MediaMonkey for Win 8 / RT FAQ

Get answers about using the current release of MediaMonkey for Windows 8/RT

Moderator: Gurus


Windows Phone App ?

Post by Bluemax2000 »

Hi there,

I am using MMW + MM8 + MMA and I am considering to switch from Android to windows phone. Will there be a dedicated windows phone app in the future? If I understood latest windows phone / RT news right both will merge in the future. Actual both stores are still separated, so I guess no possibility to buy and install the RT app on windows phone.

As far as I could see windows phone lacks of a good media app like MM, especially FLAC support and so on.

Thanks for a short answer!


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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:53 pm
Location: MediaMonkey 5

Re: MediaMonkey for Win 8 / RT FAQ

Post by Lowlander »

I don't think this is planned at the moment.

Re: MediaMonkey for Win 8 / RT FAQ

Post by B3r3n »

Hi Guys,

Some news about MM RT.

Since I moved to SSD, the "music blocked for a second each xx seconds" issue vanished. Probably coming from my old SATA hard drive.

I keep having some issues:
- Trying to play, either by folder or artist choice a whole collection, MM crashes.
- Might not be you : I rely on a touch screen, not a direct touch PC. The sliding does not work, but this may come from the driver itself. Investigating...

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