Hmmm... this is not what I expected. Again... there maybe something missing in my understanding here?...
I did eventually manage to affect the scrollbars, but NOT by modifying the values of any references to
::-webkit-scrollbar-... that were pre-existing in the skin files. My base skin is Metro M (Classic). There is only one file in the skin that has them:
I went as far as making my changes really obvious with some gaudy color-scheme, e.g....
Code: Select all
@scrollbarSize: @units1_9;
@scrollbarTrackColor: red;// lighten(@secondaryColor, 6%);
@scrollbarHighlightColor: pink;//lighten(@secondaryColor, 20%);
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: @scrollbarSize;
height: @scrollbarSize;
border: 1px solid @baseColor;
/* Track */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: blue;//@scrollbarTrackColor;
padding: 2px;
/* Handle */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: green;//lighten(@baseColor, 10%);
border: 2px solid @scrollbarTrackColor;
min-height: 6.5%;
background: yellow;//@baseColor;
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background: transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:single-button {
background-color: orange;//@scrollbarTrackColor;
fill: red;//@baseColor;
width: @scrollbarSize;
height: @scrollbarSize;
background-size: @scrollbarSize + @units0_5;
background-position: center;
transition: background-color@animationTime ease-out;
background-color: @scrollbarHighlightColor;
background-image: url('/skin/icon/upArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/downArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/leftArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/rightArrow.svg');
{ /* This is scrollbar fallback for IE and other non-WebKit browsers, where support for skinned scrollbars is limited*/
scrollbar-face-color: red;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-arrow-color: blue;//@textColor;
scrollbar-track-color: green;//@controlColor;
scrollbar-shadow-color: yellow;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-highlight-color: orange;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: pink;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: cyan;//@highlightBgColor;
I also made sure I did a soft-refresh of Chromium after every change. I also tried a restart of MM, to no change.
I only managed to get the scrollbars to change once I'd copy/pasted all the code from
\skin\skin_scrollbar.less onto the end of my
\skin\skin_custom.less file! :\
Why don't any mods of
\skin\skin_scrollbar.less have any effect? I've also tried putting the mods into
\skin\skin_scrollbar_add.less , and that also is ineffective.
Here's my mods with some new scrollbar styling...
Tip for the Skinning Manual: For the horizontal scrollbar, the image texture needed to be rotated 90 degrees. Current CSS doesn't support transfomations of the bkd image without transfoming the whole element, or without convoluted "CSS tricks". So I duplicated the vertical image and created a rotated copy. However, to my befuddlement (again!), I couldn't get it to work initially... and no amount of Chromium Skin Refreshing would show the image.
After some experimentation, I discovered that for new images referenced in the
\images\ folder to show up, I needed
a complete restart of MM.
Hmmm... this is not what I expected. Again... there maybe something missing in my understanding here?...
I did eventually manage to affect the scrollbars, but NOT by modifying the values of any references to [b][i]::-webkit-scrollbar-...[/i][/b] that were pre-existing in the skin files. My base skin is Metro M (Classic). There is only one file in the skin that has them: [b][i]\skin\skin_scrollbar.less[/i][/b]
I went as far as making my changes really obvious with some gaudy color-scheme, e.g....
[code]@scrollbarSize: @units1_9;
@scrollbarTrackColor: red;// lighten(@secondaryColor, 6%);
@scrollbarHighlightColor: pink;//lighten(@secondaryColor, 20%);
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: @scrollbarSize;
height: @scrollbarSize;
border: 1px solid @baseColor;
/* Track */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: blue;//@scrollbarTrackColor;
padding: 2px;
/* Handle */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: green;//lighten(@baseColor, 10%);
border: 2px solid @scrollbarTrackColor;
min-height: 6.5%;
background: yellow;//@baseColor;
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background: transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-button:single-button {
background-color: orange;//@scrollbarTrackColor;
fill: red;//@baseColor;
width: @scrollbarSize;
height: @scrollbarSize;
background-size: @scrollbarSize + @units0_5;
background-position: center;
transition: background-color@animationTime ease-out;
background-color: @scrollbarHighlightColor;
background-image: url('/skin/icon/upArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/downArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/leftArrow.svg');
background-image: url('/skin/icon/rightArrow.svg');
{ /* This is scrollbar fallback for IE and other non-WebKit browsers, where support for skinned scrollbars is limited*/
scrollbar-face-color: red;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-arrow-color: blue;//@textColor;
scrollbar-track-color: green;//@controlColor;
scrollbar-shadow-color: yellow;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-highlight-color: orange;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: pink;//@highlightBgColor;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: cyan;//@highlightBgColor;
I also made sure I did a soft-refresh of Chromium after every change. I also tried a restart of MM, to no change.
I only managed to get the scrollbars to change once I'd copy/pasted all the code from [b][i]\skin\skin_scrollbar.less[/i][/b] onto the end of my [b][i]\skin\skin_custom.less[/i][/b] file! :\
Why don't any mods of [b][i]\skin\skin_scrollbar.less[/i][/b] have any effect? I've also tried putting the mods into [b][i]\skin\skin_scrollbar_add.less[/i][/b] , and that also is ineffective.
Here's my mods with some new scrollbar styling... :D
[b]Tip for the Skinning Manual[/b]: For the horizontal scrollbar, the image texture needed to be rotated 90 degrees. Current CSS doesn't support transfomations of the bkd image without transfoming the whole element, or without convoluted "CSS tricks". So I duplicated the vertical image and created a rotated copy. However, to my befuddlement (again!), I couldn't get it to work initially... and no amount of Chromium Skin Refreshing would show the image.
After some experimentation, I discovered that for new images referenced in the [b][i]\images\[/i][/b] folder to show up, I needed [b]a complete restart of MM[/b].