _
                                        " Date: " & SongsIt.Item.FileModified & " Date device: " & DevNodeSongItm.FileModified
                                    bChangeRating = True
                                    iRatingsUpd = iRatingsUpd + 1
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    'check if play count has to be synced to MM
                    Dim iNewPlaycount
                    iNewPlaycount = 0
                    Dim iNewSkipcount
                    iNewSkipcount = 0
                    Dim dNewLastPlayed
                    dNewLastPlayed = CDate(0)
                    '...and if there are changes to be imported in Player Pro
                    Dim bImpStatsTrack

                    If bSyncPlayCount Then
                        Dim bMatched
                        bMatched = False
                        'Memo: play count increase after Auto-Sync could be calculated and added to MM count, but be aware of unwanted double counts by repeated execution!
                        Dim iaD
                        For iaD = 0 To UBound(aDevXMLStat, 2)
                            'Search array for the track (use current tags from device as they may have been changed in MM or on the device, assuming the XML is up to date)
                            'PlayerPro writes "/" if there are several artists and uses path if title or album is empty or for flac (empty artist remains empty)
                            If LCase(aDevXMLStat(0, iaD)) = LCase(Trim(Replace(DevNodeSongItm.ArtistName, "; ", "/"))) And _
                               ( _
                               LCase(aDevXMLStat(1, iaD)) = LCase(Trim(DevNodeSongItm.Title)) Or _
                                    ( _
                                    (LCase(Right(DevNodeSongItm.Path, 4)) <> ".mp3" Or DevNodeSongItm.Title = "") And _
                                    LCase(aDevXMLStat(1, iaD)) = LCase(WOExtension(FileNameWOPath(DevNodeSongItm.Path))) _
                                    ) _
                                ) And _
                               (LCase(aDevXMLStat(2, iaD)) = LCase(Trim(DevNodeSongItm.AlbumName)) Or _
                                    (DevNodeSongItm.AlbumName = "" And _
                                    LCase(aDevXMLStat(2, iaD)) = LCase(AlbumFromPath(DevNodeSongItm.Path)))) Then
                                bMatched = True
                                iMatched = iMatched + 1
                                bImpStatsTrack = False
                                'Is play count higher than in MM?
                                If aDevXMLStat(3, iaD) > SongsIt.Item.PlayCounter Then
                                    iNewPlaycount = aDevXMLStat(3, iaD)
                                    WriteLog "Play count XML > MM: " & iNewPlaycount & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                    iPlaycountsUpd = iPlaycountsUpd + 1
                                ElseIf aDevXMLStat(3, iaD) < SongsIt.Item.PlayCounter Then  'Change XML according to MM {Übergangslösung}
                                    oXmlChildNodes.Item(iaD).getElementsByTagName("play-count")(0).Text = SongsIt.Item.PlayCounter
                                    WriteLog "Play count MM > XML: " & SongsIt.Item.PlayCounter & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                    bImpStatsTrack = True
                                End If
                                If SDB.VersionHi >= 4 Then
                                    If aDevXMLStat(4, iaD) > SongsIt.Item.SkipCount Then
                                        iNewSkipcount = aDevXMLStat(4, iaD)
                                        WriteLog "Skip count XML > MM: " & iNewSkipcount & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                        iSkipcountsUpd = iSkipcountsUpd + 1
                                    ElseIf aDevXMLStat(4, iaD) < SongsIt.Item.SkipCount Then 'Change XML according to MM {Übergangslösung}
                                        oXmlChildNodes.Item(iaD).getElementsByTagName("skip-count")(0).Text = SongsIt.Item.SkipCount
                                        WriteLog "Skip count MM > XML: " & SongsIt.Item.SkipCount & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                        bImpStatsTrack = True
                                    End If
                                End If
                                If DateDiff("s", SongsIt.Item.LastPlayed, aDevXMLStat(5, iaD)) > 0 Then
                                    dNewLastPlayed = aDevXMLStat(5, iaD)
                                    WriteLog "Last played  XML > MM: " & dNewLastPlayed & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                    iLastPlayedUpd = iLastPlayedUpd + 1
                                ElseIf DateDiff("s", SongsIt.Item.LastPlayed, aDevXMLStat(5, iaD)) < 0 Then 'Change XML according to MM {Übergangslösung}
                                    oXmlChildNodes.Item(iaD).getElementsByTagName("last-played")(0).Text = DateLocal2Epoch(SongsIt.Item.LastPlayed) * 1000
                                    WriteLog "Last played MM > XML: " & SongsIt.Item.LastPlayed & " for: " & SongsIt.Item.Title
                                    bImpStatsTrack = True
                                End If
                                If bImpStatsTrack Then iImpTrackUpd = iImpTrackUpd + 1
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        If Not bMatched Then
                            'Fill list for report
                            ReDim Preserve aMulticolList(3, iUnMatched)
                            aMulticolList(0, iUnMatched) = DevNodeSongItm.ArtistName
                            aMulticolList(1, iUnMatched) = DevNodeSongItm.AlbumName
                            aMulticolList(2, iUnMatched) = DevNodeSongItm.Title
                            aMulticolList(3, iUnMatched) = Right(DevNodeSongItm.Path, 4)
                            iUnMatched = iUnMatched + 1
                            WriteLog "Not found in XML: " & DevNodeSongItm.ArtistName & " | " & DevNodeSongItm.AlbumName & " | " & DevNodeSongItm.Title
                        End If
                    End If
                    'Add song to lists if a tag has to be synced back
                    If bChangeRating Or iNewPlaycount > 0 Or iNewSkipcount > 0 Or dNewLastPlayed > 0 Then
                        'Add to songlist
                        oSonglistUpd.Add (SongsIt.Item)
                        oSonglistDevTrack.Add (DevNodeSongItm)
                        'Remember if rating has to be changed
                        ReDim Preserve abUpdRating(iSongsUpd)
                        abUpdRating(iSongsUpd) = bChangeRating
                        'Remember play count (if it has to be changed)
                        ReDim Preserve aiUpdPlaycount(iSongsUpd)
                        aiUpdPlaycount(iSongsUpd) = iNewPlaycount
                        ReDim Preserve aiUpdSkipcount(iSongsUpd)
                        aiUpdSkipcount(iSongsUpd) = iNewSkipcount
                        ReDim Preserve adUpdLastPlayed(iSongsUpd)
                        adUpdLastPlayed(iSongsUpd) = dNewLastPlayed
                        iSongsUpd = iSongsUpd + 1
                    End If
                    Exit For
                End If
            If Not bDevNodeMatched Then
                iDevNodeUnmatched = iDevNodeUnmatched + 1
                WriteLog "Not found on device: " & FileName
            End If
        End If
        Set SongsIt = Nothing
    Set DevTrackIt = Nothing
    'Write import for PlayerPro (even if there is no change to the export because user could try to import anyway)
    If bSyncPlayCount Then
        If iMatched < DevTrackItCount Then
            aHeader = Array("Artist               ", "Album                 ", "Title                   ", "Extension")
            rsSort aMulticolList, aHeader, aHeader 'sort from left to right column
            ReportMulticolList "Only " & iMatched & " of " & DevTrackItCount & " tracks found in XML." & vbCrLf & _
                                        "This can happen if tag interpretation by PlayerPro is different from MM.", _
                                        AppTitle & ": Unmatched Tracks", aHeader, aMulticolList, False
            ReDim aMulticolList(3, 0) 'Clean up
        End If
        Dim sImportFile
        sImportFile = sXMLFileFolder & "\import.xml"
        prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Writing " & sImportFile
        WriteLog sImportFile
        oXmlFile.Save sImportFile
    End If

