Hi, there is an example Playlist called "Recently Added" but that also has the criterium of Added <(days ago) nn [PLUS a second limitation based on either megabytes / files or minutes. I do not think you can do exactly what you want currently with MMW 2024.
In MMW4 there is a add-on called Magic Nodes that has a number of options that might be of interest:
- 20 Latest Albums
Albums Added in Last 10 Weeks {essential what we have done with a MMW 2024 Collection}
(Complete) Albums with ALL files added in last 3 days
I don't know if this helps, but I create a "Top-Level" playlist for each month (or quarter or year) and add the "Album" playlist below this so it appears withing the top-level playlist. I prefix my Playlist name with a # so it appears at the top of the list in the Playlist node.
For example, "#September2024" contains 40 Playlists for the new albums I have created in the month. I label these as "Album Artist - Album Name".
Next I select the "#September2024" playlist in Devices & Services setting for the mobile phone / tablet. When I sync, I therefore end up with the September 2024 new albums being added to the devices.
One problem is that - if you add another album to the "Top-Level" playlist, you must go back to the sync profile for the device and add the new album from the Sync List / Playlists screen. The quickest way to do this is to uncheck the "Top-Level" playlist and then check the tick box again.
Hope this helps.
UweBo wrote: ↑Wed Sep 25, 2024 12:53 pm
Hello Ian
thank you. I did that already but when i do not use MM5 for 14 days or no albums added within that time frame the list is suddenly empty.
New Collection;
What is needed is something like "added" "number" of "albums" > or < "now"
In the colum of the subnode "Album" the function " added" can not be added. I have "date" for sorting but that is the date of publishing.
I just want to see the last "number" of added albums no matter if that is 1 or 300 days ago.
New Playlist;
Entire Library
Match "all" of the following criteria and i am again in the dead end of creating a new collection with the function "added"
Limit to "8000" files > selected by "added most recent"
Sort by "added" "A - Z"