Case & Leading Zero Fixer 1.4.2 (2008-04-15)

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Case & Leading Zero Fixer 1.4.2 (2008-04-15)

Post by Bex »

Script is updated
Ver 1.4.2 (2008-04-15)
- Fixed CheckBox incompatibility with MM

Bugfix release
Ver 1.4.1 (2008-01-01)
- Fixed a sql thread bug in 'Fix all Track#'s in one go'
- Added progressbar to 'Fix all Track#'s in one go'
- Added script is stopped if progressbar is terminated

Script is updated
Ver 1.4 (2007-12-31)

- Fixed 'Little Word' list was deleted upon upgrade
- Added safety precaution when installing/upgrading the script so now are the lists only populated if it is a first install and both lists are empty
- Added Manage Lists (Button in Option sheet)
-- Following actions can be made on 'Little List' or 'Forced Case List' independently
--- Delete List
--- Restore Defaults (deletes existing list and restore the defaults)
--- Add Defaults (merge defaults with your existing list)
- Added progressbar (Thanks to RedX)

Sorry if the last update destroyed your 'Little Word' list you had manually updated.
I hope the new functionality will help you out fixing them again.

Script is updated (2007-11-29)
- Added Disc#
- Added possibility to batch update (add or remove) Leading zero on all Track#'s of all tracks in library. (From the option Sheet.)

Small Update
- Improved speed significantly

Small Update
- Added a refresh button in the confirmation screen


Script is updated BETA version (MM3 only)
- Added Option Sheet with various smart settings
- Added, Add/Remove leading zero on single Track# digits
- Added Composer, Conductor, Lyricist
- Added possibilty to individually update the case of selected fields to:
-- Script case
-- Upper case
-- Lower case
- Added possibility to add/remove exeption words directly in the confirmation screen (and in option sheet)
- Added menu entry in the main window's right click menu for easy execution of the script
- Added configurable shortcut (default CTRL+E)

Not everything is properly tested and the script is a bit slow.
But please check it out and report any bugs you find.

Also leave a comment of what you think of the changes! :)

Right click menu:

Confirmation screen:




I have modified Rissers Case script which is shipped with MM (= everybody has it installed). You find it in Tools->Script->Case Checker...
The original script updates the case (capitalizes) Artist, Title, Album and Album Artist of selected tracks.

I've added the File Name to the script so it's also updated!
- I only added the filename not the folders, so they are not affected
- I've also added all known file extensions to the forceCapString so they are always changed to lowercase.


Important information if you use the Cue Reader Script!
Make sure that you upgrade the Cue Reader script to latest one (Currently 4.9) before you install this script.

Older versions of the Cue Reader script actually deletes accompanying cue-sheet when the music file is renamed or gets its case updated. But it only happens if the file is stored on a network drive.
This is now fixed by the great Trixmoto in the latest Cue Reader Script!
Latest version:
MM3 (Installer)

Installation Instructions:
- New Install or upgrade:
Avoid "Product installation error"
- Vista Users:
- - To be able to install scripts you must Run MM as an administrator.
- - It means that you must right click the MM icon and select "Run as administrator" even if you are logged in as an administrator.
- All Users:
- - Check in your task manager that you only have one instance of MediaMonkey.exe running.

MM3 (Installer)
1. Download the zipped .mmip file and run it.
2. Restart MediaMonkey (If needed)
3. Go to the settings (Tools > Options > Library > Case & Leading Zero Fixer) and change them to your liking.
Last edited by Bex on Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:05 am, edited 28 times in total.
Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix Find More From Same - Custom Search. | Transfer PlayStat & Copy-Paste Tags/AlbumArt between any tracks.
Tagging Inconsistencies Do you think you have your tags in order? Think again...
Play History & Stats Node Like having your Last-FM account stored locally, but more advanced.
Case & Leading Zero Fixer Works on filenames too!

