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Lyric Timer 4.0 - Updated 03/08/2014

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:36 am
by trixmoto
This script reads the lyrics tag for the playing song and allows you to easily add basic timestamps. It highlights the currently playing line to make it easy to see progress so far and adjust times accordingly. Displays in a dockable panel which updates with the currently playing track. Loop feature included to ease perfecting timestamps. Is now a full editor with options to add, edit and delete the lyric lines as well. Lyrics are also imported from EvilLyrics automatically.

This is useful also if you which to display your lyrics in MM using my Inline Lyrics script.

As always, there is an installation package available on my website, and the code can be found below...

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: LyricTimer 4.0
' AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 03/08/2014
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts directory and add the following to Scripts.ini 
'          Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' Thanks to Begges for his EvilTagger script which helped with importing from EvilLyrics
' FIXES: Updated for MM4 with new installation package
'        Updated output to be HTML5 and moved to %temp%
'        Fixed loop option by switching off crossfade
'        Added option to auto-scroll down the page
' [LyricTimer]
' FileName=LyricTimer.vbs
' ProcName=LyricTimer
' Order=17
' DisplayName=Lyric Timer
' Description=Add timings to lyrics
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=0

Option Explicit
Public styleOn

Dim OddColour : OddColour = "#FFFFFF"		'white
Dim EvenColour : EvenColour = "#EFEFEF"		'silver
Dim TextColour : TextColour = "#000000"		'black
Dim HighlightColour : HighlightColour = "#FFFF77"	'yellow
Dim EvilLyrics : EvilLyrics = "C:\Program Files\EvilLyrics\lyrics\" 'leave blank if you don't want this feature
Dim RecheckSecs : RecheckSecs = 5 'number of seconds before rechecking EvilLyrics
Dim AutoScroll : AutoScroll = True 'scroll window so that current line stays in view

Sub LyricTimer
  Dim Form : Set Form = SDB.Objects("LyricTimer")
  If Form Is Nothing Then
    Set Form = SDB.UI.NewDockablePersistentPanel("LyricPanel") 
    If Form.IsNew Then
      Form.DockedTo = 2
      Form.Common.Width = 250
    End If
    Form.Caption = "Lyric Timer"
    Dim Head : Set Head = SDB.UI.NewPanel(Form)
    Head.Common.Align = 1
    Head.Common.Height = 25
    Dim Btn1 : Set Btn1 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Head)
    Btn1.Caption = "Revert back"
    Btn1.Common.Height = 25
    Btn1.Common.Width = 100
    Btn1.Common.Left = 0
    Btn1.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn1.OnClickFunc = "BackClick"
    Dim Btn2 : Set Btn2 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Head)
    Btn2.Caption = "Save changes"
    Btn2.Common.Height = 25
    Btn2.Common.Width = 100
    Btn2.Common.Left = 100
    Btn2.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn2.OnClickFunc = "SaveClick"
    Dim Btn3 : Set Btn3 = SDB.UI.NewButton(Head)
    Btn3.Caption = "Loop: No"
    Btn3.Common.ControlName = "Btn3"
    Btn3.Common.Height = 25
    Btn3.Common.Width = 100
    Btn3.Common.Left = 200
    Btn3.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
    Btn3.OnClickFunc = "LoopClick"

    Dim WB : Set WB = SDB.UI.NewActiveX(Form, "Shell.Explorer") 
    WB.Common.Align = 5
    WB.Common.ControlName = "WB"
    WB.Interf.Navigate "about:"
    SDB.Objects("LyricWB") = WB.Interf
    SDB.Objects("LyricDoc") = WB.Interf.Document
    If Form.Common.Visible Then
      Form.Common.Visible = False
      Exit Sub
      Dim WB_Interf : Set WB_Interf = SDB.Objects("LyricWB")
      Call WB_Interf.Navigate("about:")
    End If
  End If

  Dim vars : Set vars = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  vars.Item("classname") = "dark"
  vars.Item("curr") = 0
  vars.Item("isong") = -1  
  vars.Item("trax") = 0

  Form.Common.Visible = True
  Set SDB.Objects("LyricTimer") = Form
  Set SDB.Objects("LyricData") = Nothing
  Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
  Dim Tmr : Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(100)
  Call Script.RegisterEvent(Tmr,"OnTimer","Update")
End Sub 

