Danish Translation

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Re: Danish Translation

by Dreadlau » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:20 pm

Rosewind wrote: My original sentence:
1) The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used must be joking.

Google Translator ENGLISH into DANISH
2) Den person, der foreslog, at Google Translator kunne anvendes, skal være sjov.

Google Translator DANISH into ENGLISH
3) The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used, should be fun.

In two steps Google Translator turned the the original English sentence "The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used must be joking" into "The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used, should be fun."

Re: Danish Translation

by krohn » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:54 pm

Have a Danish translation ready.

Re: Danish Translation

by waku » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:03 pm

Har ikke været herinde i meget lang tid efter min sidste indlæg fra 30. juni sidste år. Jeg nåede at oversætte en del, men kom hurtigt fra det igen pga. manglende tid (og lyst). Filerne ligger dog stadig et sted, så hvis du kan bruge det til noget, så send mig en PM.

Re: Danish Translation

by sct_nicolaus » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:27 pm

Jeg vil gerne læse korrektur og/eller bidrage med noget oversættelse. Sender dig også lige en PM Hanne ;)

Re: Danish Translation

by Stegemueller » Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:06 pm

I have started from scratch with Danish translation for MediaMonkey 3.2

But as said I've never tried before and am not very much into the music-terminology, so it would be great to have a proofreader and somebody who could/would correct semantic errors.

Update: I got an idea - I "steal" and get inspired from the Norwegian guy as our languages are quite similar - but would still love a proofreader. Anybody?

Re: Danish Translation

by Stegemueller » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:45 am

Jeg er så begejstret over at have fundet MediaMonkey og at være sluppet ud af iTunes helvedet, at jeg meget gerne vil hjælpe med at oversætte til dansk. Jeg er sprogligt meget sikker og er meget omhyggelig med stavning og den slags. Jeg har bare aldrig været med til at oversætte et program før, så jeg ved ikke, hvordan jeg kommer i gang.
I'm thrilled to have found MediaMonkey and to be let out of iTunes hell that I would love to help translate into Danish. I am linguistically very safe and very careful with spelling and the like. I've just never been involved in translating a program before, so I do not know how to get started.

Venlig hilsen/kind regards
Hanne B. Stegemüller, Denmark

Re: Danish Translation

by Rosewind » Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:32 am

Hi there.

My original sentence:
1) The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used must be joking.

Google Translator ENGLISH into DANISH
2) Den person, der foreslog, at Google Translator kunne anvendes, skal være sjov.

Google Translator DANISH into ENGLISH
3) The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used, should be fun.

In two steps Google Translator turned the the original English sentence "The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used must be joking" into "The person who suggested that Google Translator could be used, should be fun."

So if accuracy is of the essence - don't use Google Translator. However, if you want to create a lot of funny translations of this good product - use Google Translator.


Re: Danish Translation

by website_marketing » Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:47 am

Google translator could be used here

Re: Danish Translation

by waku » Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:17 pm


I've used MediaMonkey in a while now, and I must say that it is the best media player I've used so far. Anyway, I saw that you needed a Danish translator, and that the Danish participators stopped their work. Therefore, I am willing to help you!

I have already translated DB.po and I am about 30% finish with default.po. However, if there is someone who already have a Danish translation memory for Poedit, I would be glad to have it, since my own memory is very small.


Re: Danish Translation

by rusty » Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:15 am

Just a quick status on the Danish translation: there isn't one yet. Hopefully someone can track down the partially completed work done on previous versions so that we can include it for v3.1.


Re: Danish Translation

by vahan » Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:47 pm


Hvordan går det med den danske oversættlse ??


by Guest » Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:27 pm

Anyone doing the translation? If not, I could perhaps resume my previous work...

by Steegy » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:08 pm

Well, once you see a sentence and know a bit about what subject it is, it's quite easy to understand most of it, because words in Danish (and Swedish, Norwegian, ...) are quite similar to words in Dutch, German. The writing of your language is very weird, but the sound of it is very recognizable.
But I'm sure that Babelfish or other computer translators can do a better job :)

by Eminent » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:55 am

Almost 100% correct, only error is that he says he has previous experience translating programs, not "together with the other previous programmers". I honesly can't say that I as a dane would be able deliver the same quality if I were to translate a Dutch piece of text. How do you fare when it comes to understanding Swedish and Norwegian (which are considered even closer to Danish than Dutch)?

by Steegy » Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:25 am

Jeg vil da også hjertens gerne hjælpe, har oversat en del andre progammer tidligere.. Smid en mail på Benni.bennetsen@gmail.com så giver jeg gerne en hånd med
Dutch: Ik wil je ook heel graag helpen, om te vertalen met de andere vorige programmeurs.. Zend een mail naar Benni.bennetsen@gmail.com en ik help je er graag een handje mee
English: I also very much want to help you with the translation together with the other previous programmers.. Send a mail to Benni.bennetsen@gmail.com and I'll help you a hand with it.
Hvad sker der med den danske oversættelse - er den færdig?
jeg vil gerne hjælpe
Dutch: Hoe zit het met de Deense vertaling - is ze klaar?
Ik wil graag helpen
English: How is it going with the Danish translation - is it ready?
I'd like to help.

How close is the translation? Can someone improve it please? It's amazing how good Danisch and Dutch (and German) resemble each other.
