by sogarth » Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:59 am
- When first tapping on Albums, it looks like the list of albums are unsorted (they're not sorted by the "view by X" option in the upper right). You need to force a re-select the "view by X" option to get them sorted again (so pick a different X then back, if you want it to sort by what it was when you first picked the option).
- There is no sorting under the "view by X" level, so if you're sorting by Artist, if artist A has albums J, K, L, they won't show in that order. It doesn't appear to be by any tag sorting I can identify (not by release date).
- When I was synchronizing my folders, Albums/view by Artist had headers (the same way that Windows Media Center, if you sort by Album Artist, does). However, once that finished, then I went back to home, then back to Albums, those headers disappeared. I'd like them back, if possible?
[*] When first tapping on Albums, it looks like the list of albums are unsorted (they're not sorted by the "view by X" option in the upper right). You need to force a re-select the "view by X" option to get them sorted again (so pick a different X then back, if you want it to sort by what it was when you first picked the option).
[*] There is no sorting under the "view by X" level, so if you're sorting by Artist, if artist A has albums J, K, L, they won't show in that order. It doesn't appear to be by any tag sorting I can identify (not by release date).
[*] When I was synchronizing my folders, Albums/view by Artist had headers (the same way that Windows Media Center, if you sort by Album Artist, does). However, once that finished, then I went back to home, then back to Albums, those headers disappeared. I'd like them back, if possible?[/list]