Ah yes i notice that also,window captions now are centered,very nice.nohitter151 wrote:Congrats guys, I believe we've got one of our wishes into MM 3.1 (starting at build 1228).
this one: http://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewto ... 78#p188078
But also border handling change since 1228 ,in ion skin is one singel borderline defined on left side from Panel/Frame (theme editor)and was showing between left and middel window,since 1228 it's showing between middel and right side,so this means the borders showing no longer in the middel/main window ,now there are showing left / right side windows.
Also there is a new entry in the player ini file
If you set this to =1 ,2 pix border disappear but also window captions not centered anymore.
Also i don't understand why still 2 pix border are showing when you cross the close buttom from window caption and hide 2 pix from scrollbar ?
This is a god start and there is still more work to do and i realy think the devs have to fix the current skinning engine ,before they put new features in it.There are just littel things who dont works right , but i hope they can be fix.
And we have to congratulate you