Is there any way of having a visualization and the artwork of the track currently playing at the same time?

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Is there any way of having a visualization and the artwork of the track currently playing at the same time?

Post by Aragon26 »

Have been playing around for a while with personalising my Layout etc. but this has always eluded me.
My question is as simple as the titel:

Can I have the visualization as a panel and the artwork of the current album as another panel?

I really like having both and it feels a shame to have to choose everytime. Also depending on which i choose I have to resize the panels for it to look right which is a bit annoying.
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Re: Is there any way of having a visualization and the artwork of the track currently playing at the same time?

Post by Lowlander »

You can set the Playing node to the Album Art View and have the visualization in the Preview panel.
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