Sub Update(Timer)
  'update track list
  Dim vars : Set vars = SDB.Objects("LyricVars")
  Dim song : Set song = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
  If song Is Nothing Then
    If Not (vars.Item("classname") = "nosong") Then
      vars.Item("classname") = "nosong"
      vars.Item("curr") = 0
      vars.Item("isong") = -1      
      vars.Item("trax") = 0      
      Set SDB.Objects("LyricData") = Nothing
      Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
      Call writedocument()
    End If
    If Not (song.ID = Int(vars.Item("isong"))) Then
      vars.Item("classname") = "dark"
      vars.Item("curr") = 0      
      vars.Item("isong") = song.ID
      vars.Item("trax") = extractlyrics()
      If SDB.Player.isCrossfade Then
        SDB.Player.isCrossfade = False
        vars.Item("crossfade") = 1
        If Not (vars.Exists("crossfade")) Then
          vars.Item("crossfade") = 0
        End If
      End If      
      Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
      Call writedocument()
      Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects("LyricData")
      If Not (Data Is Nothing) Then
        If Not (Data.Item("rewrite") = "") Then
          If Data.Item("rewrite") = "insert" Then
            vars.Item("trax") = Int(vars.Item("trax"))+1
            vars.Item("trax") = Int(vars.Item("trax"))-1
          End If
          Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
          Call writedocument()
          Data.Item("rewrite") = ""
          Set SDB.Objects("LyricData") = Data
        End If
      End If
    End If
  End If
  'update track highlight
  If Int(vars.Item("trax")) > 0 Then
    Dim doc : Set doc = SDB.Objects("LyricDoc")
    If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then
      Dim row : Set row = Nothing
      Dim newcurr : newcurr = getcurr()
      Dim curr : curr = Int(vars.Item("curr"))
      If newcurr = curr Then
        Set row = doc.getElementById("row"&curr)
        If Not (row Is Nothing) Then
          row.className = "highlight"
        End If  
        If curr > 0 Then
          doc.getElementById("row"&curr).className = vars.Item("classname")
        End If
        Set row = doc.getElementById("row"&newcurr)
        If Not (row Is Nothing) Then
          vars.Item("classname") = row.className
          row.className = "highlight"
          vars.Item("curr") = newcurr
          Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
        End If    
      End If
    End If
  End If
  'loop song
  Dim Form : Set Form = SDB.Objects("LyricTimer")
  If Not (Form Is Nothing) Then
    If Form.Common.Visible Then 
      If SDB.Player.CurrentSongLength > 0 Then
        Dim Btn : Set Btn = Form.Common.ChildControl("Btn3")
        If Btn.Caption = "Loop: Yes" Then   
          Dim diff : diff = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.StopTime - SDB.Player.PlaybackTime
          If diff < 5000 Then
            SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.StartTime
          End If
        End If
      End If
    Else 'stop when hidden
      Call Script.UnregisterAllEvents()
      If Int(vars.Item("crossfade")) = 1 Then
        SDB.Player.isCrossfade = True
      End If
    End If
    Call Script.UnregisterAllEvents()
    If Int(vars.Item("crossfade")) = 1 Then
      SDB.Player.isCrossfade = True
    End If    
  End If
End Sub

Function getcurr()
  getcurr = 1
  Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects("LyricData")
  Do While getcurr < 100
    Dim indx : indx = Data.Item("time"&(getcurr+1))
    If Not (indx = "") Then
      If SDB.Player.PlaybackTime >= CLng(indx) Then
        getcurr = getcurr+1
        Exit Do
      End If
      Exit Do
    End If
End Function

Function settime(lng)
  Dim min,sec,hun,tint
  tint = lng\60000
  If tint < 10 Then 
    min = "0"&tint
    min = ""&tint
  End If 
  lng = lng - (tint*60000)
  tint = lng\1000
  If tint < 10 Then
    sec = "0"&tint
    sec = ""&tint
  End If
  lng = lng - (tint*1000)  
  tint = lng\10
  If tint < 10 Then
    hun = "0"&tint
    hun = ""&tint
  End If
  lng = lng - (tint*10)
  settime = "["&min&":"&sec&"."&hun&"]"
End Function

Function gettime(txt)
  Dim min,sec,hun,temp
  If Len(txt) = 8 Then
    temp = Mid(txt,1,2)
    If isNumeric(temp) Then min = Clng(temp)
    temp = Mid(txt,4,2)
    If isNumeric(temp) Then sec = Clng(temp)
    temp = Mid(txt,7,2)
    If isNumeric(temp) Then hun = Clng(temp)  
  End If
  gettime = min*60000 + sec*1000 + hun*10
End Function

