First released: 09.01.2011
Current version:
Last Update: 16.02.2011
This is a alternative version of a orginal MM4 skin i work on in the last weeks,
Player is inspired by Glided Play Controls,Theme based on the 7on Skin with some small changes ,extended icon set and a new set of content type NoAArt's
Float player is resizeable and supports new Maxsize option for Float players,this means player have a fix minimum and maximum high,
Player supports also new title summary Info! ( Tools / Options / Playback Rules / Player )
and many other new MM4 features,
Theme / Player:

FloatPlayer minimized:

FloatPlayer maximized:

MicroPlayer / InfoPopUp:

Download: latest version
Fixes /News
16.02.2011: v 1,2,0,0
Make a extra thread for this Skin , so you can let comments

fix some missing things on XP modus (suggest by Gege )
Update Main Window Tabs (build 1349)
Skin is still in progress ,and i think there is some room for improvements ,
so let me know if you have any suggestions!