RadioFreeMonkey 1.2

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Post by Tylast »

There's no solution to do this easier in MM3?
Posts: 366
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:32 am
Location: Germany

Post by RedX »

Anonymous wrote:
popper wrote:
Spazz wrote:When I try to run any version over 1.2 I get this error. Something is wrong with your setxweight constants. They are either too high or too low. Love the script, but I would love to use the newer versions even more what with the new song boost.
Have you tried to modify your Set1Weight and Set2Weight in the "Global Variables and Declarations" section of the code? You will probably have to play around with them a little bit to get a result that makes sense for your music collection.

You could try the following:
Const Set1Weight = 5
Const Set1Boundary = 5
Const Set1Percentage = 100
Const Set2Percentage = 0
That should give you all songs in your collection. If that works, you can start from there. Good luck and let me know how it goes.
hi! i am currently also having the problem with the setxweight constants.
I debugged it a bit and found out that minweight is 7 for me and maxweight is 9.5. But in the Node for Weighting the min value appears to be -7.1. I don't know what to change...
I'm also using non standard ratings as a result of autorateaccurate script. I also have a node that says the weight is 0.800000001 of a song. Should i use a round() somewhere in the script? Or might the problem be the cdbl(weigth) in line 219-224? I also cecked the Genres clearing all restrictions.

Thx for any help.
This post was from me... Somewhy i was not logged in :/

Another thing i wanted to know: is there a way of listening to non-rated songs?
Posts: 109
Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2006 1:07 am

Post by kazadharri »

Wow!!! Didn't know there was that many. Thanks a bunch.
Posts: 366
Joined: Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:32 am
Location: Germany

Post by RedX »

New Version 1.7

Version 1.7 by RedX

- Improvements to the algorithm
1. I have replaced all looping with SQL access statements improving overall query time and
and IMHO readabilty of the code
2. Added option to improve weights of songs with low played count especially one that have not yet
been heard at all but are old in the db, old means longer then boostnewsongsdays
3. Added check for SetXPercentage and numberofsongs
My modifications are restricted to FillGoodLeaf and adding a new Formula in the general section

Code: Select all

' RadioFreeMonkey
' Version 1.7
' A script to create a "radio station" for you based on your song ratings.

' #####################
' Version 1.2 by Risser

' This script creates a root node in the tree, beneath the library node, called "RadioFreeMonkey".
' Under this node, you have a Radio List node, a Done node and a Weightings node.
' - The Radio List node lists 20 songs, in random order. These are weighted, so songs
' with a higher weighting have a higher chance of getting selected.
' - If you have selected a sorting column, even though the songs are selected randomly, the
' radio list will be sorted based on that column. To return the list to "random" sorting, click
' on any playlist (Now Playing works nicely). When you visit the Radio List node, the songs will
' be unsorted, in true random order.
' - The Done list shows you which songs aren't going to be played. This includes songs that have
' passed their maximum playcount, or anything within MinDaysRepeat.
' - The Weighting node shows all tunes, sorted by their calculated weights. This can help you
' determine what the optimal weighting choices are for you. Plus, it's just nice to see what's
' more likely to be played.

' Songs are weighted as follows:
' Rating * 2 (5 stars = 10, 3.5 stars = 7, 0 stars = 0)
' - Number of Plays (if Reduce if Played is TRUE)
' + Days since added to library / DayFactor (always rounded down)
' However, the weighting can't be more than the original rating (* 2).

' TO DO: At some point, I'd like to make the main 'list' node a PlayList instead of a regular
' list of tracks, but I'm not sure how to do this.
' This script can be freely used and modified.
' This is an early release and there may be bugs. If it's causing you problems, simply delete
' it or move it out of the scripts\auto folder.
' The script does not modify the database, registry or INI file.

' #####################
' Version 1.5 by popper

' - added possibility to boost songs that have been added to the DB recently
' - added possibility to define the genres that should be played
' - redesign of the mechanism that selects the actual songs to be played (because I did not
'   really understand what was going on in the existing algorithm ;-), with the goal of making
'   it easier to influence what will be played (e.g. 30% of songs with a weighting of 8-10 and
'   70% with a weighting of 5-7))
' #####################
' Version 1.6 by ElGringo

' - Fixes to the algorithm
'   - 1. There was always a song that had nothing to do in my playlists, investigated
'        and saw the error in FillGoodLeaf
'   - 2. There is an error in the calculation of the dateboost formula, the
'        dateboostcutoff*20 should be dateboostcutoff*10. There were a couple of places wrong
'   - 3. By adding, the BoostNewSongsModifier, the actual weight calculated, could go higher
'        than 10, but the algorithm was never picking songs with a weight higher than 10. So,
'        i fixed a couple of places in the script, so that calculated weight higher than 10,
'        are now fixed at 10.
'   - 4.There was a bug, when the BoostNewSongsModifier is set to 0... fixed it.
' #####################
' Version 1.6.1 by popper