All My Scripts
Posts: 6316
Joined: Fri May 21, 2004 5:44 am
Location: Sweden

Post by Bex »

This is an unsupported version of the script for MediaMonkey 2 only:

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: CaseModify
' AUTHOR: Originally by Risser and modified by Bex
' DATE : 2007-01-24
' INSTALL, Two different ways:
' ** Update existing Case script (wich is shipped with MM) **
'   1) Goto "Mediamonkey\Scripts" folder. Open up the existing script named Case.vbs in e.g. Notepad
'   2) Replace all the code in the file with this code
'   3) (Re)start MediaMonkey
' ** Separate Install, which will work independently of the Case script  **
'   1) Goto "Mediamonkey\Scripts" folder. Right click and create a txt file.
'   2) Name it CaseModify.vbs (Make sure it's not named CaseModify.vbs.txt)
'   3) Copy all this content into the file and save it.
'   4) Open up the scripts.ini file located in the same folder and add the text below to the end of the file

'DisplayName=Case Modify...

'   5) Remove all the ' from the text you just pasted into the script.ini file
'   6) Save the file and (Re)start MediaMonkey
' ////////////////// Rissers original notes below ///////////////////////////////
' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
'                "TitleCase.vbs", Jun-21-2005, v2.00
'         VBScript for MediaMonkey 2.3.1 (or above), written by Risser
' Purpose:
' - To update case on Artist, Album Artist, Album and Song Title fields.
' Notes:
' - This script writes tags then immediately updates the DB.  There is no
'   impact on the DB for tracks that are not part of the library (particularly, 
'   the tracks are not auto-added to the library)
' - If you update an Artist name or an Album name, it updates the name in the 
'   database and this change is reflected for all instances of that name, even 
'   if it wasn't one of the selected tracks.
' - It's pretty smart about the location of punctuation, roman numerals, foreign contractions 
'   (d', l', etc.), initials, cardinal numbers (1st, 40th), years (1950s, 1960's) and words with 
'   no vowels, but it's not perfect.
' - There are also two pipe-separated (|) lists of words.  One is a "little" words list, like "the", 
'   "an", "a", "of" etc.  If there's a word you'd like treated like a little word (maybe "on" or 
'   "by", or other words if your tags aren't english), add it to the list.
' - The second list is a list of "forced-case" words.  If the parser sees this word in any case, it 
'   replaces it with the word in the list, making it exactly that case.  This is good for acronyms 
'   with vowels (BTO, REM, ELO; CCR and CSN have no vowels, so they are auto-uppercased), things that 
'   need to stay lower case, or abbreviations with no vowels that should be uppercase, like Dr, Mr, 
'   Mrs, St, etc.  Feel free to change these lists to match your collection.
' - It treats apostrophes as a letter, so these can be included in a word.  For example, for "James 
'   Brown and the JB's", I have "JB's" and "JBs" in my forced case list.  
' - Also, on the forced case list, you can specify a final piece of punctuation.  Thus, I have "w/", 
'   which will lowercase "w/", but leave "W" alone to be uppercase.  Also, I have "silence]" which 
'   will force that configuration to be lowercase (for tracks that are all silence), but will treat 
'   "Silence" normally.
' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Option Explicit

Dim littleWordString
littleWordString = "a|an|and|at|de|del|di|du|e|el|en|et|for|from|la|le|in" & _

Dim forceCapString
forceCapString = "AC|EBN|OZN|MCs|MC's|DJs|DJ's|JBs|JB's|10cc|Mr|Mrs|Dr|Jr|Sr|Pt|St.|St"& _
                 "|vs|ft|feat|aka|vol|w/|ABC|ABCs|AC/|ASCII|ASCIII|ATV|BTO|ELO|ELP|EMI|DuShon" & _
                 "|FYC|INXS|MacArthur|OMC|OMD|OMPS|PSI|PTA|REM|REO|Sgt|UB40|UK|USA|USMC|UTFO" & _
                 "|silence]|T's|OK|USSR|ATB|ATFC|UDG|VA|OHM|DAD|I'll|BBE|Li|EP|SOS|UHU|DAF" & _
                 "|aac|aif|aifc|ape|apl|fla|flac|iff|ivf|m4a|mac|mp+|mp1" & _
                 "|mp2|mp3|mp3pro|mp4|mpc|mpe|mpp|mpv2|mt2|ogg|rmp|shn|snd" & _
                 "|svx|wav|vlb|wma|vob|voc|vox|wv|vqf" & _

