Album Art

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Re: Album Art

by Jfbuk » Wed May 12, 2021 3:39 am

Apologies should have included that in my original post standard edition

Windows 10 Home 20H2 Build 19042.928

Raspberry Pi UPNP Server

Yamaha RN303D UPNP Renderer

Re: Album Art

by Lowlander » Tue May 11, 2021 1:19 pm

So, within MediaMonkey itself Artwork isn't displayed when accessing the files on a DLNA Server? Which version of MediaMonkey (Help > About) are you using?

Album Art

by Jfbuk » Tue May 11, 2021 12:11 pm


I have successfully configured MM on Windows 10 to access a UPNP server on my network to playback music tracks. What I can’t seem to solve is how to get album art to display when I choose a grid view of my music folder. The tracks have been ripped using EAC or DBpoweramp to include artwork. So the artwork exists as file in the individual album folders. The artwork successfully displays if I playback using NAS from the same server. Is it possible to display artwork when connecting as UPNP ? Is MM looking for a particular artwork file name or format ? Is there a setting I need to change ?

