[REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by TheUsualSuspect »

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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by Lowlander »

You may need to set Select by to one of the auto-refresh options.

Have you checked if Last Played is updated in MMW after Sync from MMA?
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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by TheUsualSuspect »

I was capturing all the information from MMA and MMW etc. to post, when I discovered that it is all working very well now and just as it should. I'm not sure what was going on, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Thanks to every one who make MM possible. Have really enjoyed the program since v3.
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Wish MMA AutoPlaylists Updated Without MMW Sync

Post by Chep »

I have a lot of AutoPlaylists that remove songs once a play count is met. Many of these playlists are deliberately on Shuffle/Random and I have run into times when I’ve played a song and then had the song RE-play later because chance and probability brings the song back around .. but it wouldn’t have been a song for MMA to choose from had the AutoPlaylist kicked it out of the list after the first play.

Granted, the AutoPlaylist will remove the songs when I sync MMA with MMW, but is there no way to have this action be on the MMA side of things, and MMA then pushes (right term?) to MMW instead of waiting for the other way around.

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Wife: “Haven’t we already heard this song?”

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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by Peke »

Unfortunately no for now. MMA do not support Auto Playlist, but MMW AuoPlaylists are synced as static ones to MMA and updates after starts/criteria is updated on MMW.

It is highly planned feature for MMA, but unfortunately not yet implemented.
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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by Chep »

Thank you, happy to hear that it’s at least on the radar. Understood the implementation date is TBD. Appreciate all the work.
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[REQ] Quick Picker to either generate or refine a playlist

Post by ChoppedBroccoli »

This is actually a follow up to a related smart playlist MMA feature request from 2016: https://mediamonkey.com/forum/viewtopic ... 07#p425007

I've noticed I've basically been creating a ton of smart playlists in MMW to cover all my possible listening moods in MMA. For example, I may want to listen to 3 star and up Rock music from the 90s in MMA. I have Rock Smart playlist in MMW, then I create further refined nested playlists in MMW (2 star rock, 3 star rock, 4 star rock, 3 star 90s rock, etc). As you can see, just one genre listening preference explodes into 4+ playlists just to cover some listening scenarios in MMA. Currently I have like 100 smart playlists in MMW, nested 3 levels deep to keep some cleanliness, just to cover some listening moods in MMA which seems crazy to me.

The holy grail for me would still be to have dynamic smart playlist generation in MMA, and then tie it into voice prompts. I would love to tell the Google Assistant in my car "play rock and rap songs from the 1990s that are rated above 2 stars in Media Monkey" and have that start playing in my car stereo. Perhaps that type of functionality is far away? To be honest when I mentioned this 8 years ago, I figured we'd be there by now by some combination of improvements in the Google Voice assistant and MMA.

Now I am hoping that perhaps there are smaller features in MMA that achieve 80% of this and improve the on the go listening experience.

TLDR: could we add a dynamic quick picker at the top of a playlist or now playing queue in MMA to refine the existing list? For example, If I transfer a MMW smart playlist that is 3 stars and above into MMA, when I go to the view the playlist it would be awesome if I got "quick pick" (say a hide-able, horizontal picker) options to refine the playlist based on some basic things like a set of genre(s), year(s), etc? It would be awesome if the "quick picker" was only populated with options that exist in the current playlist/queue (for example the genres listed would only list "rock" and "alternative" since those are the only genres in the current queue). This would greatly reduce the number of smart playlists I need to send over to MMA.

I suppose you'd have to implement the smart playlist feature anyway in MMA to achieve this? But even so, a quick picker/refinement bar in almost all views, would still be an awesome way to quickly refine a set of music for my current mood and remove the need to build out a MMA UI for creating smart playlists from scratch with conditional logic etc like in MMW (the mobile UI for this wouldn't be so straightforward).

What I need is to be able to quickly refine on a set of tags (years, rating, genres, tempo, mood, etc) that already list all the possible/likely options and just require a few fat finger presses to select them.

I experimented with Symfonium, and while it has something along these lines, it didn't quite work as seamlessly as I hoped so didn't end up switching

Some brainstorming here: https://support.symfonium.app/t/smart-filters/326

Last edited by ChoppedBroccoli on Thu Jan 09, 2025 5:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feature Request: Quick Picker to either generate or refine a playlist

Post by ChoppedBroccoli »

I actually think this type of refinement would also be useful in MMW, but is less of an issue because I typically have a keyboard/mouse/time+focus to craft the right listening mood. Also the "browser" view in MMW lets you option select specific genres shown in the current view, so it achieves (and is a decent example) of 80% of what I'm thinking of.

This forum post (viewtopic.php?p=496594#p496594) already has an image of this feature that could hopefully one day be translated to MMA. It shows how you can refine the current playlist by a subset of genres/other designated column fields that are pre-populated only with tag data from the current view:

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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by ChoppedBroccoli »

Another note:

I do notice MMA kind of presents a similar idea to this when you click on the "music node". From there you can quickly move through different genres, decades, etc (and even option select multiple results for a quick queuing). However, this only lets you choose values for a single top level tag, not across tags. A permanent refinement picker for any view would be far more desirable.
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Re: [REQ] Auto-Playlist in MMA [#10817]

Post by Bakoes »

I would like a "quick picker" to refine my playlists. ♥
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