    Dim sMsg
    If bSyncPlayCount Then
        If iImpTrackUpd > 0 Then
            sMsg = "Please import statistics in PlayerPro (" & iImpTrackUpd & " track"
            If iImpTrackUpd > 1 Then sMsg = sMsg & "s"
            sMsg = sMsg & " to be updated): Settings, Music library, Import music stats, External library." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
            sMsg = "No tracks found to be updated in PlayerPro." & vbCrLf
        End If
    End If
    'Update in MM (ask user)
    Dim iColMax
    If bSyncPlayCount Then iColMax = 7 Else iColMax = 4
    If iSongsUpd > 0 Then
        ReDim aMulticolList(iColMax, 0)
        If bSyncPlayCount Then
            aHeader = Array("Artist        ", "Album          ", "Title           ", "Path        ", "Rating ", "Play count", "Skip count", "Last played  ")
            aHeader = Array("Artist         ", "Album          ", "Title            ", "Path            ", "Rating")
        End If
        For iP = 0 To oSonglistUpd.Count - 1
            'Fill list for report
            ReDim Preserve aMulticolList(iColMax, iP)
            aMulticolList(0, iP) = oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).ArtistName
            aMulticolList(1, iP) = oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).AlbumName
            aMulticolList(2, iP) = oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).Title
            aMulticolList(3, iP) = oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).Path
            If abUpdRating(iP) Then aMulticolList(4, iP) = String(RatingMM2XML(oSonglistDevTrack.Item(iP).Rating), "*")
            If bSyncPlayCount Then
                If aiUpdPlaycount(iP) > 0 Then aMulticolList(5, iP) = aiUpdPlaycount(iP)
                If aiUpdSkipcount(iP) > 0 Then aMulticolList(6, iP) = aiUpdSkipcount(iP)  '=0 if MM<=3
                If adUpdLastPlayed(iP) > 0 Then aMulticolList(7, iP) = adUpdLastPlayed(iP)
            End If
        rsSort aMulticolList, aHeader, aHeader 'sort from left to right column
        sMsg = sMsg & "Ratings (" & iRatingsUpd & ")"
        If bSyncPlayCount Then
            sMsg = sMsg & ", play count (" & iPlaycountsUpd & ")"
            If SDB.VersionHi >= 4 Then sMsg = sMsg & ", skip count (" & iSkipcountsUpd & ")"
            sMsg = sMsg & " or last played (" & iLastPlayedUpd & ")"
        End If
        'Ask user
        If ReportMulticolList(sMsg & " found to be updated from device to:", AppTitle, aHeader, aMulticolList, True) = 1 Then
            For iP = 0 To oSonglistUpd.Count - 1
                If abUpdRating(iP) Then oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).Rating = oSonglistDevTrack.Item(iP).Rating
                If aiUpdPlaycount(iP) > 0 Then oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).PlayCounter = aiUpdPlaycount(iP)
                If aiUpdSkipcount(iP) > 0 Then oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).SkipCount = aiUpdSkipcount(iP) '=0 if MM<=3
                If adUpdLastPlayed(iP) > 0 Then oSonglistUpd.Item(iP).LastPlayed = adUpdLastPlayed(iP)
            Set oSonglistUpd = Nothing
        End If
        SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & sMsg & "No tracks found to be updated from the device.", mtInformation, Array(mbOK)
    End If
    prog.Text = AppTitle & ": Finished"
    WriteLog "Finished"
End Sub

