Copy Playlist Files to Existing Folder Structure

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Copy Playlist Files to Existing Folder Structure

Post by davoid »

I have been going through my music library (5500 songs) to convert the WMAs to MP3.
Everything under 128 kbps I have replaced with 192 kbps versions rather than converting.
So I have a few hundred songs that I need to copy to the existing folders: Artist/Album, or just Artist (if no album) in my music library.
I know Mediamonkey and other software (Amok Playlist Copy) can copy files from a playlist to a new folder structure.
But this won't help me. As then I will just have two sets of folders.

Any ideas?
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Re: Copy Playlist Files to Existing Folder Structure

Post by Lowlander »

It sounds like you may want to replace files with newer copies, this can, including on Playlists:

Otherwise, you can use Auto-Organize Files to Copy files based on tags.
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