Function simplify(txt)
  Dim a : a = InStr(txt,"<")
  If a = 0 Then
    simplify = txt
    Exit Function
  End If
  Dim b : b = InStr(txt,">")
  If b = 0 Then b = a
  Dim l : l = Len(txt)
  Dim c : c = Mid(txt,1,a-1)
  Dim d : d = Mid(txt,b+1,l-b)
  txt = c&d
  a = InStr(txt,"<")
  If a > 0 Then txt = simplify(txt)
  simplify = txt
End Function

Function MapXML(original) 
  Dim hold : hold = original
  hold = Replace(hold,"&","&") 
  hold = Replace(hold," ","&nbsp;")
  hold = Replace(hold,"<","<") 
  hold = Replace(hold,">",">") 
  Dim i : i = 1 
  While i<=Len(hold) 
    If (AscW(Mid(hold, i, 1))>127) Then 
      hold = Mid(hold, 1, i-1)+"&#"+CStr(AscW(Mid(hold, i, 1)))+";"+Mid(hold, i+1) 
    End If 
    i = i+1 
  MapXML = hold 
End Function 

Function Style() 
  styleOn = Not styleOn 
  If styleOn Then 
    Style = " class=""dark""" 
    Style = "" 
  End If 
End Function 

Function extractlyrics()
  Dim Data : Set Data = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Dim song : Set song = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
  Dim lrc : lrc = song.Lyrics
  Dim trax : trax = 0
  'import from EvilLyrics
  If (lrc = "") And (EvilLyrics <> "") Then
    If Not (Right(EvilLyrics,1) = "\") Then
      EvilLyrics = EvilLyrics&"\"
    End If
    Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim cap : cap = UCase(Left(song.ArtistName,1))
    If InStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789",cap) = 0 Then
      cap = "_"
    End If
    Dim art : art = correctfilename(song.ArtistName)
    Dim tit : tit = correctfilename(song.Title)
    cap = EvilLyrics&cap&"\"&art&" - "&tit&".txt"
    If fso.FileExists(cap) Then
      Dim fil : Set fil = fso.OpenTextFile(cap, 1, False)
      Do While Not fil.AtEndOfStream
        If lrc = "" Then
          lrc = fil.ReadLine
          lrc = lrc&VbCrLf&fil.ReadLine
        End If
      Dim Tmr : Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(RecheckSecs*1000)
      Call Script.RegisterEvent(Tmr,"OnTimer","Recheck")
    End If
  End If
  'read lyrics
  If lrc <> "" Then 
    Dim ina : ina = split(lrc,VbCrLf)
    Dim inp : inp = 0
    Dim str,pos,cur,txt
    If Left(ina(inp),4) = "[ti:" Then
      str = Mid(ina(inp),5,Len(ina(inp))-5)
      inp = inp+1
      str = song.Title
    End If
    Data.Add "title", str
    If Left(ina(inp),4) = "[ar:" Then
      str = Mid(ina(inp),5,Len(ina(inp))-5)
      inp = inp+1
      str = song.ArtistName
    End If
    Data.Add "artist", str
    If Left(ina(inp),4) = "[au:" Then
      str = Mid(ina(inp),5,Len(ina(inp))-5)
      inp = inp+1
      str = song.Author
    End If
    Data.Add "author", str
    If Left(ina(inp),4) = "[al:" Then
      str = Mid(ina(inp),5,Len(ina(inp))-5)
      inp = inp+1
      str = song.AlbumName
    End If
    Data.Add "album", str

    If Left(ina(inp),4) = "[ve:" Then
      str = Mid(ina(inp),5,Len(ina(inp))-5)
      inp = inp+1
      str = "1.0"
    End If
    Data.Add "version", str
    For pos = inp To UBound(ina)
      trax = pos-inp+1
      If Len(ina(pos)) < 10 Then
        Data.Add "time"&trax, "0"
        Data.Add "line"&trax, ina(pos)
        If (Left(ina(pos),1) = "[") And (Mid(ina(pos),10,1) = "]") Then
          str = gettime(Mid(ina(pos),2,8))
          Data.Add "time"&trax, str
          str = Mid(ina(pos),11)
          Data.Add "line"&trax, str
          Data.Add "time"&trax, "0"
          Data.Add "line"&trax, ina(pos)
        End If
      End If
  End If
  Set SDB.Objects("LyricData") = Data
  extractlyrics = trax
End Function

