[REQ] Organize Files - add a check box to "move or copy all accompanying files" [#21439]

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[REQ] Organize Files - add a check box to "move or copy all accompanying files" [#21439]

Post by TekGamer »

In the "Organize Files" popup, option is selected, can you please add a check box to "also move or copy all accompanying files", to give us the ability, after the organize is complete (move or copy) to by-pass the "Accompanying files" popup that states "the following accompanying files were found" and asks you to "select those you would like to move".
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Re: [REQ] Organize Files - add a check box to "move or copy all accompanying files" [#21439]

Post by TekGamer »


I read your notes in https://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=21439

It is worth mentioning, that I found if I have either or these two options checkboxed or not in Options...General...Confirmation:

- Confirm desired options on copy of Library folders
- Confirm desired options on move of Library folders

Both of those seem completely only related to moving or copied folders within the library via drag/drop and have nothing to do with the "Organize Files" dialog / process, which will always popup "the following accompanying files were found" and asks you to "select those you would like to move/copy".

Maybe adding "move/copy copy accompanying files" to the "Organize Files" popup dialog is appropriate? Right now that popup dialog only has two checkboxes "Delete emptied folders" and "Trim long paths/filenames".
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