Roylayer's public subs and functions

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Roylayer's public subs and functions

Post by roylayer »

These subs and functions are needed by some of my other scripts. They can either be copied into MediaMonkey init.vbs and be used by any script, or they can be copied directly into the scripts that need them.

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Public Function rdArrayPos(SrchArray, SrchStr)
  'returns the position of SrchStr in the SrchArray array.  -1 if not found

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  dim i

  for i = lbound(SrchArray) to ubound(SrchArray)
    if SrchArray(i) = SrchStr then
      rdArrayPos = i
      exit function
    end if
  rdArrayPos = -1  'not found
End Function  'rdArrayPos


Public Function rdBuildBracketExpr(BracketChars)
  'builds bracket expression to be used in a regular expression

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  dim Temp


    'normally have to escape these chars in a RegEx, but not in a bracket expression:
    ' $()*+.[]?/\^{}|

    'this routine puts the escape character "\" before special chars, but these special rules could be done instead:
      '- The ']' character ends a list if it's not the first item. 
      '  To match the ']' character in a list, place it first, immediately following the opening '['.
      '- The dash (-) character can be included in other special ways aside from escaping it
      '- ^ doesn't need to be escaped unless it is the first char in the bracket expression

  'put escape character "\" before special chars
  Temp = replace(BracketChars, "\", "\\")  'replace this first, otherwise may get some false hits!
  Temp = replace(Temp, "]", "\]")
  Temp = replace(Temp, "-", "\-")
  Temp = replace(Temp, "^", "\^")
  rdBuildBracketExpr = Temp
End function  'rdBuildBracketExpr


Public Function rdCharListException(InString, CharList)
  'finds position of char in string that isn't in a list of possible chars (CharList).  0 if not found

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  dim i

  for i = 1 to len(InString)
    if instr(CharList, mid(InString, i, 1)) = 0 then
      rdCharListException = i
      exit function
    end if

  rdCharListException = 0
End function  'rdCharListException


Public Function rdInsertStr(InStr, Pos, NewSubStr)
  'inserts a string into a given location of another string

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  rdInsertStr = left(InStr, Pos - 1) & NewSubStr & mid(Instr, Pos)
End function  'rdInsertStr


Public Function rdLeftParenPos(InString, RightParenPos)
  '- returns the position of a matching left paren to a right paren that is at RightParenPos.
  '          0 if not found.
  '- handles nested parens
  '- parens can be () or []

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  dim LeftParen, RightParen, NumParens, Pos

  if mid(InString, RightParenPos, 1) = ")" then
    LeftParen = "("
    RightParen = ")"
  elseif mid(InString, RightParenPos, 1) = "]" then
    LeftParen = "["
    RightParen = "]"
    'no parenthetical expression found
    rdLeftParenPos = 0
    exit function
  end if

  NumParens = 0

  for Pos = RightParenPos to 1 step -1
    if mid(InString, Pos, 1) = RightParen then
      NumParens = NumParens + 1
    elseif mid(InString, Pos, 1) = LeftParen then
      NumParens = NumParens - 1
      if NumParens = 0 then
        'final matching paren found
        rdLeftParenPos = Pos
        exit function
      end if
    end if

  rdLeftParenPos = 0  'mismatched parens
End function  'rdLeftParenPos


Public Sub rdMsgBoxBlock(NewLine, MsgBoxTxt, Counter, MaxLines)
  '- adds a new line to a string that will be displayed in a MsgBox when MaxLines is reached
  '- setting Maxlines = 0 causes MsgBoxTxt to be displayed immediately without adding new text
  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  if MaxLines = 0 then
    msgbox MsgBoxTxt
    MsgBoxTxt = ""
    Counter = 0
    Counter = Counter + 1
    MsgBoxTxt = MsgBoxTxt & NewLine & vbcrlf
    if Counter = Maxlines then
      msgbox MsgBoxTxt
      MsgBoxTxt = ""
      Counter = 0
    end if
  end if
End sub  'rdMsgBoxBlock


Public Function rdQS(UnquotedString)
  'QuoteString:  Formats a string for use with Access SQL
  'Surrounds a string with tics and replaces embedded tics with double tics

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  Const QuoteChar = "'"

  rdQS = QuoteChar & Replace(UnquotedString, QuoteChar, QuoteChar & QuoteChar) & QuoteChar
End function  'rdQS


Public Function rdReplaceStr(InStr, OldSubStrPos, OldSubStrLen, NewSubStr)
  'replaces a string at a given location and length with another string

  'version 1, written by Roylayer, 3/16/2004 
  'feel free to use "as is" or borrow and modify code.  user assumes all risks.

  rdReplaceStr = left(InStr, OldSubStrPos - 1) & NewSubStr & mid(Instr, OldSubStrPos + OldSubStrLen)
End function  'rdReplaceStr
I prefer to store them all in MediaMonkey init.vbs so that I only have to change the code in one place. I prefixed the routines with my initials, "rd", to differentiate them from other public routines that people may wish to share. Thus, if Lowlander wishes to implement a different ReplaceStr function, his could be called something like loReplaceStr, and neither routine would interfere with the other. Note: You must exit and restart MM before changes to any script in MediaMonkey init.vbs take effect.
Happy user of MediaMonkey Gold version
Computer: p4, 2.5 ghz, 3 gb ram, win xp