Function SkinnedListBox(Text, Caption, Options)
    Dim Form, Label, Edt, btnOk, btnCancel, modalResult, i

    ' Create the window to be shown
    Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
    Form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, 360, 130
    Form.BorderStyle = 2        ' Resizable
    Form.FormPosition = 4     ' Screen Center
    Form.Caption = Caption
    ' Create a button that closes the window
    Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
    Label.Caption = Text
    Label.Common.Left = 5
    Label.Common.Top = 10
    Set Edt = SDB.UI.NewDropDown(Form)
    Edt.Common.Left = Label.Common.Left
    Edt.Common.Top = Label.Common.Top + Label.Common.Height + 5
    Edt.Common.Width = Form.Common.Width - 20
    Edt.Common.ControlName = "Edit1"
    Edt.Common.Anchors = 1 + 2 + 4 'Left+Top+Right
    Edt.Style = 2
    'Edt.AddItem ("Please select...")
    For i = 0 To UBound(Options)
        Edt.AddItem (Options(i))
    Edt.ItemIndex = 0
    ' Create a button that closes the window
    Set btnOk = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    btnOk.Caption = "&OK"
    btnOk.Common.Top = Edt.Common.Top + Edt.Common.Height + 10
    btnOk.Common.Hint = "OK"
    btnOk.Common.Anchors = 4     ' Right
    btnOk.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    btnOk.Default = True
    btnOk.modalResult = 1
    Set btnCancel = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    btnCancel.Caption = "&Cancel"
    btnCancel.Common.Left = Form.Common.Width - btnCancel.Common.Width - 15
    btnOk.Common.Left = btnCancel.Common.Left - btnOk.Common.Width - 10
    btnCancel.Common.Top = btnOk.Common.Top
    btnCancel.Common.Hint = "Cancel"
    btnCancel.Common.Anchors = 4     ' Right
    btnCancel.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    btnCancel.Cancel = True
    btnCancel.modalResult = 2
    If (Form.showModal = 1) Then ' And (Edt.ItemIndex > 0) Then
        SkinnedListBox = Edt.ItemIndex 'Options(Edt.ItemIndex) '- 1)
'        SkinnedListBox = ""
    End If
End Function

Sub OnTrackListFilled()
    bOnTrackListFilled = True
End Sub

Sub TestTimer(Timer)
'   SDB.MessageBox "10 seconds elapsed!", mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
    bTimeOut = True
    Script.UnRegisterEvents Timer  ' Terminate usage of this timer
End Sub