Dim res
Dim alphaNum, whiteSpace, isMc, vowels, romanNumerals, cardinal, isForeignPref
Set alphaNum = new regExp
Set whiteSpace = new regExp
Set isMc = new regExp
Set vowels = new regExp
Set romanNumerals = new RegExp
Set cardinal = new RegExp
Set isForeignPref = new RegExp
alphaNum.ignoreCase = True
alphaNum.pattern = "['`´A-Za-z0-9" & ChrW(192) & "-" & ChrW(65276) & "]"
whiteSpace.pattern = "^[\s,&]+$"  'include comma, ampersand, because we don't want to cap after these
isMc.ignoreCase = True
isMc.pattern = "^(O['`]|MC)"  ' handle O'Brien and McHenry
isForeignPref.ignoreCase = True
isForeignPref.pattern = "^([dl]|dell)['`]"  ' handle l', d' and dell'
vowels.ignoreCase = True
vowels.pattern = "[AEIOUY" & ChrW(192) & "-" & ChrW(601) & "]"
romanNumerals.ignoreCase = True
romanNumerals.pattern = "^M*(C(M|D)|D?C{0,3})(X(C|L)|L?X{0,3})(I(X|V)|V?I{0,3})$"
cardinal.ignoreCase = True
cardinal.pattern = "^\d*(1st|2nd|3rd|[0-9]th|[0-9]['`]?s)$" 'also handles years, like 1950s
Dim littleWordList
littleWordList = Split(littleWordString,"|")
Dim forceCapList
forceCapList = Split(forceCapString,"|")
Public holdArtist, holdAlbum, holdTitle, holdAlbumArtist, holdFileName
Set holdArtist = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set holdAlbum = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set holdTitle = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set holdAlbumArtist = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set holdFileName = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Const mmAnchorRight = 4
Const mmAnchorBottom = 8
Const mmAlignTop = 1
Const mmAlignBottom = 2
Const mmAlignClient = 5
Const mmListDropdown = 2
Const mmFormScreenCenter = 4
Public styleOn

Function Style()
  styleOn = Not styleOn
  If styleOn Then
    Style = ""
    Style = " class=""Dark"""
  End If
End Function

Function rdQS(UnquotedString)
  rdQS = "'" & Replace(UnquotedString, "'", "''") & "'"
End Function

Function uppercase(s)
  If Left(s,1) = "'" And Len(s) > 1 Then
    uppercase = Left(s,1)&UCase(Mid(s,2,1))&LCase(Mid(s,3))
    uppercase = UCase(Mid(s,1,1))&LCase(Mid(s,2))
  End If
End Function

