Sample AMG Search script: Difference between revisions

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(Added warning about amg)
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Line 36: Line 36:
' [SearchAMG]
' [SearchAMG]
' FileName=SearchAMG.vbs
' FileName=SearchAMG.vbs
' ProcName=SearchAMG
' Order=10
' Order=10
' DisplayName=Search All Music Guide
' DisplayName=Search All Music Guide

Latest revision as of 09:29, 19 January 2018


Maybe this script should be changed to one using a website that allows this kind of action. AMG does not.

This script demonstrates how to plug-in into MediaMonkey Web Search dialog. It searches AMG web a lets user tag some basic fields. Don't forget that it's rather a sample of what Search scripts can do than fully working script.

It currently searches AllMusic's website for the given album, presents user results found and lets tag these fields:

  • Album
  • Artist
  • Track titles
  • Album art
  • Release year
  • Genres
  • Styles
  • Moods
  • Themes

There's a lot that could be improved, namely:

  • Error handling - currently many possible problems aren't solved
  • More fields could be tagged
  • Results could be formatted using custom HTML page (not the downloaded one)
  • Many others...

It's quite well documented, and so it can help in creation of your own Search scripts.

' Sample AMG Search script
' This script demonstrates how to plug-in into MediaMonkey Web Search dialog. You should save it to Scripts folder as
' SearchAMG.vbs. It has to be in Scripts.ini file, where entries can be as follows:
' [SearchAMG]
' FileName=SearchAMG.vbs
' Order=10
' DisplayName=Search All Music Guide
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=3

Dim WB, WB2
Dim FoundLinks
Dim Tmr

' MediaMonkey calls this method whenever a search is started using this script
Sub StartSearch(Panel, SearchTerm, SearchArtist, SearchAlbum)
  Set UI = SDB.UI

  ' This is a web browser that we use to present results to the user
  Set WB = UI.NewActiveX(Panel, "Shell.Explorer")
  WB.Common.Align = 5      ' Fill whole client rectangle
  WB.Common.ControlName = "WB"

  ' This is a hidden browser that we use to find results (a better solution can be used, but this seems to be the easiest...)
  Set WB2 = UI.NewActiveX(Panel, "Shell.Explorer")
  WB2.Common.ControlName = "WB2"


  ' The following HTML is taken from AMG web pages - so that we don't have to load the search page and can post the query directly
  ' The following line will probably need some better way of retrieving server name from AMG. Using doesn't work at this moment.
  html = "<form name=""search"" action="""" method=""post"">"
  html = html & "<input type=""hidden"" name=""P"" value=""amg"" />"
  html = html & "<p><input type=""text"" name=""sql"" id=""search_txt"" />"
  html = html & "<input type=""image"" src=""/i/pages/wide/go.gif"" id=""search_button"" /></p>"
  html = html & "<p><select name=""opt1"" id=""search_opt"">"
  html = html & "  <option value=""1"" selected=""selected"">Artist/Group</option>"
  html = html & "  <option value=""2"">Album</option>"
  html = html & "  <option value=""3"">Song</option>"
  html = html & "  <option value=""55"">Classical Work</option>"
  html = html & "</select></p>"
  html = html & "</form>"

  Set WB2Intf = WB2.Interf
  WB2Intf.Visible = false

  WB2.SetHTMLDocument html

  Set Doc2 = WB2Intf.Document
  Set SrchTxt = Doc2.getElementById("search_txt")
  If SearchAlbum <> "" Then
    SrchTxt.Value = SearchAlbum
    SrchTxt.Value = SearchTerm
  End If

  Set SrchType = Doc2.getElementById("search_opt")
  SrchType.selectedIndex = 1  ' Search for an album

  Set SrchButton = Doc2.getElementById("search_button")

  Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(40)
  Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "ContinueSearch"
End Sub

' We use this procedure as a callback using Timer, so that we can present results as soon as they are downloaded
Sub ContinueSearch(Timer)
  Script.UnregisterEvents Tmr
  Set Tmr = Nothing

  Set WB2Intf = WB2.Interf

  If Len(WB2Intf.LocationURL) < 10 Then        ' A trick - wait until navigation to the search results page starts
    Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(40)
    Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "ContinueSearch"
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If WB2Intf.ReadyState = 1 Or WB2Intf.Busy Then
    Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(40)
    Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "ContinueSearch"
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Set Doc2 = WB2Intf.Document

  Set DivResults = Doc2.body

  Set Results = SDB.NewStringList
  Set FoundLinks = SDB.NewStringList
  If IsObject(DivResults) And Not IsNull(DivResults) Then
    Set AColl = DivResults.getElementsByTagName("A")
    For Each itm In AColl
      Set Imgs = itm.getElementsByTagName("img")
      pos = InStr(CStr(itm.href), ".com/")
      If pos > 0 Then
        href = Mid(itm.href, pos)
        If Left(href,Len(".com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:")) = ".com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:" And Imgs.length = 0 Then
          Results.Add itm.innerText
          FoundLinks.Add itm.href
        End If
      End If