Function ReportMulticolList(Text, Caption, aHeader, aMulticolList, bCancelBt)
    'e.g. aTitle=Array("Column0Title","Column1Title")
    'asList(Column, RowIndex)
    'bCancelBt True if Cancel button shall be shown
    Dim Form, Label, VT, btnOk, btnCancel, iColHdMax, iRowMax, i, iHdrTotalLen
    iColHdMax = UBound(aHeader)
    iRowMax = UBound(aMulticolList, 2)
    ' Create the window to be shown
    Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
    Form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, 800, 600 'l, t, w, h
    Form.BorderStyle = 2        ' Resizable
    Form.FormPosition = 4     ' Screen Center
    Form.Caption = Caption
    Set Label = SDB.UI.NewLabel(Form)
    Label.Caption = Text
    Label.Common.Left = 5
    Label.Common.Top = 10
    'TreeList listview
    Set VT = SDB.UI.NewTreeList(Form)
    VT.Common.Left = Label.Common.Left
    VT.Common.Top = Label.Common.Top + Label.Common.Height + 5
    VT.Common.Height = Form.Common.Height - Label.Common.Height - 90
    VT.Common.Width = Form.Common.Width - 25
    VT.Common.Anchors = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 'Left+Top+Right+Bottom
    VT.HeaderVisible = True
    iHdrTotalLen = Len(Join(aHeader, "")) 'Total length of headers
    For i = 0 To iColHdMax
        VT.HeaderAddColumn aHeader(i)
        'Fit weighted by length of header
        VT.HeaderColumnWidth(i) = (VT.Common.Width - 6.5) * (Len(aHeader(i)) / iHdrTotalLen)
    VT.RootNodeCount = iRowMax + 1
    VT.ShowTreeLines = False
    VT.Indent = 0
    VT.FullRowSelect = True
    VT.ExtendedFocus = True
    VT.MultiSelect = True
    VT.GridExtensions = True
    VT.ShowRoot = False
    Script.RegisterEvent VT, "OnGetText", "VTGetText"
    ' Create buttons that close the window
    Set btnOk = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
    btnOk.Caption = "&OK"
    btnOk.Common.Top = VT.Common.Top + VT.Common.Height + 10
    btnOk.Common.Left = Form.Common.Width - btnOk.Common.Width - 20
    btnOk.Common.Hint = "OK"
    btnOk.Common.Anchors = 4 + 8    ' Right+Bottom
    btnOk.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    btnOk.Default = True
    btnOk.modalResult = 1
    If bCancelBt Then
        Set btnCancel = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
        btnCancel.Caption = "&Cancel"
        btnCancel.Common.Left = Form.Common.Width - btnCancel.Common.Width - 20
        btnOk.Common.Left = btnCancel.Common.Left - btnOk.Common.Width - 10
        btnCancel.Common.Top = btnOk.Common.Top
        btnCancel.Common.Hint = "Cancel"
        btnCancel.Common.Anchors = 4 + 8     ' Right+Bottom
        btnCancel.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
        btnCancel.Cancel = True
        btnCancel.modalResult = 2
    End If
    ReportMulticolList = Form.showModal
End Function
Function VTGetText(Node, Column)
    VTGetText = aMulticolList(Column, Node.Index)
End Function

Sub rsSort(ByRef aData, aFields, aSort)
'Text-based sort of a two-dimension array.
'aData: two-dimension array (columns, rows)
'aFields: field names
'aSort: fields on which the rows are to be sorted, like Array("FieldName1 Desc", "FieldName2")
'Credits to:
    Dim rs 'recordset object
    Dim n, i, j 'looping and array indices
    Dim sOrder, sSort 'Sort strings
    ReDim aValues(UBound(aData, 1)) 'Single dimension array for the values
    Const adVarWChar = 202 'Indicates a unicode string value for field added to recordset.
    'Const adVariant = 12 <- no sort
    Const adUseClient = 3
    On Error Resume Next
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") 'New empty recordset
    On Error GoTo 0
    If IsEmpty(rs) Then
        SDB.MessageBox AppTitle & ": Can't create ADODB object. You may have to install MSDAC from first!", _
            mtError, Array(mbOK)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    For n = 0 To UBound(aFields)   'Add fields
        rs.fields.append aFields(n), adVarWChar, 255
    Next 'n
    For j = 0 To UBound(aData, 2)   'Add data rows
        For i = 0 To UBound(aData, 1)
            aValues(i) = aData(i, j)
        Next 'i
        rs.addnew aFields, aValues
    Next 'j
    For n = 0 To UBound(aSort)   'Add brackets (needed if field name has spaces)
        If LCase(Right(aSort(n), 4)) = " asc" Then sOrder = " asc"
        If LCase(Right(aSort(n), 5)) = " desc" Then sOrder = " desc"
        sSort = sSort & "[" & Left(aSort(n), Len(aSort(n)) - Len(sOrder)) & "]" & sOrder & ", "
    Next 'n

    rs.Sort = sSort 'Sort on specified fields

    Const adBookmarkFirst = 1 'the first record.
    aData = rs.GetRows(UBound(aData, 2) + 1, adBookmarkFirst, aFields)