Function correctfilename(str)
  Dim i,cap
  For i = 1 To Len(str)
    cap = Mid(str,i,1)
    If InStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789. ",UCase(cap)) = 0 Then
      cap = "_"
    End If
    correctfilename = correctfilename&cap
End Function

Sub Recheck(Timer)
  Call Script.UnregisterEvents(Timer)
  Dim vars : Set vars = SDB.Objects("LyricVars")
  vars.Item("isong") = -1
  Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
End Sub

Sub writedocument()
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim loc : loc = SDB.TemporaryFolder&"LyricTimer.htm"
  Dim doc : Set doc = fso.CreateTextFile(loc,True)
  Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects("LyricData")
  Dim vars : Set vars = SDB.Objects("LyricVars")
  Dim trax : trax = Int(vars.Item("trax"))
  Dim wb : Set wb = SDB.Objects("LyricWB")
  Call wb.Navigate("about:")
  styleOn = False        
  doc.WriteLine "<!doctype html>" 
  doc.WriteLine "<html>" 
  doc.WriteLine "  <head>"  
  doc.WriteLine "    <title>"&SDB.Localize("Lyric Timer")&"</title>" 
  doc.WriteLine "    <style type=""text/css"">" 
  doc.WriteLine "      body{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; background-color:"&OddColour&"; font-size:9pt; color:"&TextColour&";}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      p{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:8pt; color:"&TextColour&";}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      th{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:bold; color:"&TextColour&"; border-color:"&TextColour&"; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:3px;}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      td{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:8pt; color:"&TextColour&"; border-color:"&TextColour&"; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:1px;}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      tr.highlight{background-color:"&HighlightColour&"}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      tr.dark{background-color:"&EvenColour&"}" 
  doc.WriteLine "      tr.aleft th{text-align:left}" 
  doc.WriteLine "    </style>"   
  doc.WriteLine "    <script type=""text/javascript"">"  
  If AutoScroll Then
    doc.WriteLine "      function scrollpage() {"
    doc.WriteLine "        var col = document.getElementsByClassName(""highlight"");"
    doc.WriteLine "        if(col.length==1) {"
    doc.WriteLine "          var el = col[0];"
    doc.WriteLine "          var topOfPage = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;"
    doc.WriteLine "          var heightOfPage = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;"
    doc.WriteLine "          var elY = 0;"
    doc.WriteLine "          for(var p=el; p&&p.tagName!='BODY'; p=p.offsetParent) {"
    doc.WriteLine "            elY += p.offsetTop;"
    doc.WriteLine "          }"
    doc.WriteLine "          var elH = el.offsetHeight;"
    doc.WriteLine "          if ((topOfPage + heightOfPage) < (elY + elH)) {"
    doc.WriteLine "            el.scrollIntoView(false);"
    doc.WriteLine "          }"
    doc.WriteLine "          else if (elY < topOfPage) {"
    doc.WriteLine "            el.scrollIntoView(true);"
    doc.WriteLine "          }"
    doc.WriteLine "        }"
    doc.WriteLine "        setTimeout(""scrollpage();"",1000);"
    doc.WriteLine "      }"
    doc.WriteLine "      setTimeout(""scrollpage();"",1000);"
  End If
  If (trax < 1) And (EvilLyrics <> "") Then
    doc.WriteLine "      var cursec = "&RecheckSecs&";"
    doc.WriteLine "      function countdown() {"
    doc.WriteLine "        cursec--;"
    doc.WriteLine "        document.getElementById(""secs"").innerHTML = cursec;"    
    doc.WriteLine "        if ( cursec > 0 ) {"
    doc.WriteLine "          setTimeout(""countdown();"",1000);"
    doc.WriteLine "        }"    
    doc.WriteLine "      }"
    doc.WriteLine "      setTimeout(""countdown();"",1000);"
  End If          
  doc.WriteLine "    </script>"  
  doc.WriteLine "    <script type=""text/vbscript"">"
  doc.WriteLine "      Dim SDB : Set SDB = CreateObject(""SongsDB.SDBApplication"")"  
  doc.WriteLIne "      Dim trax : trax = "&trax
  doc.WriteLine "      Function gotopos(i)"  
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects(""LyricData"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""time""&i) = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime"
  doc.WriteLine "        document.getElementById(""span""&i).innerHTML = settime(Data.Item(""time""&i))"
  doc.WriteLine "        SDB.Objects(""LyricsData"") = Data"
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "      Function settime(lng)"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim min,sec,hun,tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        tint = lng\60000"
  doc.WriteLine "        If tint < 10 Then "
  doc.WriteLine "          min = ""0""&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        Else"
  doc.WriteLine "          min = """"&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        End If "
  doc.WriteLine "        lng = lng - (tint*60000)"
  doc.WriteLine "        tint = lng\1000"
  doc.WriteLine "        If tint < 10 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "          sec = ""0""&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        Else"
