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CoClass SDBUIButton, Interface ISDBUIButtonEvents
Sub OnClick
Event description
This event is called when button is clicked.
If you want that Object is parsed with click use Common OnClick event for the event to work properly.
Example code
Sub OnStartup
' Create the window to be shown
Set Form = UI.NewForm
Form.FormPosition = 4 ' Screen Center
Form.Caption = "Test Change labels"
Set Lbl2 = UI.NewLabel(Form)
Lbl2.Common.ControlName = "Lbl2"
Lbl2.Common.SetRect 10, 10, 100, 16
Lbl2.Caption = "Change This Label"
SDB.Objects("MyLbl2") = Lbl2
Set Btn2 = UI.NewButton(Form)
Btn2.Common.ControlName = "Btn2"
Btn2.Common.SetRect 10, 40, 80, 25
Btn2.Caption = "Test"
Script.RegisterEvent Btn2, "OnClick", "Btn2Click"
End Sub
Sub Btn2Click
Set label2 = SDB.Objects("MyLbl2")
label2.Caption = "Label Changed"
'SDB.MessageBox "Clicked Button", mtInformation, Array(mbOk)
' add code to change Caption of Lbl2
End Sub