End Sub

Sub InitSheet(oSheet)
    Dim oCtrl
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewLabel(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Caption = "v" & AppVersion & " "
        .Common.Align = 4 ' Right
        On Error Resume Next
        .Common.FontColor = &HF0 'Dark red
        On Error GoTo 0
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewCheckBox(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Checked = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "NoSyncIfModifiedInMM")
        .Caption = "Don't sync back rating for tracks with file modification on PC newer than on device"
        .Common.SetRect 10, 10, 425, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "cbNoSyncIfModifiedInMM"
        .Common.Hint = "If the modification date of a song on the PC is updated by any tag change, not only ratings, the rating won't be synced, " & _
                       "except if there is no rating on the PC, but on the device"
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewCheckBox(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Checked = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "SyncPlayCount")
        .Caption = "Sync back play count from/to PlayerPro on Android (Songbird format)"
        .Common.SetRect 10, 40, 425, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "cbSyncPlayCount"
        .Common.Hint = "Play count statistics are read from an XML file in the Songbird RatingFile AddOn format (SRF)." & vbCrLf & _
                       "The Android app PlayerPro can use this. You have to export the file there before starting " & AppTitle
        Script.RegisterEvent .Common, "OnClick", "cbSyncPlayCountClick"
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewCheckBox(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Checked = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "ShowDuplicates")
        .Caption = "Show duplicates in the XML file"
        .Common.SetRect 40, 70, 500, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "cbShowDuplicates"
        .Common.Hint = "Duplicates can cause unsynchronised tags"
        .Common.Enabled = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("cbSyncPlayCount").Checked
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewLabel(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Common.SetRect 10, 104, 65, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "lbTimeOut"
        .Caption = "Time out when waiting for the device song list for more than:"
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewSpinEdit(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .MaxValue = 3600
        .MinValue = 10
        .Value = SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "TimeOut")
        .Common.SetRect 310, 100, 50, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "seTimeOut"
        .Common.Hint = "Time out (min 10s, max 3600s)"
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewLabel(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Common.SetRect 370, 104, 20, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "lbSec"
        .Caption = "seconds"
    End With
    Set oCtrl = SDB.UI.NewCheckBox(oSheet)
    With oCtrl
        .Checked = SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "WriteLog")
        .Caption = "Write debug log file '" & sLogfile() & "'"
        .Common.SetRect 10, 130, 500, 20 'L, T, W, H
        .Common.ControlName = "cbWriteLog"
        .Common.Hint = "May be helpful for support (please visit the " & AppTitle & " thread in forum 'Need Help with Addons?')."
    End With
End Sub

Sub cbSyncPlayCountClick(oCtrl)
    oCtrl.Common.TopParent.Common.ChildControl("cbShowDuplicates").Common.Enabled = oCtrl.Checked
End Sub

Sub SaveSheet(oSheet)
    SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "NoSyncIfModifiedInMM") _
        = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("cbNoSyncIfModifiedInMM").Checked
    SDB.IniFile.IntValue(AppID, "TimeOut") _
        = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("seTimeOut").Value
    SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "SyncPlayCount") _
        = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("cbSyncPlayCount").Checked
    SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "ShowDuplicates") _
        = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("cbShowDuplicates").Checked
    SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "WriteLog") _
        = oSheet.Common.ChildControl("cbWriteLog").Checked
End Sub

Function Epoch2DateLocal(dEpoch)
    Dim dDateGMT
    If dEpoch > 0 Then
        'Convert from epoch to VB
        dDateGMT = DateAdd("s", dEpoch, #1/1/1970#)
        'Convert from UTC/GMT to local time (thanks abatistas1709 for contributing this!)
        Epoch2DateLocal = DateAdd("n", iLocalTimeOffset() * -1, dDateGMT)
    End If
End Function

Function DateLocal2Epoch(dDateLocal)
    Dim dDateGMT
    If dDateLocal > 0 Then
        'Convert from local time to UTC/GMT
        dDateGMT = DateAdd("n", iLocalTimeOffset(), dDateLocal)
        'Convert from VB to epoch
        DateLocal2Epoch = DateDiff("s", #1/1/1970#, dDateGMT)
    End If
End Function

Function iLocalTimeOffset()
    Dim WshShell
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    iLocalTimeOffset = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation\ActiveTimeBias")
End Function

Sub WriteLog(txt)
    If SDB.IniFile.BoolValue(AppID, "WriteLog") Then
        Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim logf: Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(sLogfile(), 8, True)
        logf.WriteLine (Time & " " & SDB.ToAscii(txt))
    End If
End Sub

Function sLogfile()
    sLogfile = SDB.TemporaryFolder & AppID & ".log"
End Function

Function RatingMM2XML(iRating)
'PlayerPro doesn't support bomb and half stars yet and interprets 0 the same as empty, i.e. we can simply round
    RatingMM2XML = Round(0.01 + iRating / 20) 'Trick to round 0.5 up to 1 because VB does Banker's rounding, see
End Function

