I have updated my portable MMW5 installation to, and I have encountered the following:
Album art does not show randomly. Some album art shows up, and others don't. But if I go to each album's properties, I see the art, and they are all "stored in tag" as I fixed a couple days back. The artwork just does not show in the main screens, whether it's under Albums, Genres, Artists, etc.
Personally speaking, this is pretty frustrating. I spent hours re-doing the album art tags after learning the hard way that iTunes never implemented them properly the first time around. I'm at least glad that the tags themselves look to be fine, judging by a spot check I did.
On an aside, in reference to this post I made a day ago: viewtopic.php?t=105426
The sync status disappears again when I move around the app, jumping from one view to another (Albums, Genres, Artists, etc.).
I was able to trigger it this time. It happens when I try to search for albums, songs, etc.
Update to breaks album art, sync status still not showing properly,
Moderator: Gurus