' - In my opinion, the dateboostcutoff*20 (point 2. from ElGringo's list above) was correct
'   ("Please correct me if I am wrong, but the ratings are stored in the database using
'    numbers from 0 (or -1) to 100. So to calculate the number of stars from a rating in
'    the database, you have to divide by 20, and not by ten.")
'   So I changed it back in this release.
'   No other modifications made. ElGringo was right in all other points ;-)
' #####################
' Version 1.7 by RedX
' - Improvements to the algorithm
'  1. I have replaced all looping with SQL access statements improving overall query time and 
'     and IMHO readabilty of the code
'  2. Added option to improve weights of songs with low played count especially one  that have not yet
'      been heard at all but are old in the db, old means longer then boostnewsongsdays
'  3. Added check for SetXPercentage and numberofsongs
'  My modifications are restricted to FillGoodLeaf and adding a new Formula in the general section
' Disclaimer:
' Use at your own risk. Back up your data before using.
' Changing some of the values might lead to endless loops that can only be solved by
' killing the MediaMonkey process, so take care when modifying anything!

' Global Variables and Declarations

Option Explicit

' %%% The caption for the root node.
Const RootNodeCaption = "Radio FreeMonkey 1.7"

' %%% Add 1 to weighting for each X days since added to library
Const DayFactor = 20

' %%% Anything rated this or below will not receive the 'date boost'
Const DateBoostCutoff = 1.5

' %%% The minimum number of days that must pass before a song is repeated. Zero means, go ahead
' and repeat it right away.
Const MinDaysRepeat = 1

' %%% Reduce the weighting by the number of times played. This means, as songs are played more often,
' they are less likely to be played again
Const ReduceIfPlayed = True

' %%% Boost Songs that have been added during the last n days (MinDaysRepeat does still apply for these)
Const BoostNewSongsDays = 30

' %%% The boost modifier for new songs (Zero means, don't boost):
' Add x to the weighting of these songs
Const BoostNewSongsModifier = 3

' %%% Anything rated this or below will not receive the 'new song boost'
Const BoostNewSongsCutoff = 1.5

' %%% Tracks that have not been heard yet and have not been recently added receive this bonus (Dateadded > BoostNewSongsDays)
Const BoostNotPlayedModifier=5

' %%% Limit for the not heard Bonus, 0 means only songs u never played get the bonus
Const BoostNotPlayedCutoff=0

' %%% Boost not rated songs (problem is bomb = not rated = rating -1)
Const BoostNotPlayedNotRated=True

' %%% In case some of the non played songs have a rating do not pick songs with ratings below (0 to 10)
' %% 2 = 20=1 star 4=40=2 stars
Const BoostNotPlayedRatingCutoff=5

' %%% Genres that should not be played. Leave empty (Const NotPlayGenres = "") to ignore.
' "-1, 13, 17, 20, 24" means "empty genre field, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Soundtrack"
' Look up the other genre Ids in the database by using MS Access
Const NotPlayGenres = ""

' %%% Number of Songs in list
Const NumberOfSongs = 25

' %%% Influence which songs will be played. You have three sets that you can use
' Example:
' Const Set1Weight = 8.5    ' Basic weight for this set is 8.5
' Const Set1Boundary = 1.5  ' with a variation of 1.5, which means that songs between 7 and 10 will be chosen
' Const Set1Percentage = 60 ' this is how big the part of this set should be in the overall contents

Const Set1Weight = 7.0
Const Set1Boundary = 3
Const Set1Percentage = 90    ' make sure all 3 percentages sum up to 100!

Const Set2Weight = 2.0
Const Set2Boundary = 2
Const Set2Percentage = 10   ' make sure all 3 percentages sum up to 100!

Const Set3Weight = 1.0      ' Right now, it is not possible to choose songs with a weight < 1, so unfortunately you cannot add unrated songs
Const Set3Boundary = 1
'Const Set3Percentage = 20  ' This is not needed because it just takes what is missing to 100%

' The Meat. Don't change anything under here.

' the text of the formulas to be used throughout
Dim weightedRatingFormula, dateBoostFormula, ratingFormula, weightedPlayCountFormula, boostNewSongsFormula, boostNotPlayedFormula

If BoostNewSongsModifier <> 0 Then
   dateBoostFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (BoostNewSongsCutoff *10) & " OR FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) <= " & BoostNewSongsDays & "), 0, FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) / " & DayFactor & "))"
   dateBoostFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (DateBoostCutoff*10) & ", 0, FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) / " & DayFactor & "))"
End If