Function FileNameWOPath(ByVal sFilename)
    Dim iPos
        sFilename = Mid(sFilename, iPos + 1)
        iPos = InStr(1, sFilename, "\")
    Loop Until iPos = 0
    FileNameWOPath = sFilename
End Function

Function WOExtension(ByVal sFile)
    Dim iPos
    iPos = InStrRev(sFile, ".")
    If iPos > 0 Then
        iPos = iPos - 1
        sFile = Mid(sFile, 1, iPos)
    End If
    WOExtension = sFile
End Function

Function AlbumFromPath(sPath)
    Dim iPos1, iPos2
    iPos2 = InStrRev(sPath, "\")
    If iPos2 > 1 Then
        iPos2 = iPos2 - 1
        iPos1 = InStrRev(Mid(sPath, 1, iPos2), "\") + 1
        AlbumFromPath = Mid(sPath, iPos1, iPos2 - iPos1 + 1)
    End If
End Function

Function iGetDuplicates(ByRef aData, ByRef aDuplicates, aCheckColumns)
    Dim i, j, c, bDouble, iDouble, aFields
    iDouble = 0
    ReDim aDuplicates(UBound(aData, 1), 0)
    ReDim aFields(UBound(aData, 1))
    For c = 0 To UBound(aFields)
        aFields(c) = c
    rsSort aData, aFields, aCheckColumns
    For i = 0 To UBound(aData, 2) - 1
        bDouble = True
        For c = 0 To UBound(aData, 1)
            If aData(c, i) <> aData(c, i + 1) Then bDouble = False
        If bDouble Then
            ReDim Preserve aDuplicates(UBound(aData, 1), iDouble + 1)
            For c = 0 To UBound(aData, 1)
                aDuplicates(c, iDouble) = aData(c, i)
                aDuplicates(c, iDouble + 1) = aData(c, i + 1)
            iDouble = iDouble + 2
        End If
    iGetDuplicates = iDouble / 2
End Function

Portions of the script were inspired by Find Sync Dups 1.3 and Update Rating from Ipod to MM, thanks trixmoto and apoujade.


0.2 (2011-08-14)
- Initial alpha release

- Message for number of updated songs

- Last synced device is preselected
- Checks for fully loaded song list (no more user interaction needed)
- List of tracks with ratings to be updated, user can decide if update shall be executed
- Sync only if there is a rating from the device (don't overwrite existing ratings with empty ones)
- go back to last node
- Some other minor improvements

0.4 (2011-08-15)
- Only synced usb msc devices can be selected. No selection needed if there is only one.
- Handling fixed if device is not attached (missing node)

- Listbox description changed
- Known issue (since 0.3): for format converted songs the sync is applied even if the user cancels from the list of tracks to be updated (MM bug?)

0.5 (2011-08-26)
- (Resolved known issue:) really no change to tags at all until user presses OK from the list of tracks to be updated
- Timeout for reading device song list increased to 90 sec

- Read songs from music folder only (if specified for the device) -> faster!
- Width of sync report increased
- Status bar text changed

0.7 (2011-08-27)
- Installation package and web update
- Menu items in Tools and Main Tree

0.8 (2011-10-16)
- Don't sync back if the rating on the device is unchanged since the last Auto-Sync
- Option sheet (under Portable/Audio Devices)
- Options: don't sync back if the file date on the PC is newer; set time-out limit for the track list from the device
- Default timeout for reading device song list increased to 120 sec
- Uninstall removes the menu items (no restart of MM needed anymore)

0.8.1 (2011-10-17)
- If option "Don't sync back tracks having a file modification on the PC..." is set, sync back anyways if rating is empty on the PC

0.9 (2011-11-13)
- MediaMonkey 4.0 supported

1.0 (2011-11-21)
- Sync back play count from PlayerPro
- Minor UI improvements (option sheet, update report, progress bar)

1.1 (2011-11-27)
- Search for newest XML statistics file on all removable drives
- Options sheet caption and uninstall message with spaces

1.2 (2012-01-15)
- Sync back skip count (MM4) and last played from PlayerPro
- Check 'All' node setting

1.3 (2012-02-19)
- Convert UTC/GMT to local time for last played date. Thanks a lot to abatistas1709 for contributing this!
- Additional USBMass DLLs (e.g. USBMass1.dll for your phone and USBMass2.dll for your partner's phone) were ignored
- Hints added to some error messages
- GNU General Public License (GPL) added

1.4 (2012-09-02)
- Sync stats from MM to Player Pro via import file (based on the last export)
- Sync back from PlayerPro was indicated even if there was no change, because of a finer time resolution in the XML than in MM
- Option for writing a debug log file

1.5 (2012-09-02)
- Change items in import file for Player Pro only where needed
- Inform user if import in Player Pro is recommended

