Podcast Download Problems?

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Podcast Download Problems?

Post by nduke »

I was wondering if others are having problems with podcasts being corrupted during download. I haven't seen others post about it and it's not 100% of the time so I can't always replicate it so I wasn't sure if there was another non-MM factor involved.

I think it first started around build 1439. Essentially some of my podcasts (at least 3 from NPR do it almost 100% of the time) download fine, show the correct file size, but MM shows their length as 0:00 and they don't play in MM or my ipod. If I download the same file directly from the feed and add it to MM it works just fine and shows the correct length.

I would assume it must be an NPR oddity but now one of my non-NPR podcasts from a password protected feed is having a similar problem. These download but always show the length as one minute and will only play one minute. Again, if I download direct from the feed there is no problem.

Is anyone else having a similar problem? Yes, I know I should just open a ticket and send in a debug log but if I'm the only one I figured I'd tinker on my end a little more first.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Ludek »

I have tried to download some episodes from NPR podcast http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510019 and haven't observed any issues.

Do you say that if you focus the episode in MM and go to Properties->Details page that it reports Length: 0:00 at the bottom?
If yes, does removing and re-scanning the file into the library solves the problem?
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Lowlander »

I've seen it on a few occasions throughout the beta process. But I never can reproduce it and don't know what may have caused it.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by nohitter151 »

I subscribe to 3 NPR feeds and I've never observed such an issue.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Hagar »

Now I subscribe tro three podcast and MM 3 doesn't have any trouble downloading the podcast but MM4 1448 reports a bad request. hmmmmmm I deleted the URL and plugged it back in and still....
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Ludek »

Could you put here the URL?
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Hagar »

Well I can but its a paid for subscription with a password involved.

http://www.medvedmedhead.com/category/r ... Q2NTQyOQ==

I get bad request in MM4, MM3 works fine.

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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Ludek »

This feed works fine for me with build, no password required.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Hagar »

I'm still getting bad request using MM 4 but not with MM 3.
And I get on my laptop as well as my desktop.

MM 3 works fine on both. Its got to be something in MM 4.

Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by benyar »

Actually I'll vouch for the problem. It (currently) only exists for me with NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me podcast:


I was getting it ~50% of the time, but just tonight I attempted to dump the feed and re-enable it, and all of the last 10 episodes now show lengths of 0:00.

If you sync them to your iPod (5th gen 30GB video, if that matters) they'll play properly, but you can't shuttle through them, and if you pause it long enough for the ipod to go to sleep they start over.

None of my other podcasts, including another NPR podcast, are having this problem -- but the podcast length reads properly in the windows file properties and in Windows Media Player.

MM 4.01 and 4.02 both have this problem.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by benyar »

Actually just realized I'm in the wrong forum for this. I'll just submit a support ticket. Sorry. :)
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Lowlander »

Wait for the next build of 4.0.3 as this issue might have been fixed with: http://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=8916
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Ludek »

Hi, this will be fixed, see http://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=8948 for details.
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Re: Podcast Download Problems?

Post by Lowlander »

This issue has been fixed in http://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewto ... 36#p327736
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