'If the songs played MORE then x times OR Songs' shorter then X days in DB or rating below X then RETURN 0 ELSE is ok
If BoostNotPlayedModifier > 0 then
	if boostnotplayednotrated=true then
		boostNotPlayedFormula= " IIF((Songs.PlayCounter >" & BoostNotPlayedCutoff & " OR FIX(Datediff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now))<" & BoostNewSongsDays & " OR (Songs.rating<"& boostnotplayedratingcutoff*10 & " AND songs.rating <> -1)),0,"& BoostNotPlayedModifier &") "	
		boostNotPlayedFormula= " IIF(Songs.PlayCounter >" & BoostNotPlayedCutoff & " OR FIX(Datediff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now))<" & BoostNewSongsDays & " OR Songs.rating<"& boostnotplayedratingcutoff*10 & ",0,"& BoostNotPlayedModifier &") "
	end if
end if

ratingFormula = "(IIF(Songs.rating < 0, 0, Songs.rating) / 10)"

If ReduceIfPlayed Then
   weightedPlayCountFormula = "(Songs.PlayCounter - " & dateBoostFormula & ")"
   weightedPlayCountFormula = "0"
End If

If BoostNewSongsModifier <> 0 Then
	boostNewSongsFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (BoostNewSongsCutoff*10) & ", 0, (IIF(FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) > " & 								BoostNewSongsDays & "), 0, " & BoostNewSongsModifier & ")))"
End If

weightedRatingFormula = ratingFormula & " - IIF(" & weightedPlayCountFormula & " < 0, 0, " & weightedPlayCountFormula & ") "
if boostNewSongsFormula <> "" then weightedRatingFormula = weightedRatingFormula & "+ " & boostNewSongsFormula
'msgbox boostnotplayedformula
if boostNotPlayedFormula <> "" then weightedRatingFormula = weightedRatingFormula & "+ " & boostNotPlayedFormula

Sub FillStandardProperties(parentNode, childNode)
   With childNode
      .CustomNodeId = parentNode.CustomNodeId
      .CustomDataId = parentNode.CustomDataId + 1
      .UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   End With
End Sub

'msgbox weightedRatingFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & dateBoostFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & ratingFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & weightedPlayCountFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & boostNewSongsFormula

Sub FillGoodLeaf(Node)
	 'Before anything let's check the weights for correct input!
	if numberofsongs<=0 then
		msgbox "You don't want any songs? Please set value of NumberOfSongs > 0 !"
		exit sub
	end if
	if (set1percentage+set2percentage)>100 or set1percentage>100 or set2percentage>100 then
		msgbox "Your SetXPercentage settings are messed up! They add to over 100% !"
		exit sub
	end if

   Dim Tracks
   Dim SQLStatement,SQL
   Dim SELECT_TOP_Clause, SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause, WHERE_WEIGHT_Clause, ORDER_Clause
   Dim Iter, res, i, total, sum, index
   Dim weight, minweight, maxweight
   Dim hold, weights, average, start, baseweight, boundary,alreadyused
   Dim R, max : max = NumberOfSongs
   Dim inStr : inStr = ""

   Set hold = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' define an associative array or "hash array" to hold the songs
   Set weights = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' define an associative array or "hash array" to hold the weightings
	 Set alreadyused = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'define an array with the list of already used tracks

   SELECT_Clause = " Songs.Id, IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE " & weightedPlayCountFormula &" < " & ratingFormula & " AND DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) > " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " AND Songs.Genre IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If
   ORDER_Clause = " ORDER BY Rnd((1000*Songs.ID)*Now())" ' This is important because otherwise they will all come as they are stored in the DB
   'SQLStatement = SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ORDER_Clause
	'Stricly debug
	'	msgbox "Attention hidden box from ie!"
	'	Dim objIE
	'	Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
	'	objIE.Navigate("about:blank")
	'	objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text",SQLStatement
	'	objIE.Quit
	'	Set objIE=nothing
	'	msgbox "Copied!"
	'End Debug
	 'From below here it's old code!
	 'Was nice but i'll try it with SQL only
	 'All 3 weighting statements!
   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

	For i=1 to 3
		'each i correspons do one section of weights
		if i=1 then
			Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * Set1Percentage / 100)
			Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set1weight-set1boundary & " AND " & set1weight+set1boundary & ") " 
		elseif i=2 then
			if set1percentage=100 then
				exit for
			end if
			Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * Set2Percentage / 100)
			Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set2weight-set2boundary & " AND " & set2weight+set2boundary & ") " 		
		elseif i=3 then
			if set1percentage+set2percentage=100 then
				exit for
			end if
			Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * (100-(Set1Percentage+Set2Percentage)) / 100)
			Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set3weight-set3boundary & " AND " & set3weight+set3boundary & ") " 		
		end if
		SQL =SELECT_TOP_Clause & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & WHERE_WEIGHT_Clause & ORDER_Clause
		Set Iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQL)
		'Stricly debug
		'msgbox "Attention hidden box from ie!"
		'Dim objIE
		'Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
		'objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text",SQL
		'Set objIE=nothing
		'msgbox "Copied!"
		'End Debug
		do while iter.eof =false
			if instr ="" then
				instr = instr & ", " & iter.StringByIndex(0)
			end if
	 	'msgbox instr
	If inStr <> "" then
    Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & inStr & ") ORDER BY Rnd((1000*Songs.ID)*Now())")
  End If
	Set iter=nothing
	set tracks = nothing	 
End Sub