Function fixUp(s, prevChars, nextChar)
  Dim forceIndex, littleIndex, i
  Dim capMe, allCaps, foreignPref
  Dim upcased, littleUpped, forceUpped
  forceIndex = -1
  littleIndex = -1
  capMe = false
  allCaps = false
  upcased = UCase(s)
  foreignPref = isForeignPref.test(s)
  For i = 0 to UBound(forceCapList)
    forceUpped = UCase(forceCapList(i))
    If UCase(forceCapList(i)) = upcased Or forceUpped = upcased & nextChar Then
      forceIndex = i
      Exit For
    End If
  Next 'i
  For i = 0 to UBound(littleWordList)
    littleUpped = UCase(littleWordList(i))
    If littleUpped = upcased Or littleUpped = upcased & nextChar Then
      littleIndex = i
      Exit For
    End If
  Next 'i
  If forceIndex >= 0 Then
    s = forceCapList(forceIndex)
    If Len(s) = 1 And nextChar = "." Then
    ' if it's a single character followed by a period (an initial), caps it
      allCaps = True
    ElseIf Not vowels.test(s) And Not cardinal.test(s) Then
    ' if it's all consonants, no vowels, and not a cardinal number, caps it
      allCaps = True
    ElseIf romanNumerals.test(s) And UCase(s) <> "MIX" And UCase(s) <> "MI" And UCase(s) <> "DI" Then
    ' if it's roman numerals (and not 'mix' or 'di' which are valid roman numerals), caps it
      allCaps = True
    ElseIf prevChars = "" Or (nextChar = "" And Not foreignPref) Then
    'if it's the first or last word, cap it
      capMe = True
    ElseIf Not whiteSpace.test(prevChars) Or (nextChar <> "" And InStr(")}]",nextChar)) Then
    ' if it follows a punctuation mark (with or without spaces) or if it's before a close-bracket, cap it
      capMe = True
    ElseIf littleIndex < 0 And Not foreignPref Then
    ' if it's not on the 'little word' list, cap it
      capMe = True
    End If
    If allCaps Then
      s = UCase(s)
    ElseIf capMe Then
      s = uppercase(s)
      s = LCase(s)
    End If
    If isMc.Test(s) And Len(s) > 2 Then
    ' if it's Mc or O', cap the 3rd character (this assumes no names like McA)
      s = Mid(s,1,2)&UCase(Mid(s,3,1))&LCase(Mid(s,4))
    End If
    If foreignPref Then
    ' if it's l', d' or dell', lowercase the first letter and uppercase the first letter after the apostrophe
      Dim pos
      pos = InStr(s,"'")
      If pos < 1 Then
        pos = InStr(s,"`")
      End If
      If pos > 0 And pos < Len(s) Then
        s = Mid(s,1,pos)&UCase(Mid(s,pos+1,1))&LCase(Mid(s,pos+2))
      End If
    End If
  End If
  fixUp = s
End Function

Function updateCase(s)
  Dim currentWord, result, fixed, theChar, lastNonWordChars
  Dim forceIndex
  Dim i
  currentWord = ""
  result = ""
  lastNonWordChars = ""
  For i = 1 to Len(s)
    theChar = Mid(s,i,1)
    If alphaNum.test(theChar) Then
      currentWord = currentWord & theChar
      If currentWord <> "" Then
        fixed = fixUp(currentWord,lastNonWordChars,theChar)
        If Right(fixed,1) = theChar Then 'handle stuff like w/
          fixed = Left(fixed,Len(fixed)-1)
          lastNonWordChars = ""
          lastNonWordChars = theChar
        End If
        result = result & fixed
        currentWord = ""
        lastNonWordChars = lastNonWordChars & theChar
      End If
      result = result & theChar
    End If
  Next 'i
  If Len(currentWord) > 0 Then
    result = result & fixUp(currentWord,lastNonWordChars,"")
  End If
  updateCase = result
End Function

Sub CloseDown
  Set holdAlbum = nothing
  Set holdAlbumArtist = nothing
  Set holdArtist = nothing
  Set holdTitle = Nothing
  Set holdFileName = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("CaseThingy") = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("holdArtist") = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("holdAlbumArtist") = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("holdAlbum") = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("holdTitle") = Nothing
  SDB.Objects("holdFileName") = Nothing
End Sub

Sub OnCancel(Btn)
End Sub

Sub OnOK(Btn)
  Set holdAlbum = SDB.Objects("holdAlbum")
  Set holdAlbumArtist = SDB.Objects("holdAlbumArtist")
  Set holdArtist = SDB.Objects("holdArtist")
  Set holdTitle = SDB.Objects("holdTitle")
  Set holdFileName = SDB.Objects("holdFileName")

  Dim itm, str, sql
  Dim items, albumNames, artistNames, fileNames
  Set items = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set albumNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set artistNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set fileNames = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

