Take a look at the following screenshot, which shows what I'm trying to do to the "Album Info View" in the Albums grid view (lvPopupContainer): https://drive.google.com/file/d/11cOS4d ... Lsbd0EnbFS
Some of my top general goals with my skin is to improve...
* efficiency of mouse movement (Reduce the distance the mouse needs to travel to execute the next most-probable click)
* visual efficiency (Put the relevant, grouped info in the place that requires your eyes to move the least; Reduce duplication of info on display)
To that end:
1. How do I position the play/ shuffle control block (Which BTW has no simple identifier in the tag, and seems to only be addressable using the selector div.popupHeader > div.flex.row.left.inline.verticalCenter ), so that it's located underneath the album art in the grid (and also have its solid background obscure the albumTitle/Artist text that's underneath the image)...? (Problem being that the position is not fixed, relative to anything in the lvPopup (AlbumInfo) view -- It depends on the position of the currently selected album in the parent grid matrix.)
2. How do I change the bkd color of the selection highlight surrounding the album art in the grid (div.popupIndicator) to be the same as that selected album's unique color ? (Problem being that it's a different color depending on the selected album [ Cleverly linked to the predominant color of the album art image --- Nice touch, Devs! ] )
I've annotated these things with arrows and text, on the screenshot, linked to (above).
Here's some other things I've done to this view, with CSS, so far...
Code: Select all
//-------------------------------- Album View Display Info (lvPopupContainer) ----------------------------
// DONE: Remove album image (redundant); Make header text all one line (compactness); Remove top-right close button (redundant)
// TODO: Move play/shuffle controls to underneath album art; Hide text underneath album art; Make bkd around selected album the same unique color as the info-text bkd
[data-control-class="ArtworkRectangle"] {
display: none;
[data-id="albumTitle"] {
font-size: 16px !important;
margin-left: 20px !important;
[data-id="releaseYear"] {
font-size: 16px !important;
[data-id="albumArtist"] {
font-size: 16px !important;
.popupHeader br {
display: none !important;
.lvPopupContainer .closebutton {
display: none;