Dutch translation for MM4.0

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Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by ui » Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:25 pm

Sorry for the ones who don't speak any Dutch...

Dat is inderdaad correct, maar ook een discussie over komma's en punten.
Vroeger kon je een cassetteband wissen. Dat was dus de inhoud verwijderen.

Verwijderen uit de lijst zegt het al: het bestand (of de vermelding) wordt uit de lijst verwijderd, niet van de pc. Daar komt bij dat, als er bestanden echt fysiek verwijderd worden, daar altijd een extra waarschuwing op volgt die verheldert wat er gebeuren gaat.

Iets uit een lijst wissen vind ik vreemd taalgebruik. Daar komt dus bij dat ook dat tot verwarring kan leiden. Denk aan het hierboven genoemde cassettebandje.

Dan nog een laatste argument om "verwijderen" te gebruiken: dit is algemeen gebruikelijk in, bijvoorbeeld iTunes. Als je in iTunes een bestand aanwijst -> contextmenu -> Verwijderen, dan krijg je ook de vraag of je de bestanden uit de bibliotheek wilt verwijderen. Ook hier wordt er geen fysiek bestand gewist. (Zie je nu dat het niet uitmaakt, want ook hier kan ik wissen gebruiken).

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by Steegy » Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:11 pm

"verwijderen van bestanden in de afspeellijst" --> delete music files that are backing the playlist entries
"wissen van bestanden uit de afspeellijst" --> remove playlist entries (without deleting the music files)

In GUI-taal betekent verwijderen echt iets weggooien, terwijl wissen meestal betekent iets weglaten. Dat is toch mijn indruk.

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by willyvds » Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:00 pm

Okay, if I find anything I'll post it here and if there's no reaction I'll PM additionally. Thanks anyway for picking this up. The Dutch translation is appreciated!

About the "verwijderen van bestanden": I'm not sure what you mean with the difference between "remove something out of a list" or "from a list". For me this means the same....?

I think "het verwijderen van bestanden van de afspeellijst" is ambiguous. It can mean: remove the files of the playlist, this is: remove the files that form/describe the playlist, or even: remove the playlist. The alternative "het verwijderen van bestanden uit een afspeellijst" just means making sure these files (songs) are not part of the list anymore.
So I still think my suggestion would be an improvement.

Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by ui » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:11 am


Thanks again for posting the erors in the translation. Please, feel free to contact me if you find any more problems. If you send me a PM, I will probably answer much sooner.

I confirmed most of the errors and changed them.
The problem with the 64-karakberlimiet was due to the translated string being too long. It did not fit the screen. It's solved now.
I did not change the translation about "verwijderen van de lijst". That translation is correct. You cannot remove something out of a list, only from a list.

Best regards,

Re: Dangerous error in Dutch translation

by willyvds » Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:41 pm

I understand that you do not always have time for this! I just was a bit worried that this one would slip through.

Some further small mistakes:
- top left of properties screen says "igenschappen", this should be "Eigenschappen" : http://screencast.com/t/SdQJeJCe
- when auto organizing a large number of files, the topline in the player says "Bstand ...", this should be "Bestand ...": http://screencast.com/t/F7KH9JfWBbpl
- explanation in options menu says "voor komen", this should be "voorkomen": http://screencast.com/t/ZYR7bJywCris
- "het verwijderen van bestanden van de afspeellijst" should be "het verwijderen van bestanden uit een afspeellijst" : http://screencast.com/t/oiLrJV3EvD9d
- "bij hernoemen van bestanden wanneer bij overschrijding van de 64-karakter" should be: "bij het hernoemen van bestanden als de 64-karakter limiet wordt overschreden" : http://screencast.com/t/oiLrJV3EvD9d
- top line of left colum of "werkbalk" screen (don't know the English name) says "werkbalkenen", this should be "werkbalken" : http://screencast.com/t/WAtYNFYT

These are obviously a lot less urgent than the first one.

Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by ui » Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:20 am

I can't find the strings with the integers and comma seperated list... Anyone: were those removed?

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by ui » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:37 am

Again, thank you for the suggestions made. I will update the Dutch transloation.
Please, if you find any other errors, post them here or report a list as a bug.

About Artwork: I choose tho translate, because I feel that a translation should contain as little foreign words as possible, even if a word (like Artwork) is officially adopted in the native speech.

Again, thank you.

Kind regards,

Re: Dangerous error in Dutch translation

by ui » Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:32 am

Sorry for not responding, I was busy doing other things. I will look into this as soon as possible and will update the translation.

Thank you for bringing any errors to my attention!

If you find any more problems, you can also post them as a bug, so that it will be brought to my attention directly.


Dangerous error in Dutch translation

by willyvds » Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:37 pm

There is a dangerous error in the Dutch translation. It is about clearing the library.

The English "clearing the library" is translated by "schonen". This word means tidying but this action deletes all content of the library!!! "Schonen" is Dutch for cleaning, not for clearing! A far better translation would be "leegmaken".

I have also posted this in the Dutch localization forum. Since there is no reaction there, I have stopped posting errors (there are several). But this one should really be solved.

I apologize for the double post, but now that the release is coming nearer, I feel I should raise the issue here.

Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by willyvds » Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:44 pm

Dangerous error!

The Dutch translation for clearing the library is really wrong, and very confusing.

It says "schonen", this means tidying but this action deletes all content of the library!!! "Schonen" is Dutch for cleaning, not for clearing!
A far better translation would be "leegmaken".

Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by rovingcowboy » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:13 pm

Steegy wrote:"artwork" is an official Dutch word, so there's no need to translate.

wow long time no see steegy.
glad to see your still around. :D

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by Steegy » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:37 pm

"artwork" is an official Dutch word, so there's no need to translate.


Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by willyvds » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:49 pm

I also have a question. There are some mistakes in the Dutch localization. Is it usefull if I post them here?
Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by willyvds » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:40 pm

without context it is indeed difficult... I think in Dutch the order would be somewhat different.
I don't know what levels and profiles refer to, but generally "niveaus" and "profielen" would suit as translation. Integers refers definitely to "gehele getallen".
And the translation must be lijst (not lijsten) as it is list (not lists) in English.

I suggest the following:
Specify levels as comma separated list of integers = Specificeer niveaus met een lijst van gehele getallen, gescheiden door comma's.
Specify profiles as comma separated list of integers = Specificeer profielen met een lijst van gehele getallen, gescheiden door comma's.

Regards, Willy

Re: Dutch translation for MM4.0

by ui » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:04 pm

Illustraties! That's just it!

I'm going to upload the Dutch translation this weekend.

I'm glad I could finish it.
