DLNA small issues

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DLNA small issues

Post by noisebeam »

It works well with mp3 to my Roku device but a few nits.
1. Often (most?) times when the second and subsequent tracks plays it will play the first second, pause a moment, then continue. I have not tried any debug yet, but wonder if this is more likely the player end (Roku) or MM4? I am guessing some buffering issue w/Roku. Any suggestion on how to start to track this down? Otherwise playback is perfect.
2. DNLA source is rebooted often or MM4 restarted. This means the IP address when set to 'Automatic' is not the same every time so I need to re-connect my players to it. I know there is option to hold the currently used IP, but I think this means that if another device takes it first there will be a conflict. Is there a way to manually assign last three digits of IP to a value I know another device will not grab?
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Re: DLNA small issues

Post by Lowlander »

1) That may be the case, DLNA just serves the files to the client.
2) This is something you'd need to setup in your Router, giving your PC a static IP.
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