Sample Read and Write Method(s)

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Revision as of 02:03, 11 April 2008 by MoDementia (talk | contribs)
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  1. Copy the sample code into a text editor
  2. Replace highligted terms with information from the items page in the Property Summary Table Title e.g.
    1. Value Name = Title
    2. Value Type = String
    3. Field Name = SongTitle
    4. Database Table = Songs
  3. Change the SelectMethod = 1 to a number corresponding to the select method required e.g.
    1. SelectMethod = 2 would use SQLQuery Method
  4. Comment all lines that DO NOT match the SelectMethod chosen by adding a single quote to the front of the line e.g. If SelectMethod was set as 3 all lines with 'SelectMethod not containing 2 would need to be commented out (or removed)
    1. ' For iCounter = 0 to objSongList.count - 1 'SelectMethod 4 SongLists
  5. Save the file as WikiSample.vbs in ...MediaMonkey\Scripts folder
  6. Edit the ...MediaMonkey\Scripts\Scripts.ini and add (copy/paste the section between '<-- Start ini code and '<--- End ini code) and save
  7. Start MM and select menu Tools --> Scripts --> WikiSample

Note: If Value Type = Object you will need to add the Member Name to the code e.g. ObjectAlbum = objSongData.Album.Member

Sample Code

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: WikiSample.vbs
' Template Author: MoDementia
' Time, DATE :  22:31, 09 April 2008
'Sample of Scripting Code Read and Write Method(s)
'A working script to show database results using various selection methods
'MediaMonkey\Scripts\Scripts.ini entry
'<-- Start ini code
'[WikiSample]                                                                       'Format of the Scripts.ini file
'Description=Displays the raw database value of the MMWikipage item
'<-- End ini code

 Sub WikiSample
  Dim SelectMethod, SampleID, Value TypeNewValue Name

Dim SQLString 'SelectMethod 3

  Dim objSongList                                                                   'SelectMethod 2

  SelectMethod = 1
  ' SelectMethod NowPlaying = 1
  ' SelectMethod UseSQLQuery = 2

' SelectMethod UseSQL = 3

  ' SelectMethod SelectedSongs = 4

'   SampleID = 13123                                                                  'Usualy Set in another part of the script
'Random SampleID Code (Remove if SampleID known)
  Set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT DISTINCT Songs.ID FROM Songs ORDER BY RANDOM() Limit 1")
  While Not iter.EOF
    SampleID = iter.StringByIndex(0)
'End of random SampleID code
  Value TypeNewValue Name = "Mamma Mia"
  Set objSongList = SDB.NewSongList                                                 'SelectMethod 2 and 3 SDB.NewSongList
  Select Case SelectMethod
    Case 1
      Set objSongData = SDB.Player.CurrentSong                                      'SDB.Player.CurrentSong
    Case 2
      Set objSongListiterator = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND Songs.ID=" & SampleID) 'SDB.Database.QuerySongs

Case 3 SQLString = "SELECT Field Name FROM Database Table WHERE Database Table.ID = " & SampleID Set objSongStringiterator = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQLString) 'SDB.Database.OpenSQL

    Case 4
      Set objSongList = SDB.SelectedSongList                                        'SDB.SelectedSongList
'       Set objSongList = SDB.CurrentSongList                                       'SDB.CurrentSongList
'       Set objSongList = SDB.AllVisibleSongList                                    'SDB.AllVisibleSongList
    Case Else
      SDB.MessageBox "Incorrect Select Method ", mtError, Array(mbOK)               'SDB.MessageBox
      Exit Sub
  End Select
  For iCounter = 0 to objSongList.count - 1                                         'SelectMethod 4 SongLists
    While Not objSongListiterator.EOF                                               'SelectMethod 2 Iterator
    While Not objSongStringiterator.EOF                                               'SelectMethod 3
      Set objSongData = objSongListiterator.Item                                    'SelectMethod 2
      objSongList.Add(objSongData)                                                  'SelectMethod 2
      Set objSongData = objSongList.Item(iCounter)                                  'SelectMethod 4
      Value TypeValue Name = objSongData.Value Name                                 'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4
      SDB.MessageBox "Value = '" & Value TypeValue Name & "'", mtError, Array(mbOK) 'SelectMethod 4 (2 and 3)

Value TypeValue Name = objSongStringiterator.StringByIndex(0) 'SelectMethod 3

    objSongListiterator.Next                                                        'SelectMethod 2
    objSongStringiterator.Next                                                        'SelectMethod 3
    Wend                                                                            'SelectMethod 2 and 3
  Next                                                                              'SelectMethod 4
  Set objSongListiterator=Nothing                                                   'SelectMethod 2
  Set objSongStringiterator=Nothing                                                   'SelectMethod 3

