UpdateAll and SelectedSongList missing after Update 4=>5

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UpdateAll and SelectedSongList missing after Update 4=>5

Post by Thommy_DE »

I am using SongsDB (now SongsDB5) in Visual Studio.

The ISDBApplication had a SelectedSongList to get (as the name says) a list of the selected songs:

Code: Select all

	internal static ISDBApplication mmApplication { get; private set; }
	internal static SDBSongList mmSongList { get; private set; }
	if (selectedSongs) {
               mmSongList = mmApplication.SelectedSongList;
	} else {
               mmSongList = mmApplication.get_PlaylistByTitle("tmpAlleMusik").Tracks;
mmSongList = mmApplication.SelectedSongList;
is now unknown. How to replace it in MM5?

Second issue that I have: I change the tags of hundreds of songs. If each song would be updated with

Code: Select all

	ISDBSongData mmSongData = mmSongList.get_Item(i);
this would be very slow. So with MM 4 I used

Code: Select all

but the UpdateAll does also no longer exists. I can not find a replacement.

Any help?

Thank you
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Re: UpdateAll and SelectedSongList missing after Update 4=>5

Post by Ludek »

the original SDB interface is deprecated in MM5 and very limited.
Added there rather just for the ability to control MM5 from external applications and backward compatibility with some simple MM4 scripts, see details here:
https://www.mediamonkey.com/wiki/Contro ... plications

The new cross-platform scripting API is preferred whenever possible: https://www.mediamonkey.com/wiki/Gettin ... d_(Addons)
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