[REQ] AI AutoPlaylist & last.fm Playlist import

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[REQ] AI AutoPlaylist & last.fm Playlist import

Post by ElectricLandlord »

This encompasses both a request for help & a feature request, so I'm not sure where best to post it. Mods feel free to let me know if I've got it wrong.

Fundamentally I'm trying to improve the behaviour of AutoDJ - all too often MM5 will get to the end of the album I'm playing and then veer off into the unknown. There used to be an MM4 add-on which linked to your Last.fm stats and generated some good options, but I don't think it exists anymore.

I can envisage a couple of potential solutions:
1 - Some form of AI-based add-on which can use my listening history to generate a playlist from my own library. I've been experimenting with ChatGPT to do this with some success, but I don't know how that could be integrated into MM5.

2 - Create a playlist for myself which gives me a "safe" runoff area for AutoDJ. I was thinking I could use my "all-time Top 500" from Last.fm to do this, but I can't figure out how to get this playlist into MM5. I have a CSV file with the artists & titles, but obviously it doesn't know the file locations. What I need is some form of batch lookup/import facility.

Hopefully this makes sense, although I suspect I'm rambling a bit. Thanks.
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Re: Playlist/AutoDJ

Post by Lowlander »

Auto-DJ can already use regular Playlists and AutoPlaylists. AutoPlaylists are fairly powerful if you put in the tagging effort on your files and are willing to get complicated using multiple AutoPlaylists to build one master AutoPlaylist.

As far as getting an last.fm Playlist into MediaMonkey, this would be for an Addon instead.
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Re: [REQ] AI AutoPlaylist & last.fm Playlist import

Post by rusty »

Thanks for the feedback--I'd also find something like this really useful. We'd experimented with AI-generated playlists at the beginning of the 5.1/2024 cycle, but didn't get to something that we were happy with. I expect that we'll look into this again post 2024.0.

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