  SDB.MessageBox "Value = '" & Value TypeValue Name & "'", mtError, Array(mbOK)

'  objSongData.Value Name = Value TypeNewValue Name 'Commented Out For Safety       'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4
'  objSonglist.UpdateAll                            'Commented Out For Safety       'UpdateAll
                         'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4 Updates db and writes tags (if checked in options)
End Sub

Converted Sample Method 2

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: WikiSample.vbs
' Template Author: MoDementia
' Time, DATE :  22:31, 09 April 2008
'Sample of Scripting Code Read and Write Method(s)
'A working script to show database results using various selection methods
'MediaMonkey\Scripts\Scripts.ini entry
'<-- Start ini code
'[WikiSample]                                                                       'Format of the Scripts.ini file
'Description=Displays the raw database value of the MMWikipage item
'<-- End ini code

 Sub WikiSample
  Dim SelectMethod, SampleID, StringNewTitle
'   Dim SQLString                                                                     'SelectMethod 3
  Dim objSongList                                                                   'SelectMethod 2

  SelectMethod = 2
  ' SelectMethod NowPlaying = 1
  ' SelectMethod UseSQLQuery = 2
  ' SelectMethod UseSQL = 3
  ' SelectMethod SelectedSongs = 4
'   SampleID = 13123                                                                   'Usualy Set in another part of the script
'Random SampleID Code (Remove if SampleID known)
  Set iter = SDB.Database.OpenSQL("SELECT DISTINCT Songs.ID FROM Songs ORDER BY RANDOM() Limit 1")
  While Not iter.EOF
    SampleID = iter.StringByIndex(0)
  Set iter=Nothing
'End of random SampleID code
  StringNewTitle = "Mamma Mia"
  Set objSongList = SDB.NewSongList                                                 'SelectMethod 2 and 3 SDB.NewSongList
  Select Case SelectMethod
    Case 1
      Set objSongData = SDB.Player.CurrentSong                                      'SDB.Player.CurrentSong
    Case 2
      Set objSongListiterator = SDB.Database.QuerySongs("AND Songs.ID=" & SampleID) 'SDB.Database.QuerySongs
    Case 3
      SQLString = "SELECT SongTitle FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID = " & SampleID
      Set objSongStringiterator = SDB.Database.OpenSQL(SQLString)                     'SDB.Database.OpenSQL
    Case 4
      Set objSongList = SDB.SelectedSongList                                        'SDB.SelectedSongList
'       Set objSongList = SDB.CurrentSongList                                       'SDB.CurrentSongList
'       Set objSongList = SDB.AllVisibleSongList                                    'SDB.AllVisibleSongList
    Case Else
      SDB.MessageBox "Incorrect Select Method ", mtError, Array(mbOK)               'SDB.MessageBox
      Exit Sub
  End Select
'   For iCounter = 0 to objSongList.count - 1                                         'SelectMethod 4 SongLists
    While Not objSongListiterator.EOF                                               'SelectMethod 2
'     While Not objSongStringiterator.EOF                                               'SelectMethod 3
      Set objSongData = objSongListiterator.Item                                    'SelectMethod 2
      objSongList.Add(objSongData)                                                  'SelectMethod 2
'       Set objSongData = objSongList.Item(iCounter)                                  'SelectMethod 4
      StringTitle = objSongData.Title                                 'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4
      SDB.MessageBox "Value = '" & StringTitle & "'", mtError, Array(mbOK) 'SelectMethod 4 (2 and 3)
'       StringTitle = objSongStringiterator.StringByIndex(0)                   'SelectMethod 3
    objSongListiterator.Next                                                        'SelectMethod 2
'     objSongStringiterator.Next                                                        'SelectMethod 3
    Wend                                                                            'SelectMethod 2 and 3
'   Next                                                                              'SelectMethod 4
  Set objSongListiterator=Nothing                                                   'SelectMethod 2
'   Set objSongStringiterator=Nothing                                                   'SelectMethod 3
  SDB.MessageBox "Value = '" & StringTitle & "'", mtError, Array(mbOK)

'  objSongData.Title = StringNewTitle 'Commented Out For Safety       'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4
'  objSonglist.UpdateAll                            'Commented Out For Safety       'UpdateAll
                         'SelectMethod 1, 2 and 4 Updates db and writes tags (if checked in options)
End Sub