Sub FillWeightNode(Node)

   Dim Tree, newNode
   Dim SQLStatement ' SQL query to the database
   Dim Iter ' SDBD Iterator obtained by running the SQL query to get the nodes

   Set Tree = SDB.MainTree
   Node.HasChildren = false ' To delete all old children

   SQLStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") from Songs "
   'res = InputBox("SQL Statement Node: ", SQLStatement, SQLStatement) ' For debugging
   Set Iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQLStatement)

   While Not Iter.EOF

      Set newNode = Tree.CreateNode

      NewNode.Caption = Iter.StringByIndex(0)
      NewNode.iconIndex = 32
      newNode.CustomData = Iter.StringByIndex(0)

      FillStandardProperties node,newNode
      newNode.onFillTracksFunct = "FillWeightLeaf"
      newNode.hasChildren = False
      Tree.AddNode Node, NewNode, 3


End Sub

Sub FillWeightLeaf(Node)
   Dim Weight
   Dim Tracks
   Dim SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause

   Weight = Node.CustomData

   SELECT_Clause = " SELECT Songs.Id "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") = " & Weight & " AND DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) > " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " AND Songs.Genre IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If
   'res = InputBox("SQL Statement Leaf: ", "Debugging", SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause) ' For debugging
   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

   Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ")")

End Sub

Sub FillDoneLeaf(Node)
   Dim Tracks
   Dim SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause

   SELECT_Clause = " SELECT Songs.Id "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE "& weightedPlayCountFormula &" >= " & ratingFormula & " OR DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) <= " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " OR Songs.Genre NOT IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If

   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

   Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ")")

End Sub

' Startup Function

Sub onStartUp
   Dim Tree, RadioFreeMonkeyRoot
   Dim RadioMonkeyGood, RadioMonkeyBad, RadioMonkeyWeight

   Set Tree = Sdb.MainTree
   Set RadioFreeMonkeyRoot = Tree.createNode

   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.Caption = RootNodeCaption
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.IconIndex = 14
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.hasChildren = True
   Tree.AddNode Tree.Node_Library, RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, 1
   SDB.Objects("RadioFreeMonkeyRoot") = RadioFreeMonkeyRoot

   Set RadioMonkeyGood = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyGood.Caption = "Radio List"
   RadioMonkeyGood.IconIndex = 14
   RadioMonkeyGood.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyGood.hasChildren = False
   RadioMonkeyGood.onFillTracksFunct = "FillGoodLeaf"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyGood, 2
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyGood") = RadioMonkeyGood

   Set RadioMonkeyWeight = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyWeight.Caption = "Weightings"
   RadioMonkeyWeight.IconIndex = 32
   RadioMonkeyWeight.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyWeight.hasChildren = True
   RadioMonkeyWeight.onFillTracksFunct = "FillWeightNode"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyWeight, 3
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyWeight") = RadioMonkeyWeight

   Set RadioMonkeyBad = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyBad.Caption = "Done"
   RadioMonkeyBad.IconIndex = 15
   RadioMonkeyBad.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyBad.hasChildren = False
   RadioMonkeyBad.onFillTracksFunct = "FillDoneLeaf"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyBad, 3
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyBad") = RadioMonkeyBad
End Sub 

Post by Guest »

Useless to say but......Great Job Guys!

Couple of question:

1) i assigned: "Const DateBoostCutoff = 6" but i still get songs rated 2 or even 1 in playlist; is it correct ?

2) i'd like to select the Radio List as alternate playlist at startUp (tweak monkey) but no-chance - any alternative or suggestion to select Radio List as playlist at startup ?

Thanks in advance


post my complete settings hereunder for question 1:
Option Explicit

Const RootNodeCaption = "Radio FreeMonkey 1.7"

Const DayFactor = 20

Const DateBoostCutoff = 6

Const MinDaysRepeat = 10

Const ReduceIfPlayed = True

Const BoostNewSongsDays = 30

Const BoostNewSongsModifier = 3

Const BoostNewSongsCutoff = 6

Const BoostNotPlayedModifier=5

Const BoostNotPlayedCutoff=0

Const BoostNotPlayedNotRated=True

Const BoostNotPlayedRatingCutoff=6

Post by Offtrack »

Ive got this somewhat working. However it puts my 2 star tracks as the top tier selections and does not select anything 3 and above. How would i tweak this so it goes by my proper star ratings 1 - 5?