  doc.WriteLine "          sec = """"&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        End If"
  doc.WriteLine "        lng = lng - (tint*1000)"
  doc.WriteLine "        tint = lng\10"
  doc.WriteLine "        If tint < 10 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "          hun = ""0""&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        Else"
  doc.WriteLine "          hun = """"&tint"
  doc.WriteLine "        End If"
  doc.WriteLine "        lng = lng - (tint*10)"
  doc.WriteLine "        settime = ""[""&min&"":""&sec&"".""&hun&""]"""
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "      Function addline(i)"  
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects(""LyricData"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        For j = trax To i+1 Step -1"
  doc.WriteLine "          Data.Item(""time""&(j+1)) = Data.Item(""time""&j)"
  doc.WriteLine "          Data.Item(""line""&(j+1)) = Data.Item(""line""&j)"
  doc.WriteLine "        Next"
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""time""&(i+1)) = 0"
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""line""&(i+1)) = """""
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""rewrite"") = ""insert"""
  doc.WriteLine "        SDB.Objects(""LyricsData"") = Data"
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "      Function editline(i)"  
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects(""LyricData"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim str : str = InputBox(""Line:"",""Lyric Timer"",Data.Item(""line""&i))"
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""line""&i) = str"
  doc.WriteLine "        document.getElementById(""line""&i).innerHTML = simplify(str)"
  doc.WriteLine "        SDB.Objects(""LyricsData"") = Data"
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"  
  doc.WriteLine "      Function deleteline(i)"  
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects(""LyricData"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        For j = i To trax-1"
  doc.WriteLine "          Data.Item(""time""&j) = Data.Item(""time""&(j+1))"
  doc.WriteLine "          Data.Item(""line""&j) = Data.Item(""line""&(j+1))"
  doc.WriteLine "        Next"
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""time""&trax) = """""
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""line""&trax) = """""
  doc.WriteLine "        Data.Item(""rewrite"") = ""delete"""
  doc.WriteLine "        SDB.Objects(""LyricsData"") = Data"
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"  
  doc.WriteLine "      Function simplify(txt)"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim a : a = InStr(txt,""<"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        If a = 0 Then"
  doc.WriteLine "          simplify = txt"
  doc.WriteLine "          Exit Function"
  doc.WriteLine "        End If"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim b : b = InStr(txt,"">"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        If b = 0 Then b = a"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim l : l = Len(txt)"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim c : c = Mid(txt,1,a-1)"
  doc.WriteLine "        Dim d : d = Mid(txt,b+1,l-b)"
  doc.WriteLine "        txt = c&d"
  doc.WriteLine "        a = InStr(txt,""<"")"
  doc.WriteLine "        If a > 0 Then txt = simplify(txt)"
  doc.WriteLine "        simplify = txt"
  doc.WriteLine "      End Function"
  doc.WriteLine "    </script>"
  doc.WriteLine "  </head>"   
  doc.WriteLine "  <body>"  
  doc.WriteLine "    <table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""4"" width=""100%"">"  
  doc.WriteLine "      <tr class=""aleft"">" 
  doc.WriteLine "        <th>&nbsp;</th>" 
  doc.WriteLine "        <th>"&SDB.Localize("Timestamp")&"</th>" 
  doc.WriteLine "        <th>"&SDB.Localize("Line")&"</th>"  
  doc.WriteLine "        <th><a href=""vbscript:addline(0)"">Add first</a></th>"
  doc.WriteLine "      </tr>"  
  If trax > 0 Then  
    Dim i,line
    For i = 1 To trax 
      line = simplify(Data.Item("line"&i))
      If line = "" Then line = " "
      doc.WriteLine "      <tr id=""row"&i&""""&Style()&">"
      doc.WriteLine "        <td nowrap><a href=""vbscript:gotopos("&i&")"">Line "&i&"</a></td>"
      doc.WriteLine "        <td nowrap><span id=""span"&i&""">"&MapXML(settime(Data.Item("time"&i)))&"</span></td>"
      doc.WriteLine "        <td><span id=""line"&i&""">"&MapXML(line)&"</span></td>"            
      doc.WriteLine "        <td nowrap><a href=""vbscript:addline("&i&")"">Add</a> <a href=""vbscript:editline("&i&")"">Edit</a> <a href=""vbscript:deleteline("&i&")"">Del</a></td>" 
      doc.WriteLine "      </tr>" 
    doc.WriteLine "      <tr id=""row1"""&Style()&">"
    doc.WriteLine "        <th colspan=""4"">There are no lyrics available for this song.</th>"  
    doc.WriteLine "      </tr>"
    If Not (EvilLyrics = "") Then
      doc.WriteLine "      <tr id=""row2"""&Style()&">"
      doc.WriteLine "        <td colspan=""4""><p align=""center"">Rechecking EvilLyrics in <span id=""secs"">"&RecheckSecs&"</span> seconds.</p></td>"
      doc.WriteLine "      </tr>"    
    End If
  End If
  doc.WriteLine "    </table>"
  doc.WriteLine "  </body>" 
  doc.WriteLine "</html>" 
  Call doc.Close
  Call wb.Navigate(loc)
End Sub

