I have 2000 albums organized by artists. I wish to have a printed listing of artists in alphabetical order with all their respective albums listed beneath.
I am able to get a listing showing all artists, their albums and the tracks. This is too lengthy to manage with. All I need is artists and their albums.
This seems like a simple enough thing to do but I can't seem to find an easy way to do it. Your help is appreciated. Thank you.
I want a listing of all albums by all artists
Moderator: Gurus
I print out a list of all my albums in the format Artist - Year - Album Title. The items are arranged first alphabetically by Artist then within each artist the albums are arranged by year. I do not use MediaMonkey to make this list. Because my music folder is arranged in the same order as the list I want to generate, I can use a free file management utility called Explorer XP to copy my folder list to text and then paste the folder list into Open Office spreadsheet. If I want to share the list with someone who does not have Open Office, I export the info to a PDF file.
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You can use either Trixmoto's Custom Report or Trixmoto's Just List Albums scripts. Either should be able to meet your needs. If you need help or have questions regarding the script, it's best to post in the original script thread. There are also hints in the JLA script forum if you do not want the tracks to be listed in the report.
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Tried scripts but still too much detail
The scripts worked as designed but I still had too much detail as each song was a line item. I only wish to have one line item per album. Does anyone have a solution?
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Did you open the Just List Albums script in a text editor and change line #33 so it doesn't print the tracks??
Also, I'm sure if you read the posts for either script you could get some hints on how to get what you want.
Code: Select all
Dim TrackMask : TrackMask = "" 'blank mask means no tracks are displayed <Track#>. <Title>
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