MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

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MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

Post by gordol »

I cannot be 100% sure, but I am 95+% sure this is happening.
I have my primary playlist set to only pull in songs that have not been played within the last XXX days. And several times in the last couple weeks, I've heard a couple tracks repeat when they should have been taken out of the playlist. I did sync at least once in between, the tracks did play to completion the first time, and I did not restart the playlist in between syncs.

I do not know if MMA isn't reliably updating the metadata or if MMW5 is then failing to update the playlist.

I did not take notes, and thus I cannot check MMW now to see if it's been rectified on that/those tracks after a few sequential syncs related to my thread in the MMA forum.
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Re: MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata

Post by Peke »


Thanks! We're currently tracking this issue at . Thus far we've been unable to replicate the problem as it only seems to occur in specific configurations/scenarios.

I'm going to spend some more time to try to reproduce it, but if you can do so consistently with a small set of tracks, a debug log along with repro steps and an indication of which track(s) failed to update would be helpful.

EDIT: I retested again by syncing few tracks in Playlist that contained 5 non played tracks -> Played 3 tracks -> Synced aagain and playlist now contained on 2 tracks. I wonder have you used USB or WiFi Sync?

EDIT 2: I use MMA Beta 960 build and MM5 build 2528 Device is Moto X4 Android 9.0 and synced internal storage (no SDcard) if that is important to compare.
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Re: MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

Post by gordol »

WiFI sync, device is a Samsung Galaxy S20+, Android 11 with the current version of MMA via the Play Store. Desktop is MMW5, Windows 10.

Unfortunately, there is no predictable pattern, but I'd be surprised if a 5 track playlist would show it. The smart playlist in question varies between 2900 and 3200 or so tracks with each sync, and I generally don't sync until at least 1000 tracks have played in order to get a decent turn over.

For reference, since I am playing music from here for on average 10 hours a day, it only takes about a week to go through 1000 tracks, and the playlist is set to include things that have not been played for the last 135 days.

Edit: Library on the device is on the SD card.
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Re: MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

Post by Yerushalmi »

I believe I can contribute something to this bug. When listening to podcasts, I have noticed that MMA simply refuses to register that certain files have been played. I will listen to, say, ten podcasts in a row, and two random ones will still have "Last played: Never" on it. I'll go back to those files and deliberately play them through again, or jump back and forth in the track, trying to convince it to register, jump straight to the end or to ten minutes before the end - nothing works.

I can, within MMA, manually increase the play count to 1 and this later syncs properly with MMW. So the problem is almost certainly with MMA simply failing to register the play.

It is entirely file-specific. File X will never, ever, have plays registered. File Y will have its counter incremented perfectly fine. It's consistent and reproducible. They'll often even be two episodes of the same podcast, played in succession over and over again, and File Y will be fine and File X will remain at 0.

Re: MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

Post by MuGo »

Could by related or completetly unrelated: All my files that were manually shortened before my switch to MMW5 will not count as played (neither # played counter nor last played date), although this was never a problem with MMW4. I assume that they are dismissed as the counter is comparing with the original track length, not the track length defined in the tags.
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Re: MMW5 or MMA not reliably updating last-played metadata [#14340 ]

Post by rusty »

Both MMA and MMW compare the amount played vs the track's length to determine whether a track has played more than the % configured in the 'Increase Play counter' % setting. So if the track length is corrupted, the counter won't work correctly.

Assuming that this always the cause of this issue, play counts will always fail to update with the same tracks.

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