Sub BackClick (ClickedBtn)
  Dim res : res = SDB.MessageBox("Are you sure you wish to undo your changes?",mtConfirmation,Array(mbOk,MbCancel))
  If res = 1 Then
    Dim vars : Set vars = SDB.Objects("LyricVars")
    vars.Item("isong") = -1
    Set SDB.Objects("LyricVars") = vars
  End If
End Sub

Sub SaveClick (ClickedBtn)
  Dim res : res = SDB.MessageBox("Are you sure you wish to save your changes?",mtConfirmation,Array(mbOk,mbCancel))
  If res = 1 Then
    Dim Data : Set Data = SDB.Objects("LyricData")
    Dim str : str = ""
    Dim pos : pos = 1
    If Data.Item("title") <> "" Then 
      str = str&"[ti:"&Data.Item("title")&"]"&VbCrLf
    End If    
    If Data.Item("artist") <> "" Then 
      str = str&"[ar:"&Data.Item("artist")&"]"&VbCrLf
    End If    
    If Data.Item("author") <> "" Then 
      str = str&"[au:"&Data.Item("author")&"]"&VbCrLf
    End If    
    If Data.Item("album") <> "" Then 
      str = str&"[al:"&Data.Item("album")&"]"&VbCrLf
    End If
    If Data.Item("version") <> "" Then 
      str = str&"[ve:"&Data.Item("version")&"]"&VbCrLf
    End If
    Do While Not (Data.Item("time"&pos) = "")
      Dim lng : lng = Clng(Data.Item("time"&pos))
      If Right(str,2) <> VbCrLf Then
        str = str&VbCrLf
      End If
      str = str&settime(lng)
      str = str&Data.Item("line"&pos)
      pos = pos+1
    Dim song : Set song = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
    song.Lyrics = str
    Call song.UpdateDB
  End If
End Sub

Sub LoopClick (ClickedBtn)
  If ClickedBtn.Caption = "Loop: Yes" Then
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "Loop: No"
    ClickedBtn.Caption = "Loop: Yes"
  End If
End Sub

Sub out(txt)
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim logf : Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(SDB.TemporaryFolder&"LyricTimer.log",8,True)
  Call logf.WriteLine(txt)
  Call logf.Close
End Sub

Sub OnInstall
  Dim inip : inip = SDB.ScriptsPath&"Scripts.ini"
  Dim inif : Set inif = SDB.Tools.IniFileByPath(inip)
  If Not (inif Is Nothing) Then
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","Filename") = "LyricTimer.vbs"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","Procname") = "LyricTimer"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","Order") = "17"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","DisplayName") = "Lyric Timer"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","Description") = "Add timings to lyrics"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","Language") = "VBScript"
    inif.StringValue("LyricTimer","ScriptType") = "0"
  End If
End Sub

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:37 am
by trixmoto

Code: Select all


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:37 am
by trixmoto

Code: Select all


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:20 am
by psyXonova
Cool, well done mate....


