I've had this minor problem several times now, but only now have DbgView running to capture it. The problem does not happen every time, but does occur about once a week with steady use.
Here's the sequence of events:
- Working with the Main List in All Files with a sorted list format.
- Open a new tab
- Type a targetted search in the search box at top right, eg artist: James Taylor, and press Enter.
- Normally the search text gets replicated in the tab, but now the tab shows a pair of double quotes, ie "", indicating a null string.
- The search finds nothing, yielding a list with no tracks, even though the text of the original query is still present in the search box.
- Returning to the search box and pressing Enter again yields the same null search result.
Fixing this is simple - return to the edit box and change the search string, eg artist: Taylor. The tab name is now populated and the list returns all of James Taylor's tracks, along with a couple of other Taylors.
Repeating the search with the original search text, ie Artist: James Taylor, now works correctly with the tab and list populated.
So, this is just an inconvenience but detracts from the perceived stability of product and should be fixed in slow time. The DbgView log is available if you want it.