Getting Started

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Installing MediaMonkey

The first step is installing MediaMonkey.

See: Installing MediaMonkey

Getting Help

This Help explains the different features in MediaMonkey. Anytime you're using MediaMonkey and need Help with the feature you're using you can press F1 to open the corresponding Help page in your default browser. If the Help doesn't answer your question you can ask it on our Forum.

Adding Files to the Library

The first time you run the application, you'll be prompted to select which locations (on your local drives, external drives or on the network locations) to scan for Media Files. Any files found in these locations will be added to the Library. Before running your first scan for files you may want to adjust the settings as to how MediaMonkey scans your files.

See: Adding Files and Folders to the Library

Playing Tracks from the Library

Once your files have been added to the Library, navigate your way through your Collections by clicking different nodes in the Library portion of the tree in the MediaMonkey Explorer. The File List will update to match the selected node.

To play a Media File, simply double-click it in the File List. That Media File will begin playing, followed by Media Files that were listed subsequent to it (in the default player configuration). To play specific Media Files, select several and then click the Play Now button on the toolbar. For other functions, right-click to see the context menu.

See: Browse the Library, Playing Files

Editing Tags

To edit the properties associated with a File, right-click on the selected File and choose Edit Properties . Make your changes, and click 'Ok' to update the Tag. If you're missing information or Album Art, right click on the track and choose Auto-Tag from Web.

As with other commands, if you select multiple Files and click Edit Properties , the command will apply to all of the selected Tracks.

See: Editing File Properties, Auto-Tag

Customizing the Application

Once you've played a few Files, you'll probably want to spend a bit of time customizing the application to suit your tastes. Try:

  • Right-clicking on any of the column headings to add/remove columns that you'll be using regularly.
  • Drag and dropping the various column headings to change their position.
  • Clicking the Tools > Options menu to customize skins and other options.

See: Customizing MediaMonkey

Accomplishing other Basic Tasks

Previous: Introduction
Next: Installing MediaMonkey


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