Posts: 309
Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:28 am

Post by cadmanmeg »

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but in this node, what is the difference between the "done" and "radio list" nodes? Also, what script or what is it using to add or pick the ratings from? Are these ratign affected by any of the add-on scripts for MM that add ratings to songs? Thanks much.
Posts: 243
Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:49 pm

Post by Spazz »

Is there any way to get the radiofreemonkey node to make unrated have the highest chance of being picked?
Posts: 145
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:06 pm
Location: London, UK

Post by jomtones »

Hi, I get the same error on two different computers with 1.7 (only one I've tried so far) -

#1024 - Microsoft VBScript compilation error
Expected statement
Option Explicit
File: "C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Auto\radio freemonkey.vbs", Line: 97, Column: 0

Is this something easy to fix?
Posts: 145
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:06 pm
Location: London, UK

Post by jomtones »

sorted - had copied 'code' into the 1st line!

RadioFree Monkey

Post by Kuby »

I've seen the script (don't quite understand all the code) but I'm sure it works well for your intended purposes.

Has anyone thought about creating a "Simpler Scheduler" that allows users to schedule play-lists by PC clock time?

All I want is a continuous 7 day calendar (looking like an excel spreadsheet) that allows me to schedule each day the play-lists or specific XXXXX.MP3/.WAV files to be play at a specific PC clock time.

When activating a called up play-list the program/script would do a one time randomizing of the play-list and then begin playing the songs - wrap around to the start for continuous play of this list until the next calender item is called.

I don't care about weighting. I create the play-lists so in affect I control the weighting and since it is a sequenced play-list all songs I want would get played.

I really wish MM would include this as an alternate function to Party mode. With you guys creating the code - I don't understand the hesitation in adding it into MM.
Posts: 145
Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:06 pm
Location: London, UK

Post by jomtones »

Hi still not really getting this working right - seems to only play rated tracks? Most of my library is newly imported and unrated, how can I make it play more unrated tracks?

Thanks! :D
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:14 pm

Radio Free Monkey in MM 3.0?

Post by soundbyte »

Should the same script work in Monkey 3.0 beta? I've tried moving the script and am getting error messages ("Problem querying database," ERROR #-2147418113.

I can provide more details if that would help.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:07 am

Post by D!m »

I do some bug fix.

Mainly, the BoostNewSongs now work with unrated songs. Songs with a weight higher than 10 were never picked, theirs weight are now fixed to 10.

I fixed also the option to disable some genres.

Code: Select all

' RadioFreeMonkey
' Version 1.7.1
' A script to create a "radio station" for you based on your song ratings.

' #####################
' Version 1.2 by Risser

' This script creates a root node in the tree, beneath the library node, called "RadioFreeMonkey".
' Under this node, you have a Radio List node, a Done node and a Weightings node.
' - The Radio List node lists 20 songs, in random order. These are weighted, so songs
' with a higher weighting have a higher chance of getting selected.
' - If you have selected a sorting column, even though the songs are selected randomly, the
' radio list will be sorted based on that column. To return the list to "random" sorting, click
' on any playlist (Now Playing works nicely). When you visit the Radio List node, the songs will
' be unsorted, in true random order.
' - The Done list shows you which songs aren't going to be played. This includes songs that have
' passed their maximum playcount, or anything within MinDaysRepeat.
' - The Weighting node shows all tunes, sorted by their calculated weights. This can help you
' determine what the optimal weighting choices are for you. Plus, it's just nice to see what's
' more likely to be played.

' Songs are weighted as follows:
' Rating * 2 (5 stars = 10, 3.5 stars = 7, 0 stars = 0)
' - Number of Plays (if Reduce if Played is TRUE)
' + Days since added to library / DayFactor (always rounded down)
' However, the weighting can't be more than the original rating (* 2).

' TO DO: At some point, I'd like to make the main 'list' node a PlayList instead of a regular
' list of tracks, but I'm not sure how to do this.
' This script can be freely used and modified.
' This is an early release and there may be bugs. If it's causing you problems, simply delete
' it or move it out of the scripts\auto folder.
' The script does not modify the database, registry or INI file.

' #####################
' Version 1.5 by popper

' - added possibility to boost songs that have been added to the DB recently
' - added possibility to define the genres that should be played
' - redesign of the mechanism that selects the actual songs to be played (because I did not
'   really understand what was going on in the existing algorithm ;-), with the goal of making
'   it easier to influence what will be played (e.g. 30% of songs with a weighting of 8-10 and
'   70% with a weighting of 5-7))
' #####################
' Version 1.6 by ElGringo

' - Fixes to the algorithm
'   - 1. There was always a song that had nothing to do in my playlists, investigated
'        and saw the error in FillGoodLeaf
'   - 2. There is an error in the calculation of the dateboost formula, the
'        dateboostcutoff*20 should be dateboostcutoff*10. There were a couple of places wrong
'   - 3. By adding, the BoostNewSongsModifier, the actual weight calculated, could go higher
'        than 10, but the algorithm was never picking songs with a weight higher than 10. So,
'        i fixed a couple of places in the script, so that calculated weight higher than 10,
'        are now fixed at 10.
'   - 4.There was a bug, when the BoostNewSongsModifier is set to 0... fixed it.
' #####################
' Version 1.6.1 by popper