1.6 (2012-10-06)
- Added message text on how to ex-/import PlayerPro statistics and about deactivating WMDM
- Buttons in report list keep the exact position to the bottom when window is resized
- Log file shows statistics that are higher in MM than in PlayerPro (MM > XML)

1.7 (2012-10-08)
- XML track matching improved where PlayerPro uses file or folder name (e.g. flac, unknown album and multiple artists)
- Message and detailed log if tracks could not be found in the XML

1.8 (2012-10-15)
- XML track matching improved for unknown song titles
- Detailed reports
- Log tracks that were not found on the device

1.8.1 (2012-10-16)
- Report layout improved

1.9 (2013-02-23)
- Match for USBMass*.dll instead of USBMass?.dll
- Check and optionally show duplicate tracks in XML
- Ignore case for XML look up

1.9.1 (2013-02-23)
- More detailed log for duplicate tracks in XML

1.9.2 (2013-03-12)
- Ignore case for Music node matching

1.9.3 (2013-12-03)
- Message fixed when synced song is missing in MM

I'm looking forward to your feedback! Hope the script is useful for some of you!

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:40 am
by dricardo
Awesome!! I've been having a hell of a time getting the same two way syncing functionality on my android that I was so used to with itunes--ipod.
Fist time I tried syncing mm with my phone a bunch of artists came up as "unknown artist" in playerpro. After hours spent reading forums, I realized there was an issue with how android recognizes ID3 tags for .m4a files. Luckily I was able to get around this using the auto-conversion setting (removing m4a from the list of supported formats and setting it to auto-convert to mp3). I thought I was finally in the clear but as a test when I updated the rating of a song that exists as .m4a on my pc but as mp3 on my phone, I found that this workaround wouldn't allow for two-way syncing.

Alas I installed your script and BAM! The ratings I update on my phone sync back to the pc regardless of file extensions.
Cheers, thanks for the HUGE help!! Now if only android fixes this issue with ID3 tags for m4a files.

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:47 am
by dricardo
Question---Any way to make it so that it only syncs the most recently updated ID3 tags to your pc? (ie: some ratings from your phone sync back, but some that have been updated more recently on your pc remain)

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:46 pm
by Aff
Thank you very much for your great feedback!! :D :D I was already beginning to think that nobody is interested in this script. :o

There is a commented out piece of code to check which one is newer - PC or phone. I haven't integrated it because I can only check the file date. There is no possibility (as far as I know) to check especially the date of a rating change, but every change to the file counts, e.g. new album art or lyrics in MM that are written to the tag in the file trigger a file date change (if configured to do so in MM).

Nevertheless I think this is a good request and I will incorporate it as an option. This will take some time as coding an option sheet is a bit of work.
Do you agree that if the file on the PC is newer but has no rating yet, it should be updated from the portable anyway?

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:47 pm
by dricardo
This script is definitely a life saver! Surprised nobody else has come across it yet..

I'm with you...I think new files on the pc with blank ratings should get overridden with the phone rating if it exists..
Keep up the great work man!

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:34 am
by gege
Hey, I just discovered this thread. Will test your script soon.
As you mentioned PlayerPro, I headed to Android Market to see its specs. Looks like a very good player. AND besides Rating, it also supports embedded/online lyrics and album art (which is awesome).

But what really caught my attention was the ability to import/export play statistics (ratings, play/skip counts, last played dates) in an iTunes XML format. If you add support for this, then we could get a real sync between device and MM, like what MM already does with iPods and iPhones.
As far as I can remember, there's a script around this forum which does the iTunes XML export thing. It could serve as inspiration!

What do you think?

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 4:23 pm
by Aff
Thanks for your suggestions. I was looking into syncing of play counts etc., it is planned for a future version.

At the moment, the export of play statistics from PlayerPro in iTunes format doesn't seem to work. I hope it will and that it will incorporate the file path on the mobile device. The Songbird format works, but it has no file path, only title, artist and album. If you change one of those tags in MM, the track can't be matched anymore.
I had a short look at the script you linked to export play statistics from MM. It's interesting, but at this time I don't plan to integrate it, as it doesn't fit smoothly into my script.
As long as Android doesn't support all tags with MTP, there is really some room of improvement for syncing with MM. Even with PlayerPro you have to im-/export the play count statistics manually at the moment, which I think isn't very practical.

Has your test been successful yet?

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:16 pm
by wtanksleyjr
This is an exciting project -- can't wait for the play count sync (my only current use case, although I'm sure I'll enjoy ratings sync once I get a device that actually allows me to set ratings). Your goal of handling this automatically on a sync is a worthy one. I do recall seeing a function to initiate a sync, but now I'm unable to find it -- unfortunately, the programmer documentation isn't very thorough. It would be even more useful to be able to catch an OnSyncBefore event (if such a thing existed, it's not in the documentation), of course.

