Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

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Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

Post by jonhinch »


I have noticed in my database I have some enteries twice as one of the folders in the location path is named for instance "Capital" and the other "capital". I am assuming remove will delete the file. I don't wish to try. I think the problem was based on a move I made from hard disc to network.

I can't sort the path order to get the records separated. So even Mediamonkey thinks it is the same. It also doesn't show up separately in entire library->location.

Any idea how I can identify all the files shown as in the "Capital" path so I can remove them rather than do it one by one? And can I force just a deletion in the library not the physical file? It doesn't seem to want to show me the choice dialog I see elsewhere.
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Re: Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

Post by Lowlander »

Maybe Added is useful to help locate these files? Where are you navigating that it doesn't ask to remove from library or library & PC?
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Re: Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

Post by jonhinch »

Good tip. I will look into that. It is certainly different. Strangely some locations seem identical so I guess I will just have to spot them by eye if the added date doesn't show the day I caused the problem.

Interestingly I have some files where the wrong album information has been added to them. I will look at the added date for them too. That is a very useful field I had not thought of.
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Re: Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

Post by Lowlander »

There are also duplicate management options available: ... icates/4.0
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Re: Same location address in database twice because of Capitals

Post by jonhinch »

Thanks. It is a curious mistake. It seems to have happened in 2014/5. If I Entire Library>Location I can't see the capital mistakes at all. If I Entire Library>Album I can see them and can sort by date added to then remove them. That is at least a little speedier than the Files To Edit>Duplicate Entries route.
Curiously that is showing duplicates with exactly the same location. These seem to have two different bit rates and be ones where the tags have been overwritten with wrong band info. When correcting in MP3tag one record shows correctly the other remains wrong. The Database must have corrupted at some point and still has some links that don't match correctly. Perhaps in the upgrade from version 3. Who knows.
Oh well I have the means of correcting it if I spot it. If I don't it doesn't matter. I don't wish to lose the information in the database so I will have to just be aware of the issue. Especially if I decide to go to MM5.
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