A8 Remarks

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A8 Remarks

Post by ui »

There are a few things that aren't going well in A8 (but it's becoming better!)
- When I select files in the main windows and drag them to the Now Playing list, MM crashes. It does bring up the crash-reporting window.
- I am unable to find the on-the-fly volume levelling for portable devices. I must miss it, but it does not seem to be where one would expect it to be: in the Options-screen (portable device options);
- When in the Options menu -> Volume levelling, there's a choice "by track" and "by album" (pull-down menu after "level playback volume". I was under the impression that MM looks at the total database... Am I wrong there? Is it too much data to process?
- The balloon tip shown when pointing to "Automatically analyze volume of unanalyzed tracks" shows the wrong tool tip. It's about Clipping prevention. (this is also in the Volume leverling-section in Tools -> Options).
- As suggested earlier: to enable/disable headings in each window that has them (main window, Now Playing), it would be easier to have a screen popping up with all the header titles (Artist, Album, Title, etc) that can be chacked/unchecked. Now, one needs to go to the header line, right click, find the header title, click to disable/enable and do that several times to get the header he/she wants. Putting this in a window is much easier. Point to header line, right-click, choose Properties or Change headers and show a window. A few clicks and everything is disabled/enabled that should be.
Best regards,
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Re: A8 Remarks

Post by Bex »

ui wrote: - As suggested earlier: to enable/disable headings in each window that has them (main window, Now Playing), it would be easier to have a screen popping up with all the header titles (Artist, Album, Title, etc) that can be chacked/unchecked. Now, one needs to go to the header line, right click, find the header title, click to disable/enable and do that several times to get the header he/she wants. Putting this in a window is much easier. Point to header line, right-click, choose Properties or Change headers and show a window. A few clicks and everything is disabled/enabled that should be.
Implemented in A8!
Righclick on a main node: "Options->Choose Tree Nodes" and configure the "Choose Columns" window.
Advanced Duplicate Find & Fix Find More From Same - Custom Search. | Transfer PlayStat & Copy-Paste Tags/AlbumArt between any tracks.
Tagging Inconsistencies Do you think you have your tags in order? Think again...
Play History & Stats Node Like having your Last-FM account stored locally, but more advanced.
Case & Leading Zero Fixer Works on filenames too!

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Post by jiri »

I am unable to find the on-the-fly volume levelling for portable devices. I must miss it, but it does not seem to be where one would expect it to be: in the Options-screen (portable device options);
It's on Auto-conversion tab. Might sound a little weird, but it's very much related to auto-conversions and so it seems to be the best place.

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