previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

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previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by eggburger »


I wondered if something like this had changed recently (or ever) for anyone else. Maybe the result of an update of some kind?

I have an instance of MedaiMonkey running on my Windows 10 laptop, but no mp3s on it locally.

I have an instance of MedaiMonkey running on a Windows 7 desktop - which also has all my mp3s on it.

For many months, on my laptop I have been able to hit: "Media Servers" > "MediaMonkey Library (<desktop name>)" from the MediaMonkey sidebar in order to play mp3s from my desktop on my laptop.

Since yesterday, when I open the "Media Servers" > "MediaMonkey Library (<desktop name>)" item I get an increasing list of folders appearing underneath it, each called "Access Denied" (if I double click "MediaMonkey Library (<desktop name>)" - I get a "Reading Files" message near the bottom of the main window - but no other response).

I haven't changed anything about my firewall on the laptop or on the desktop, and meda streaming is still enabled, and my laptop is still explicitly "allowed" to be streamed to by my desktop, and MediaMonkey is allowed through the firewall on my dekstop and laptop. I have uninstalled/reinstalled MediaMonkey ( on my laptop but no change to the behaviour. (My Logitech Squeezebox device is still able to stream mp3s from the same desktop so the network is still ok.)

Any ideas where to look to fix this? I'm not particualrly clued up regarding UPnP / DLNA..

Cheers and thanks for your help.
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Re: previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by Lowlander »

Start here: ... ccessible/

Something is blocking access, perhaps you don't allow the device to connect in the Media Server settings in MediaMonkey (Tools > Options > Media Servers).

Restarting both PC's and even your router could also help remedy.
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Re: previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by dtsig »

I have found that restarting the router/modem has solved this issue most times for me.
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Re: previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by eggburger »

Hi again,

re-booting the dekstop machine that was serving the mp3s seems to have fixed the problem (once I got the kids off it for a few minutes).

Thanks for your very speedy and helpful messages.

Hope you have a good new year...

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Re: previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by MabelVanA »

I got the same error and found what the problem was in my case. I run MM as a 'service' on startup. Usually I do not start the 'player' as I access the files from elsewhere using DNLA. Sometimes I got the 'access denied' error, requiring a reset. Then it struck me that I always (reproduceably) got the error after trying to play a movie that didn't play. So after resetting the server, I started the UI (player) and tried playing one of those movies that doesn't play via DNLA. Sure enough: the player displayed an error message: 'MM can not decode this file format'. Trying again, I got the 'access denied' error, which persisted as long as this errormessage was on screen. On clicking 'Cancel', the server was available again.
I think this may be regarded as a bug. When only the service is running, no messages can be displayed, so the program should somehow 'step over' the error instead of just halting.
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Re: previously working media server now responding: "access denied"

Post by dtsig »

agreed Mabel .. the service should protect itself to the point of simply reset itself
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