  For Each itm In holdArtist
    str = holdArtist.item(itm)
    If Not items.exists(itm) Then
      items.add itm, itm
    End If
    itm.artistName = str
    If Not artistNames.exists(str) Then
      sql = "UPDATE Artists SET Artists.Artist = " & rdQS(str) & " WHERE Artists.Artist= " & rdQS(Itm.ArtistName)
      ' This will affect ALL instances of this artist, including album artist, and on other tracks.
      artistNames.add str, str
    End If
  Next 'itm
  For Each itm In holdAlbumArtist
    str = holdAlbumArtist.item(itm)
    If Not items.exists(itm) Then
      items.add itm, itm
    End If
    itm.albumArtistName = str
    If Not artistNames.exists(str) Then
      sql = "UPDATE Artists SET Artists.Artist = " & rdQS(str) & " WHERE Artists.Artist= " & rdQS(Itm.ArtistName)
      artistNames.add str, str
    End If
  Next 'itm
  For Each itm In holdAlbum
    str = holdAlbum.item(itm)
    If Not items.exists(itm) Then
      items.add itm, itm
    End If
    itm.albumName = str
    If Not albumNames.exists(str) Then
      sql = "UPDATE Albums SET Albums.Album = " & rdQS(str) & " WHERE Albums.Album= " & rdQS(Itm.AlbumName)
      ' This will affect ALL instances of this album, including other tracks.
      albumNames.add str, str
    End If
  Next 'itm
  For Each itm In holdTitle
    str = holdTitle.item(itm)
    If Not items.exists(itm) Then
      items.add itm, itm
    End If
    itm.title = str
  Next 'itm
  For Each itm In holdFileName
    str = holdFileName.item(itm)
    If Not items.exists(itm) Then
      items.add itm, itm
    End If
    itm.path = Left(itm.path,InStrRev(itm.path,"\")) & str
  Next 'itm
  Dim list
  Set list = SDB.NewSongList
  For Each itm In items
    list.Add( itm)
  Set items = nothing
End Sub

Function MapXML(original)
  Dim hold
  hold = Replace(original, "&", "&")
  hold = Replace(hold, "  ", "&nbsp; ")
  hold = Replace(hold, "<", "<")
  hold = Replace(hold, ">", ">")
  hold = Replace(hold, """", """)
  Dim i
  While i<=Len(hold)
    If (AscW(Mid(hold, i, 1))>127) Then
      hold = Mid(hold, 1, i-1)+"&#"+CStr(AscW(Mid(hold, i, 1)))+";"+Mid(hold, i+1)
    End If
  MapXML = hold
End Function

Function MapField(fld)
  If fld="" Then
    MapField = "&nbsp;"
    MapField = MapXML(fld)
  End If
End Function

Function outField (fixed, normal)
  If fixed = normal Then
    outField = "<td>" & MapField(normal) & "</td>" & vbcrlf
    outField = "<td class=""highlight"" title=""" & SDB.Localize("Old Value: ") & Chr(13) & MapXML(normal) & """>" & MapField(fixed) & "</td>" & vbcrlf
  End If
End Function

Sub TitleCase
  Dim UI, Form, Foot, Btn, Btn2, WB, HTML
  Dim trackList
  Dim writeChanges
  dim DlgWidth

  Set trackList = SDB.CurrentSongList

  If trackList.count=0 Then
    res = SDB.MessageBox("Select tracks to be updated", mtError, Array(mbOk))
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Set UI = SDB.UI

  DlgWidth = 500

  ' Create the window to be shown
  Set Form = UI.NewForm
  Form.Common.SetRect 50, 50, DlgWidth, 400
  Form.Common.MinWidth = 200
  Form.Common.MinHeight = 150
  Form.FormPosition = mmFormScreenCenter
  Form.Caption = SDB.Localize("Case Checker")
  Form.StayOnTop = True

  ' Create a web browser component
  Set WB = UI.NewActiveX(Form, "Shell.Explorer")
  WB.Common.Align = mmAlignClient      ' Fill all client rectangle
  WB.Common.ControlName = "WB"

