plugin scrobbling problem

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Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Mizery_Made » Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:51 pm

Moatilliata wrote:Do I have to adjust the playcount by hand or is there an automatic adjust button I'm missing??
If you are looking to erase the "iPod plays" (thus, restore the playcount to the number of history plays) then you can just highlight them all, right click, mouse over Add/Remove Playstat and then select "Adjust Only Playcounter. Once there, you just have to select "Set To Count of HistoryPlays" and it will fix them for you. If you're looking to keep the inflated number, then you really don't have to do anything (or you can insert some fake plays into the history using the script).
Moatilliata wrote:Also, I can't find how to tell how many plays there are in the internal playcount to compare them.
If you open up the "More..."/"Less PlayCount than in MM's internal History" node, then you should see sub nodes like "Diff by: 3 ({Count of Files})" in which case the files in that node have 3 more plays in the playcounter than there are in the history. So if a file has 15 plays and is in that node, it would really only have 12 according to MM's history.

You don't have to fix these. Some people like that their listening habits on there iPod are (somewhat) tracked, I on the otherhand prefer to keep it in sync with the number of plays I've had on my computer. It's up to you. I only suggested looking into it with the Tagging Inconsistencies script as a means of "proving" that it's a matter of the iPod plays not being scrobbled.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by nohitter151 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:06 am

No, MM can't submit iPod plays to in any way. However, QT scrob is very easy to use. You just have to remember to do it!

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Moatilliata » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:56 am

Thanks guys.

Mizery-Made: I have installed those two scripts and they work fine. Do I have to adjust the playcount by hand or is there an automatic adjust button I'm missing?? Because there are 3500 tracks in the 'more plays than internal playcount list'. Also, I can't find how to tell how many plays there are in the internal playcount to compare them.

nohitter: is there not a convenient way using just MM? I guess not or you would not be telling me work arounds right?
Thanks again, you are heroes.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by nohitter151 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:04 am

The MM scrobbler (or the "Sizzly" version of the scrobbler) do not submit plays from an iPod. If you want to submit plays from an ipod, use a program like QTscrob before you sync with MM.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Mizery_Made » Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:16 am

MM will update the Playcount value with the number of plays from the iPod. I don't think these plays are scrobbled to Last.FM either, as the iPod doesn't store when they were played I don't think. So it's possible you've played the song in MediaMonkey only 3 times, and the other 12 came from the iPod and therefor not scrobbled.

Bex has a scripts which can check for these iPod plays (or other playcount anomalies) through checking the value of the playcounter to that of the number of Play history entries in the MM database. His "Tagging Inconsistencies" has "More..." & "Less PlayCount Than in MM's internal History" nodes which check for this and his "Add/Remove PlayStat" script offers the ability to "fix" them (by adjusting the playcounter to match the number of history plays or inserting fake plays into the history to account for the iPod plays). You might install the Tagging Inconsistencies script and check the node(s) to at least determine if my theory may apply (for example, 3 plays via MM for a file thus having 3 plays in the history, and then 12 via iPod causing a 15 in the playcounter when only 3 were played and scrobbled by MM)

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Moatilliata » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:40 pm

sorry to but in on the thread, but if anyone could help me that would be sweet. I used to use the Mediamonkey scrobbler, and have just changed to sizzly's method, but I am still having the same problem.

I can't really trace it, but basically a lot of the artists in my library just don't seem to register playcounts from my ipod or mediamonkey.

E.g. The Dresden Dolls have numerous tracks for which mediamonkey lists the playcount as over, say 15 each, but according to lastfm they have only three plays in my library. And the Mediamonkey playcount doesn't even account for ipod plays, does it? It seems to only scrobble tracks I play while lastfm is open in google chrome (or any other browser presumably). Any help would be much appreciated. Also any other info I can give you is your's for the asking (obviously, I guess). I would give you my log file but it was deleted (presumably) when I removed the mediamonkey scrobbler plugin.

Thanks in advance

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by HateMe » Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:40 pm

Peke wrote:We are looking into API 2.0 and ways to implement it into new version of native MediaMonkey plugin.
Wow, great news :). Thanks for sharing 8) .


Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Grondane » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:45 am

I couldn't get Sizzly's Dashboard solution to work, so I will be sticking to the existing plugin for now. Given the frustrations of losing a long history when it fails, though, I decided to try to find a way to recover from the problem ie to scrobble the files that should have been scrobbled but weren't.

I have therefore put together the script below, which will generate a .scrobbler.log file (the same as are generated by portable players) for the selected tracks in the Now Playing window, based on their LastPlayed date/time. The log file can then be uploaded using standard mechanisms such as via the web, eg or via a standalone tool, eg

It has scrobbled the Unicode characters in the tracks I have, so I am hoping that it will resolve the problems with foreign characters.

Also, it is my first attempt at a MediaMonkey script, and first bit of coding for a few years, so please be gentle :)


1. Save the following code into a text file with the name "CreateScrobblerLog.vbs", in the subfolder "Scripts" of the main MediaMonkey folder.

Code: Select all

'               CreateScrobblerLog
'                   by Grondane
'            Version 0.1 - 20 Nov 2010
' A script that allows you to recover when you
' discover that the MediaMonkey scrobbler plugin 
' has failed to scrobble a bunch of the tracks 
' you have been listening to.
' To use: select the tracks you want to Scrobble in
' the Now Playing window and run the script.  A
' .scrobbler.log file will be created that can be
' uploaded to here:
' or by using a standalone tool such as this one:

Option Explicit     

function UDate(dateval)
    'Dates are scrobbled as Unix timestamps, so
    'this function converts dates into that format.
    UDate = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", dateval)
end function

Sub CreateLog

Dim list      ' list of songs to be exported
Dim res       ' results of dialogs calls
Dim win       ' window
Dim winS      ' window with focus
Dim daycount  ' how many days to check back

daycount = 32

  ' Move focus to Now Playing panel, on the principle that
  ' only those items should be scrobbled.	
  Set win = SDB.UI
  win.MainWindowFocus = 4

  ' Get the list of songs to be logged.
  Set list = SDB.SelectedSongList

  If list.count=0 Then
    res = SDB.MessageBox( SDB.Localize("Select tracks to be logged, please."), mtError, Array(mbOk))
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' Open inifile and get last used directory.
  Dim iniF
  Set iniF = SDB.IniFile

  ' Let user select the output path.
  Dim path
  path = iniF.StringValue( "CreateScrobblerLog", "LastCreateDir")

  path = SDB.SelectFolder( path, SDB.Localize( "Select where to create the Scrobbler log."))

  If path="" Then
    Exit Sub
  End If

  If Right( path, 1)<>"\" Then
    path = path & "\"
  End If

  ' Write selected directory to the ini file.
  iniF.StringValue( "CreateScrobblerLog", "LastCreateDir") = path
  Set iniF = Nothing

  ' Use progress to notify user about the current action.
  Dim Progress, ExpText
  Set Progress = SDB.Progress
  ExpText = SDB.Localize("Creating Log...")
  Progress.Text = ExpText

  ' Connect to the FileSystemObject
  Dim fso
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  ' Create the output file.  Creates Unicode file for compatibility with
  Dim fout
  Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile( path & ".scrobbler.log", True, True)

  ' Write header lines.
  fout.Write "#AUDIOSCROBBLER/1.1" & CHR(10)
  fout.Write "#TZ/UNKNOWN" & CHR(10)
  fout.Write "#CLIENT/MEDIAMONKEY v" & SDB.VersionString & CHR(10)
  Progress.MaxValue = list.count

  ' Iterate through the list of songs.
  Dim i, itm
  for i=0 to list.count-1
    Set itm = list.Item(i)

    ' Check that the song has been played at all. Stop processing tracks if it hasn't.
    If UDate(itm.LastPlayed)<0 Then
        ' The extra spaces in the message box are because my font is set at >100%. 
        ' Modify to fit your settings as necessary.
    	res = SDB.MessageBox( SDB.Localize("Cannot Scrobble unplayed track '" & itm.Title & "'.      "), mtError, Array(mbOk))
    	Exit For
    End If