' - In my opinion, the dateboostcutoff*20 (point 2. from ElGringo's list above) was correct
'   ("Please correct me if I am wrong, but the ratings are stored in the database using
'    numbers from 0 (or -1) to 100. So to calculate the number of stars from a rating in
'    the database, you have to divide by 20, and not by ten.")
'   So I changed it back in this release.
'   No other modifications made. ElGringo was right in all other points ;-)
' #####################
' Version 1.7 by RedX
' - Improvements to the algorithm
'  1. I have replaced all looping with SQL access statements improving overall query time and
'     and IMHO readabilty of the code
'  2. Added option to improve weights of songs with low played count especially one  that have not yet
'      been heard at all but are old in the db, old means longer then boostnewsongsdays
'  3. Added check for SetXPercentage and numberofsongs
'  My modifications are restricted to FillGoodLeaf and adding a new Formula in the general section
' #####################
' Version 1.7.1 by D!m
' - Fix some bugs
'  1. BoostNewSongs now work with unrated songs.
'  2. Song with a weight higher than 10 are now fixed at 10.
'  3. Option genres that should not be played now work.
' Disclaimer:
' Use at your own risk. Back up your data before using.
' Changing some of the values might lead to endless loops that can only be solved by
' killing the MediaMonkey process, so take care when modifying anything!

' Global Variables and Declarations

Option Explicit

' %%% The caption for the root node.
Const RootNodeCaption = "Radio FreeMonkey 1.7.1"

' %%% Add 1 to weighting for each X days since added to library
Const DayFactor = 20

' %%% Anything rated this or below will not receive the 'date boost'
Const DateBoostCutoff = 1.5

' %%% The minimum number of days that must pass before a song is repeated. Zero means, go ahead
' and repeat it right away.
Const MinDaysRepeat = 1

' %%% Reduce the weighting by the number of times played. This means, as songs are played more often,
' they are less likely to be played again
Const ReduceIfPlayed = True

' %%% Boost Songs that have been added during the last n days (MinDaysRepeat does still apply for these)
Const BoostNewSongsDays = 30

' %%% The boost modifier for new songs (Zero means, don't boost):
' Add x to the weighting of these songs
Const BoostNewSongsModifier = 3

' %%% Anything rated this or below will not receive the 'new song boost'
Const BoostNewSongsCutoff = 1.5

' %%% Tracks that have not been heard yet and have not been recently added receive this bonus (Dateadded > BoostNewSongsDays)
Const BoostNotPlayedModifier=5

' %%% Limit for the not heard Bonus, 0 means only songs u never played get the bonus
Const BoostNotPlayedCutoff=0

' %%% Boost not rated songs (problem is bomb = not rated = rating -1)
Const BoostNotPlayedNotRated=True

' %%% In case some of the non played songs have a rating do not pick songs with ratings below (0 to 10)
' %% 2 = 20=1 star 4=40=2 stars
Const BoostNotPlayedRatingCutoff=5

' %%% Genres that should not be played. Leave empty (Const NotPlayGenres = "") to ignore.
' "-1, 13, 17, 20, 24" means "empty genre field, Pop, Rock, Alternative, Soundtrack"
' Look up the other genre Ids in the database by using MS Access
Const NotPlayGenres = ""

' %%% Number of Songs in list
Const NumberOfSongs = 25

' %%% Influence which songs will be played. You have three sets that you can use
' Example:
' Const Set1Weight = 8.5    ' Basic weight for this set is 8.5
' Const Set1Boundary = 1.5  ' with a variation of 1.5, which means that songs between 7 and 10 will be chosen
' Const Set1Percentage = 60 ' this is how big the part of this set should be in the overall contents

Const Set1Weight = 7.0
Const Set1Boundary = 3
Const Set1Percentage = 90    ' make sure all 3 percentages sum up to 100!

Const Set2Weight = 2.0
Const Set2Boundary = 2
Const Set2Percentage = 10   ' make sure all 3 percentages sum up to 100!

Const Set3Weight = 1.0      ' Right now, it is not possible to choose songs with a weight < 1, so unfortunately you cannot add unrated songs
Const Set3Boundary = 1
'Const Set3Percentage = 20  ' This is not needed because it just takes what is missing to 100%

' The Meat. Don't change anything under here.