  ' Create a panel at the bottom of the window
  Set Foot = UI.NewPanel(Form)
  Foot.Common.Align = mmAlignBottom
  Foot.Common.Height = 35

  ' Create a button that saves the report
  Set Btn2 = UI.NewButton(Foot)
  Btn2.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Ok")
  Btn2.Common.SetRect DlgWidth - 205, 6, 85, 25
  Btn2.Common.Anchors = mmAnchorRight + mmAnchorBottom
  Btn2.UseScript = Script.Scriptpath
  Btn2.OnClickFunc = "OnOK"
  Btn2.Default = true

  ' Create a button that closes the window
  Set Btn = UI.NewButton(Foot)
  Btn.Caption = SDB.Localize("&Cancel")
  Btn.Common.SetRect DlgWidth - 105, 6, 85, 25
  Btn.Common.Anchors = mmAnchorRight + mmAnchorBottom
  Btn.UseScript = Script.Scriptpath
  Btn.OnClickFunc = "OnCancel"
  Btn.Cancel = true

  Form.SavePositionName = "CaseWindow"
  Form.Common.Visible = True                ' Only show the form, don't wait for user input
  SDB.Objects("CaseThingy") = Form  ' Save reference to the form somewhere, otherwise it would simply disappear

  HTML = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"">" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "<html>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "  <head>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "    <title>" & SDB.Localize("Case Checker") & "</title>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "  </head>" & vbcrlf

  HTML = HTML & "<STYLE TYPE=text/css>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "body{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-size:9pt; color:#000000;}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "H1{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold; color:#AAAAAA; text-align:left}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "P{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:8pt; color:#000000;}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "TH{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:9pt; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; border-color:#000000; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:3px;}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "TD{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:8pt; color:#000000; border-color:#000000; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:1px;}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "TD.highlight{font-family:'Verdana',sans-serif; font-size:8pt; background-color:#FFFF77; color:#000000; border-color:#000000; border-style: solid; border-left-width:0px; border-right-width:0px; border-top-width:0px; border-bottom-width:1px;}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "TR.dark{background-color:#EEEEEE}" & VbCrLf
  HTML = HTML & "TR.aleft TH{text-align:left}" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "</STYLE>" & vbcrlf

  HTML = HTML & "  <body>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "    <H1>" & SDB.Localize("Recommended changes to capitalization:") & "</H1>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "    <table border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""4"" width=""100%"">" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "      <tr class=""aleft"">" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "        <th>" & SDB.Localize("Artist") & "</th>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "        <th>" & SDB.Localize("Title") & "</th>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "        <th>" & SDB.Localize("Album") & "</th>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "        <th>" & SDB.Localize("Album Artist") & "</th>" & VbCrLf
  HTML = HTML & "        <th>" & SDB.Localize("Filename") & "</th>" & VbCrLf
  HTML = HTML & "      </tr>" & vbcrlf

  Dim i, itm
  Dim artist, album, title, albumArtist, FileName
  for i=0 to trackList.count-1
    HTML = HTML & "      <tr" & Style() & ">" & vbcrlf

    Set itm = trackList.Item(i)
    artist = updateCase(itm.artistName)
    title = updateCase(itm.title)
    album = updateCase(itm.albumName)
    albumArtist = updateCase(itm.albumArtistName)
    FileName = updateCase(Mid(itm.path,(InStrRev(itm.path,"\")+1)))
    HTML = HTML & outField(artist, itm.artistName)
    HTML = HTML & outField(title, itm.title)
    HTML = HTML & outField(album, itm.albumName)
    HTML = HTML & outField(albumArtist, itm.albumArtistName)
    HTML = HTML & outField(FileName, Mid(itm.path,(InStrRev(itm.path,"\")+1)))
    If artist <> "" And artist <> itm.artistName Then
      holdArtist.add itm, artist
    End If
    If albumArtist <> "" And albumArtist <> itm.albumArtistName Then
      holdAlbumArtist.add itm, albumArtist
    End If
    If title <> "" And title <> itm.title Then
      holdTitle.add itm, title
    End If
    If album <> "" And album <> itm.albumName Then
      holdAlbum.add itm, album
    End If
    If FileName <> "" And FileName <> Mid(itm.path,(InStrRev(itm.path,"\")+1)) Then
      holdFileName.add itm, FileName
    End If
    HTML = HTML & "      </tr>" & vbcrlf
  next 'i
  HTML = HTML & "    </table>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "  </body>" & vbcrlf
  HTML = HTML & "</html>" & vbcrlf
  WB.SetHTMLDocument( HTML)