    ' Check when the song was last played. If more than 'daycount' days ago, 
    ' ask whether it should be Scrobbled.  Mainly intended as a sanity check.
    ' Note: 32 is set as the default on the assumption that NowPlaying lists won't
    ' last for more than a month.
    If (UDate(Date)-UDate(itm.LastPlayed))>(86400 * daycount) Then
    	res = SDB.MessageBox( SDB.Localize("You listened to '" & itm.Title & "' over " & _
        CStr(daycount) & " days ago. Do you want to stop?            "), mtWarning, Array(mbYes,mbNo))
    	If res = 6 Then
		Exit For
	End If
    End If

    ' Write the information for each track to the file.
    ' Note: LastPlayed is the time the track finished, but uses the time it started, so it has to be converted.         
    fout.Write Join( Array(itm.ArtistName, itm.AlbumName, itm.Title, itm.TrackOrderStr, _
       CStr(CInt(itm.SongLength/1000)), "L", CStr(UDate(itm.LastPlayed)-CInt(itm.SongLength/1000)), _
       ""), CHR(9)) & CHR(10)
    Progress.Value = i+1
    if Progress.Terminate then
      Exit For
    end if

  ' Close the output file and finish.

  ' Return focus to original panel.
  win.MainWindowFocus = winS

  ' hide progress.
  Set Progress = Nothing

    res = SDB.MessageBox( SDB.Localize("Log Created.       "), mtInformation, Array(mbOk))

End Sub
2. In the same "Scripts" subfolder, open the "Scripts.ini" file (as an Administrator if in Windows 7 etc) and add the text below to the end of the file before saving it.

Code: Select all

DisplayName=Create a Last.FM Scrobbler Log...
Description=Generates a Log from the selected tracks in the Now Playing window.
3. Restart MediaMonkey and the script should be in the Tools/Scripts menu. Select some files in the Now Playing window, run the script, decide where you want to save it, and everything should hopefully work out OK.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Peke » Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:42 pm

As developer of developer I got notified by last.FM yesterday that they are releasing Scrobbling API 2.0 so we can expect issues.

We are looking into API 2.0 and ways to implement it into new version of native MediaMonkey plugin.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by HateMe » Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:49 pm

guest0815 wrote:At least if you don't want to scrobble tracks with foreign characters such as russian, japanese,.....
Confirmed. Tracks with foreign character weren't scrobbled by this method. Too bad :(. Almost a perfect solution.

I don't understand, why the "Last.FM Scrobbler" doesn't support (anymore) MediaMonkey? This shouldn't be however a big problem, since MM works with that old winamp-plugin?! Why don't they code a new proper plugin? Damn it :roll: .

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Dreadlau » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:17 pm

I recommend visiting the site of sizzly ( link in his sig )
As it's full of useful advices and tutorials.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by HateMe » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:07 pm

Sizzly wrote:I'm pleased my tutorial worked for you. I feel loved.
Ah cool, the original author of above Howto is also here! Nice! 8)

Thank you very much for your Howto, it works as it should. No more lost tracks, thank you so much :wink: .

Kind regards,

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by Sizzly » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:41 pm

Hey, goslings!

I'm pleased my tutorial worked for you. I feel loved.


Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by guest0815 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:01 am

The "Configuring MediaMonkey with the Dashboard" thing does work nicely.
At least if you don't want to scrobble tracks with foreign characters such as russian, japanese,.....
Seems like for that there's no other way than using a different player if you want to scrobble these.

Re: plugin scrobbling problem

by HateMe » Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:23 pm

HateMe wrote:Configuring MediaMonkey with the Dashboard (Submitted by Sizzly on Thu, 05/13/2010 - 6:29pm)
Works beautiful!! No more lost tracks! Brilliant!

With that tool it is also possible, that MM scroobles even a track, when you only played 50% of it. With the native plugin you have to play 100% of a track to get it scroobled.

I will stay with that one :).
Mizery_Made wrote:If I remember correctly, the "old Winamp plugin" method doesn't work with Unicode and may have a few other downfalls.
Yeah, I discovered 2 times some kind of error, that every new played track replaced the last scrobbled track at . But that wasn't a real problem, because the "Last.FM Scrobbler"-tool saves every played track. On next start it sent all those tracks successfully to .

Well guys, after 1 Week and over 500 (successfully) scroobled tracks: IT WORKS! 8)

Kind regards,