' the text of the formulas to be used throughout
Dim weightedRatingFormula, dateBoostFormula, ratingFormula, weightedPlayCountFormula, boostNewSongsFormula, boostNotPlayedFormula

If BoostNewSongsModifier <> 0 Then
   dateBoostFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (BoostNewSongsCutoff *10) & " OR FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) <= " & BoostNewSongsDays & "), 0, FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) / " & DayFactor & "))"
   dateBoostFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (DateBoostCutoff*10) & ", 0, FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) / " & DayFactor & "))"
End If

'If the songs played MORE then x times OR Songs' shorter then X days in DB or rating below X then RETURN 0 ELSE is ok
If BoostNotPlayedModifier > 0 then
   if boostnotplayednotrated=true then
      boostNotPlayedFormula= " IIF((Songs.PlayCounter >" & BoostNotPlayedCutoff & " OR FIX(Datediff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now))<" & BoostNewSongsDays & " OR (Songs.rating<"& boostnotplayedratingcutoff*10 & " AND songs.rating <> -1)),0,"& BoostNotPlayedModifier &") "
      boostNotPlayedFormula= " IIF(Songs.PlayCounter >" & BoostNotPlayedCutoff & " OR FIX(Datediff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now))<" & BoostNewSongsDays & " OR Songs.rating<"& boostnotplayedratingcutoff*10 & ",0,"& BoostNotPlayedModifier &") "
   end if
end if

ratingFormula = "(IIF(Songs.rating < 0, 0, Songs.rating) / 10)"

If ReduceIfPlayed Then
   weightedPlayCountFormula = "(Songs.PlayCounter - " & dateBoostFormula & ")"
   weightedPlayCountFormula = "0"
End If

If BoostNewSongsModifier <> 0 Then
   boostNewSongsFormula = "IIF(Songs.rating <= " & (BoostNewSongsCutoff*10) & " AND songs.rating <> -1, 0, (IIF(FIX(DateDiff('d',Songs.DateAdded,Now) > " &                         BoostNewSongsDays & "), 0, " & BoostNewSongsModifier & ")))"
End If

weightedRatingFormula = ratingFormula & "-" & weightedPlayCountFormula
if boostNewSongsFormula <> "" then weightedRatingFormula = weightedRatingFormula & "+ " & boostNewSongsFormula
'msgbox boostnotplayedformula
if boostNotPlayedFormula <> "" then weightedRatingFormula = weightedRatingFormula & "+ " & boostNotPlayedFormula

weightedRatingFormula = " IIF( " & weightedRatingFormula & "> 10,10, " & weightedRatingFormula & ") "

Sub FillStandardProperties(parentNode, childNode)
   With childNode
      .CustomNodeId = parentNode.CustomNodeId
      .CustomDataId = parentNode.CustomDataId + 1
      .UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   End With
End Sub

'msgbox weightedRatingFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & dateBoostFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & ratingFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & weightedPlayCountFormula & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & boostNewSongsFormula

Sub FillGoodLeaf(Node)

    'Before anything let's check the weights for correct input!
   if numberofsongs<=0 then
      msgbox "You don't want any songs? Please set value of NumberOfSongs > 0 !"
      exit sub
   end if

   if (set1percentage+set2percentage)>100 or set1percentage>100 or set2percentage>100 then
      msgbox "Your SetXPercentage settings are messed up! They add to over 100% !"
      exit sub
   end if

   Dim Tracks
   Dim SQLStatement,SQL
   Dim SELECT_TOP_Clause, SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause, WHERE_WEIGHT_Clause, ORDER_Clause
   Dim Iter, res, i, total, sum, index
   Dim weight, minweight, maxweight
   Dim hold, weights, average, start, baseweight, boundary,alreadyused
   Dim R, max : max = NumberOfSongs
   Dim inStr : inStr = ""

   Set hold = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' define an associative array or "hash array" to hold the songs
   Set weights = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ' define an associative array or "hash array" to hold the weightings
    Set alreadyused = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'define an array with the list of already used tracks

   SELECT_Clause = " Songs.Id, IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE " & weightedPlayCountFormula &" < " & ratingFormula & " AND DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) > " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " AND Songs.Genre NOT IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If
   ORDER_Clause = " ORDER BY Rnd((1000*Songs.ID)*Now())" ' This is important because otherwise they will all come as they are stored in the DB

   'SQLStatement = SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ORDER_Clause
   'Stricly debug
   '   msgbox "Attention hidden box from ie!"
   '   Dim objIE
   '   Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
   '   objIE.Navigate("about:blank")
   '   objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text",SQLStatement
   '   objIE.Quit
   '   Set objIE=nothing
   '   msgbox "Copied!"
   'End Debug

    'From below here it's old code!
    'Was nice but i'll try it with SQL only

    'All 3 weighting statements!
   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

   For i=1 to 3
      'each i correspons do one section of weights
      if i=1 then
         Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * Set1Percentage / 100)
         Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set1weight-set1boundary & " AND " & set1weight+set1boundary & ") "
      elseif i=2 then
         if set1percentage=100 then
            exit for
         end if
         Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * Set2Percentage / 100)
         Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set2weight-set2boundary & " AND " & set2weight+set2boundary & ") "
      elseif i=3 then
         if set1percentage+set2percentage=100 then
            exit for
         end if
         Select_top_clause = "SELECT TOP " & (max * (100-(Set1Percentage+Set2Percentage)) / 100)
         Where_weight_clause= " AND (" & weightedratingformula & " between " & set3weight-set3boundary & " AND " & set3weight+set3boundary & ") "
      end if