  SDB.Objects("holdArtist") = holdArtist
  SDB.Objects("holdAlbumArtist") = holdAlbumArtist
  SDB.Objects("holdAlbum") = holdAlbum
  SDB.Objects("holdTitle") = holdTitle
  SDB.Objects("holdFileName") = holdFileName
End Sub
Last edited by Bex on Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Bex »

The warning below only happens on cue sheets stored on a network drive, at least that the case for me. It's also quite possible that I'm the only one with this problem which I blame on my setup. It would be nice though if some one else could test this and report if there is a problem for you to or not!


I just found out that if you have trixmoto's beautiful Cue-Reader script installed and update a file which has an accompanying cue-sheet. The cue-reader script actually DELETES the cue-sheet!!

Well, the same thing happens when I manually rename such file???
I will contact trixmoto regarding this.

It could just being me who has this problem due to personal scripts i have installed. Any info regarding this is appreciated. But back up your cue-sheets if you want to test it.

If you don't have the cue-reader script installed you can ignore this warning.
Last edited by Bex on Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by trixmoto »

I cannot replicate this issue. When I update the filename of a track with a cuesheet (with CueReader installed) the cuesheet is correctly renamed to the same filename (but different extension) as the track, and the filename is also updated inside the cuesheet. Are you sure it's CueReader that is doing this?
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Post by gege »

Bex, I have a sugestion/bug report:

In line # 479, replace SDB.Localize("File Name") by SDB.Localize("Filename").
This way, the string is correctly localized.

And, by the way, I loved this mod!
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Post by Bex »

trixmoto wrote:I cannot replicate this issue. When I update the filename of a track with a cuesheet (with CueReader installed) the cuesheet is correctly renamed to the same filename (but different extension) as the track, and the filename is also updated inside the cuesheet. Are you sure it's CueReader that is doing this?
I'll investigate this thoroughly this evening!
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Re: Sugestion

Post by Bex »

gege wrote:Bex, I have a sugestion/bug report:

In line # 479, replace SDB.Localize("File Name") by SDB.Localize("Filename").
This way, the string is correctly localized.

And, by the way, I loved this mod!

Thank you, it's fixed now!
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Post by Bex »

Bex wrote:
trixmoto wrote:I cannot replicate this issue. When I update the filename of a track with a cuesheet (with CueReader installed) the cuesheet is correctly renamed to the same filename (but different extension) as the track, and the filename is also updated inside the cuesheet. Are you sure it's CueReader that is doing this?
I'll investigate this thoroughly this evening!
I just found out that the cue sheet deletion only happens on cue sheets stored on a network drive, at least that the case for me. It's also quite possible that I'm the only one with this problem which I blame on my setup. It would be nice though if some one else could test this and report if there is a problem for you too or not!

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Post by MeMeMe »

You seem to be churning out a lot of invaluable scripts, Bex.

I'm getting quite jaded. "Oh, it's just another amazingly useful script from Bex."
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Post by Bex »

Thanks a lot! :D

I've been longing for this feature a long time myself - that's why i did it!
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Post by Peke »

What, can I say. I'm glad you did :D
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Post by Bex »

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Post by Peke »

Simple and works :)
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Re: CaseModify [Script] (2007-01-24)

Post by VALIS666 »

Bex wrote:This change solves the problem with "Auto-Tag from filename" when all the words in the filename are in lowercase which render in that you change the case of existing artist in the database. :D
Simply run this script on such files before you perform the Auto-tag from filename feature.
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Post by Bex »

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