I'm working on a project that has a bit of overlap; I've written a Python script that builds a playlist using podcasts and music. Naturally, it's very important to me whether a given episode has been listened to, since I don't want to include already-heard podcasts in my playlist. I also just got a feature request for being able to sync multiple devices from a single account, each with its own playlists and play information. I'm planning on using sync information to accomplish the last goal; I'm also going to have to disable mediamonkey's ability to delete a song as soon as it's played, of course (since just because it's been played on one device doesn't mean the library's done with it).


Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:41 pm
by Prooffreader
When I select Sync Back Ratings, I get the following error message: "SyncBackRatings: You have no synchronized devices". I have MediaMonkey 3 in Windows 7, with a Motorola XT720 in USB mode which shows up on the MediaMonkey list at the left of the screen. What am I doing wrong?

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:00 am
by DocMAX
There is also another possibility (with auto-sync):

App: SAMBA server AND PC: SyncBackPro (sync with the SAMBA share two-way)
App: Syncness (which also updates android's media database real time) AND Windows Share

App: PlayerPro

Now every time you change rating, file date stamp changes and syncs back to pc.

Whish there will be an app which does all this automaticly.

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:22 pm
by Aff
Have you done a MediaMonkey Auto-Sync first to copy the music to your Motorola?
SyncBackRatings does no initial sync, but reads the list of previously auto-synced tracks and checks them for ratings. The advantage is that this way each track is reliably identified, even if you may have changed e.g. the album title on the PC after having copied the song to the device.

There is a snag in your suggestions. Those tools copy the whole file from the phone back to the PC, not the tags! There are several problems with that:
  • No Auto-Conversion.
    MM can level the volume while synchronizing in order to have no loudness jumps when playing the music on the device. This is done by permanently changing the volume in the file on the phone. When you sync this file back to the PC, you loose your original! Thereby you may loose some sound quality and the replay gain tags would have to be updated.
    MM can convert the format of files that your device can't decode, e.g. from APE to MP3. Obviously it doesn't help to sync back the MP3 file (you would create a duplicate in MM).
  • No changes allowed on PC.
    Often I update tags on the PC for files after they were copied to my phone, e.g. to add lyrics or album art. So either the file simply wouldn't be synced back to the PC because it is older than on the PC, or if it was newer, all the changes made on the PC would be lost.
Furthermore MM can do this kind of simple file sync back by itself ("Auto-Sync tracks from the device to the PC"), except that it can't add completely new songs from the device to the PC.

These severe drawbacks are the reason that I've written SyncBackRatings :)

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:22 am
by DocMAX

1. Auto-conversion is not needed for me. All files on PC are allready prepared for Android (volume levels, bitrates,...)
2. If any changes are done on PC and you set MM to set new timestamp PC file is newer than on Android. Thus SyncBackPro will copy PC -> Android.

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:40 am
by Aff
DocMAX wrote:All files on PC are allready prepared for Android (volume levels, bitrates,...)
How do you manage this? Or don't you keep/use the originals on the PC?
DocMAX wrote:Thus SyncBackPro will copy PC -> Android.
So you will loose ratings set on the phone for these songs.

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:07 pm
by threehills
I'm also getting the sync back error mentioned previously "you have no syncronized devices". I have auto synced my list a few times, plugged and unplugged it, etc. Same setup as the other commenter but using a Galaxy II

Re: Sync back ratings from portable device (MSC) v0.7 2011-0

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:18 pm
by Aff
If you've attached the Galaxy as USB mass storage device, we have to investigate further. Therefore we need to have a look at two database tables.

Could you please
  1. Install SQL-Viewer 2.4 [Script] 2009-10-25
  2. Select Tools, Scripts, SQL-Viewer
  3. Copy the following select statement to the SQL-window (the one in the middle above the scroll bar)
    If you have MM Version 3:

    Code: Select all

    SELECT DeviceCaption, ID, TargetMask, DeviceCaption, PluginName, LastAutoSynch FROM Devices
    If you have MM Version 4:

    Code: Select all

    SELECT DeviceCaption, ID, MusicMask, DeviceCaption, PluginName, LastAutoSynch FROM Devices
  4. Press "Run Select Query"
  5. Click the right mouse button on the result window and choose "View Source", which opens notepad with the result (HTML formatted)
  6. Send me a PM with this, preferably in a code tag (i.e. select all in notepad, compose a private message, press the Code button, paste between the code tags)
  7. Please do the same with following select statement (you can add the result to the PM):

    Code: Select all

    SELECT COUNT(*), IDDevice  FROM DeviceTracks GROUP BY IDDevice
I'm looking forward to getting your results, thanks for your effort!