      SQL =SELECT_TOP_Clause & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & WHERE_WEIGHT_Clause & ORDER_Clause
      Set Iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQL)

      'Stricly debug
      'msgbox "Attention hidden box from ie!"
      'Dim objIE
      'Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
      'objIE.document.parentwindow.clipboardData.SetData "text",SQL
      'Set objIE=nothing
      'msgbox "Copied!"
      'End Debug
      do while iter.eof =false
         if instr ="" then
            instr = instr & ", " & iter.StringByIndex(0)
         end if


   'msgbox instr
   If inStr <> "" then
           Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & inStr & ") ORDER BY Rnd((1000*Songs.ID)*Now())")
   End If
   Set iter=nothing
   set tracks = nothing

End Sub

Sub FillWeightNode(Node)

   Dim Tree, newNode
   Dim SQLStatement ' SQL query to the database
   Dim Iter ' SDBD Iterator obtained by running the SQL query to get the nodes

   Set Tree = SDB.MainTree
   Node.HasChildren = false ' To delete all old children

   SQLStatement = "SELECT DISTINCT IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") from Songs "
   'res = InputBox("SQL Statement Node: ", SQLStatement, SQLStatement) ' For debugging
   Set Iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQLStatement)

   While Not Iter.EOF

      Set newNode = Tree.CreateNode

      NewNode.Caption = Iter.StringByIndex(0)
      NewNode.iconIndex = 32
      newNode.CustomData = Iter.StringByIndex(0)

      FillStandardProperties node,newNode
      newNode.onFillTracksFunct = "FillWeightLeaf"
      newNode.hasChildren = False
      Tree.AddNode Node, NewNode, 3


End Sub

Sub FillWeightLeaf(Node)
   Dim Weight
   Dim Tracks
   Dim SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause

   Weight = Node.CustomData

   SELECT_Clause = " SELECT Songs.Id "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE IIF(" & weightedRatingFormula & ">10,10," & weightedRatingFormula & ") = " & Weight & " AND DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) > " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " AND Songs.Genre NOT IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If
   'res = InputBox("SQL Statement Leaf: ", "Debugging", SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause) ' For debugging

   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

   Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ")")

End Sub

Sub FillDoneLeaf(Node)
   Dim Tracks
   Dim SELECT_Clause, FROM_Clause, WHERE_Clause

   SELECT_Clause = " SELECT Songs.Id "
   FROM_Clause = " FROM Songs "
   WHERE_Clause = " WHERE DateDiff('d',Songs.LastTimePlayed, Now) <= " & MinDaysRepeat
   If NotPlayGenres <> "" then
      WHERE_Clause = WHERE_Clause & " OR Songs.Genre IN (" & NotPlayGenres & ")"
   End If

   Set Tracks = SDB.MainTracksWindow

   Tracks.AddTracksFromQuery("AND Songs.ID IN (" & SELECT_Clause & FROM_Clause & WHERE_Clause & ")")

End Sub

' Startup Function

Sub onStartUp
   Dim Tree, RadioFreeMonkeyRoot
   Dim RadioMonkeyGood, RadioMonkeyBad, RadioMonkeyWeight

   Set Tree = Sdb.MainTree
   Set RadioFreeMonkeyRoot = Tree.createNode

   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.Caption = RootNodeCaption
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.IconIndex = 14
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioFreeMonkeyRoot.hasChildren = True
   Tree.AddNode Tree.Node_Library, RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, 1
   SDB.Objects("RadioFreeMonkeyRoot") = RadioFreeMonkeyRoot

   Set RadioMonkeyGood = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyGood.Caption = "Radio List"
   RadioMonkeyGood.IconIndex = 14
   RadioMonkeyGood.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyGood.hasChildren = False
   RadioMonkeyGood.onFillTracksFunct = "FillGoodLeaf"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyGood, 2
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyGood") = RadioMonkeyGood

   Set RadioMonkeyWeight = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyWeight.Caption = "Weightings"
   RadioMonkeyWeight.IconIndex = 32
   RadioMonkeyWeight.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyWeight.hasChildren = True
   RadioMonkeyWeight.onFillTracksFunct = "FillWeightNode"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyWeight, 3
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyWeight") = RadioMonkeyWeight

   Set RadioMonkeyBad = Tree.createNode
   RadioMonkeyBad.Caption = "Done"
   RadioMonkeyBad.IconIndex = 15
   RadioMonkeyBad.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   RadioMonkeyBad.hasChildren = False
   RadioMonkeyBad.onFillTracksFunct = "FillDoneLeaf"
   Tree.AddNode RadioFreeMonkeyRoot, RadioMonkeyBad, 3
   SDB.Objects("RadioMonkeyBad") = RadioMonkeyBad
End Sub
Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:22 am

Post by lemo »

Has anyone got this working with MM3?
Post Reply