    SDB.Tools.WebSearch.SetSearchResults Results
    If Results.Count > 0 Then
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.ResultIndex = 0
    End If
    WB.SetHTMLDocument = Doc2.documentElement.innerHTML
  End If
End Sub

' This procedure is called by MediaMonkey when user selects some of search results
Sub ShowResult(ResultID)
  If ResultID >= 0 And ResultID < FoundLinks.Count Then
    SDB.Tools.WebSearch.ClearTracksData   ' Tell MM to disregard any previously set tracks' data
    WB.SetHTMLDocument ""                 ' To prevent usage of this data
    WB.Interf.Navigate FoundLinks.Item(ResultID)

    Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(500)
    Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "ResultFullyLoaded"
  End If
End Sub

' This is a callback handled by a timer, so that we can respond as soon as album results are loaded
Sub ResultFullyLoaded(Timer)
  Script.UnregisterEvents Tmr
  Set Tmr = Nothing

  Set Tracks = SDB.NewStringList

  Set Doc = WB.Interf.Document

  If IsObject(Doc) Then
    ' Get track titles
    Set AColl = Doc.getElementsByTagName("A")
    For Each itm In AColl
      Set Imgs = itm.getElementsByTagName("img")
      pos = InStr(CStr(itm.href), ".com/")
      If pos > 0 Then
        href = Mid(itm.href, pos)
        If Left(href,Len(".com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=33:")) = ".com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=33:" And Imgs.length = 0 Then
          Tracks.Add itm.innerText
        End If
      End If
      If itm.className = "subtitle" Then
        ArtistTitle = itm.innerText
      End If

    ' Get album title
    Set SpanColl = Doc.getElementsByTagName("Span")
    For Each itm in SpanColl
      If itm.className = "title" Then
        AlbumTitle = itm.innerText
      End If

    ' Get Album art URL
    Set ImgColl = Doc.getElementsByTagName("Img")
    For Each itm in ImgColl
      If Left(itm.src,Len("")) = "" Then
        SDB.Tools.WebSearch.AlbumArtURL = itm.src
      End If

    ' Get release year
    Set SpanColl = Doc.getElementsByTagName("span")
    For Each itm In SpanColl
      pos = InStr(itm.innerText, "Release Date")
      If pos > 0 Then
        Set Parnt = itm.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode
        Set TDColl = Parnt.getElementsByTagName("td")
        For Each itm2 In TDColl
          If itm2.className = "sub-text" Then
            ReleaseYear = Right(itm2.innerText, 4)
            Exit For
          End If
        Exit For
      End If
    ' Get genres/styles/moods/themes
    ListCnt = 0
    Set DivColl = Doc.getElementsByTagName("div")
    For Each itm In DivColl
      pos = InStr(, "left-sidebar-list")
      If pos > 0 Then
        Set AColl = itm.getElementsByTagName("a")
        MyList = ""
        For Each itm2 In AColl
          If MyList <> "" Then MyList = MyList & ";"
          MyList = MyList & itm2.innerText
        ListCnt = ListCnt + 1
        Select Case ListCnt
          Case 1
            Genres = MyList
          Case 2
            Styles = MyList
          Case 3
            Moods = MyList
          Case 4
            Themes = MyList
        End Select
      End If
  End If

  If Tracks.Count = 0 Then
    ' Nothing found yet, wait some more time
    Set Tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(500)
    Script.RegisterEvent Tmr, "OnTimer", "ResultFullyLoaded"
    ' Some results were found, notify MediaMonkey
    SDB.Tools.WebSearch.SmartUpdateTracks Tracks
    For i = 0 To SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Count - 1
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).ArtistName = ArtistTitle
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).AlbumName = AlbumTitle
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).Year = ReleaseYear
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).Genre = Genres
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).Custom1 = Styles
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).Custom2 = Moods
      SDB.Tools.WebSearch.NewTracks.Item(i).Custom3 = Themes
    SDB.Tools.WebSearch.RefreshViews   ' Tell MM that we have made some changes
  End If
End Sub

' This does the final clean up, so that our script doesn't leave any unwanted traces
Sub FinishSearch(Panel)
  ' Correctly terminate all the actions we have started
  WB.Common.DestroyControl      ' Destroy the external control
  WB2.Common.DestroyControl     '    "     "     "        "
  Set WB = Nothing              ' Release global variable
  Set WB2 = Nothing             '    "      "        "
  Set FoundLinks = Nothing      '    "      "        "
  If IsObject(Tmr) Then
    Script.UnregisterEvents Tmr ' Unregister timer events
    Set Tmr = Nothing           ' Release global variable
  End If
End Sub