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:44 pm
by Wallstreetwalker-unlogged
hey trix,

i got the installer from your beatiful new site :lol:
but i get an error

on starting (translated from dutch) i get
rule 17
sign 5
error: activeX- 'part' can't make object
code 0
url about:blank

i press enter and i get the GUI but when clicking on line 1, line 2 or so i get
line 20
sign 7
error: object required 'SDB'
code 0
url about:blank

any suggestions ?, also i can't find an installer for your inline lyrics on the website :o , but i'll search better later :roll:

thanks !

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:20 am
by trixmoto
This is a security issue. Because the script is connecting directly to MM you need to have a few security settings relaxed. In Internet Explorer, for your local settings you need to enable "Initialise and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe". Or possibly your antivirus-type software (ie. Norton) is blocking the action.

InlineLyrics is under "Scripts, On Play" on my website.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:36 pm
by Guest

I'm trying this out for the first time as I have a few text lyrics for tracks. The hope is to then try out your Inline lyrics script, as it's exactly what I'd prefer to do, in MM, as well.

But I'm having a few problems at the first hurdle.

Like the previous poster, I was getting the security issue. Enabling in the Local zone, still had the problem, though.

So I (briefly) enabled the settings in the Internet zone. Which worked as far as the initial running of the script went. But when I clicked on the 'getpos#' link, the following error was returned:

Line: 20
Char: 7
Error: Object required: 'data'
Code: 0
URL: about:blank

Any ideas?

Can I also check with you on usage - presumably I click on the links to mark the timing of each line.

Got to get that far first, though.

Thanks, Trixmoto.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:16 am
by trixmoto
Yes, when you click on the link it will set that line's timestamp to be the current time.

I don't know why the data object could not be found. My initial thought would be security again as it is stored in MM so if the script is being refused access then it would not be able to find it.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:24 am
by Guest
I have line 20 in LyricTimer2.vbs as:

i = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ID

It strikes me that the script isn't seeing the player and/or cannot connect to the player's counter. So the counter variables aren't running in the script for me - witnessed by the fact that the individual time counters on each line always show as [00:00.00]

I don't think it's a security issue. I've enabled everything I can, as a test, but the 'data' error persists.

I'm pre-supposing that the counters on each line should be visibly ticking over until I stop it with the link - and then the script loops to the next count etc.

Is there anything I can do? Or am I just unlucky? :(

Btw Thanks for replying.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:46 am
by trixmoto
When you are clicking on a link on the form you are running a vbscript function within the webpage being displayed. You need to right click hit "view source" and check out that line 20.

It appears that this is happening for me too, although it hasn't before. Presumably this is due to something that has changed with the beta release. Can a developer comment?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:18 pm
by Guest

I'm no expert on these things, but I'll offer as much support as I can.

When I viewed the source in the browser form, line 20 showed as:

data.Item("time"&i) = SDB.Player.PlaybackTime

NB Indent included.

Does that help? I have the whole output saved to a text file, if you'd like it posted.

One other bit of info:

When I close MM (after closing your script), I get the following COM Server Warning:

"There are still active COM objects in this application. One or more clients may have references to these objects, so manually closing this application may cause those client application(s) to fail."

I don't know whether that's relevant.

I also have a query as to why I have to enable script execution with ActiveX for the Internet zone (which suggests the browser element is operating as an external URL), rather than the Local zone which would be safer.

Any comments highly appreciated.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:20 pm
by Guest
Sorry, but the indent disappeared when I submitted the post!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:27 am
by trixmoto
The actual source is not really relevant. The problem is that the "data" object is not being properly extracted from MM. Either that or it's not being put there in the first place. I have installed an old version of MM and this script works, however on the latest beta it doesn't. It is obviously something that the developers have changed (probably improved!) to the ActiveX component. I will fix this soon and post an update.

I don't have any control over how the web component functions so I cannot change it's security zone. All I can do is use what's available to me! :)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:53 pm
by Guest
Appreciated, Trix. :)

Maybe something's been uncovered here?

For Info: I'm currently using 2.5.2 RC1 (though I haven't had a lot of time recently to give it a good workout).

Looking forward to the update.

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:57 am
by trixmoto
All new and improved (version 2.0)! 8)

This is now a dockable panel which will refresh with the track that is playing. There is a loop function, save and revert. Timestamp error handling has been vastly improved too!

N.B. Installer on my website already! :)