Getting Started (Addons)

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For a tutorial on developing addons for MediaMonkey 4, see Scripting (MM4)

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Introduction to Making Addons in MediaMonkey 5

MediaMonkey 5 is a fully HTML-based desktop application which uses Chromium for rendering. This means that the entire UI is driven by a platform-independent HTML/CSS/JS stack, which is fully accessible to developers and skinners. JS in cooperation with native code drives the non-visual aspects, also fully controllable by developers. This gives unprecedented customization options to create beautiful skins, new or enhanced functionality and great addons in general.

Scripting in MediaMonkey 5 differs greatly from MediaMonkey 4 and below, because it has been designed from the ground-up. It is not difficult to learn, especially if you are familiar with web programming. If you are coming from writing MediaMonkey 4 addons, you will get adjusted in no time at all.

Hello World example

Here is a basic Hello World example for a MediaMonkey 5 addon.

Inside a new folder, create a file named info.json with the essential information about your addon.

    "title": "My First Addon",
    "id": "myFirstAddon",
    "description": "Hello world!",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "type": "general",
    "author": "Jane Doe"

Next, create a file named mainwindow_add.js. This code will get added to the end of mainwindow.js, and it will run when MediaMonkey starts.

// Execute when the window is ready
window.whenReady(() => {'Hello world!', {
        disableUndo: true

Then, select your two files and package them into a zip. Make sure that they are in the root of your zip archive and not inside a subfolder. Rename it to myFirstAddon.mmip.

Inside MediaMonkey5, go to Tools > Addons, click Add, and select your addon. After it installs and you reload the window, you will get a popup "toast" message on the bottom of the screen.

MMIP (MediaMonkey Installer Packages)

The center of all MediaMonkey add-ons is the MMIP. There is nothing special about the file format itself; it is just a ZIP archive with a different filename. You can use any standard method to zip the files, and then just rename it to a .mmip file.

If you wish to automate the process of zipping the MMIP packages, you are in luck.

Folder Structure

Metadata (info.json)

At the root of an MMIP, there must be a file named info.json. It includes all essential information about the addon. It cannot be in a subfolder.

Here is an example info.json:

    "title": "My Addon Name",
    "id": "myFirstAddon",
    "description": "This is my first addon!",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "minAppVersion": "5.0.0",
    "type": "general",
    "author": "Jane Doe",
    "icon": "icon.png"

Here are the possible attributes info.json can contain:

Attribute Required? Information
title yes This is the name of your addon that is visible to the user.
id yes This is the unique ID of your addon. It does not have to be identical to your title, but it is recommended that your addon's id be similar to its title for organizational purposes. The id can include the following characters: [a-zA-Z0-9 -_'()]. As of 5.0.3, this format will be enforced. We recommend sticking to an alphanumeric string without spaces.
description yes The description of your addon. Make sure your description is brief, yet conveys the meaning and usage of your addon to the user. You can create line breaks in the description with \n.
version yes The version number of your addon. It must be in the format %d.%d.%d, which is three period-separated numbers.
minAppVersion no* The minimum compatible version of MediaMonkey for your addon. Please consult Methods_Added_Post_5.0 to view whether your addon is incompatible with older versions of MediaMonkey.
maxAppVersion no The maximum compatible version of MediaMonkey for your addon. If this field is specified, then MediaMonkey versions newer than the one specified will not allow an installation of the addon. Useful if, for example, a newer version of MediaMonkey makes the addon not necessary to install or breaks compatibility.
type no The category of your addon. The existing categories are: general, skin, layout, sync, metadata, and visualization; but you can create your own categories. If unspecified, the type defaults to general.
author no The name of the addon's author.
icon no The filename of your addon's icon image. The image file must be in the root of the MMIP.
config no The filename of your addon's configuration script. See Adding Configurable Settings for more info.
updateURL no Link to a custom URL to check for app updates, for addons that are self-hosted. See: Self-hosted addons
installScript no The filename of your addon's install script. The script will run once when the addon is being installed.
The variable window.__currentAddonPath will be set, pointing to the filesystem folder into which the addon has been installed.
uninstallScript no The filename of your addon's uninstall script. The script will run once when the addon is being uninstalled.
The variable window.__currentAddonPath will be set, pointing to the filesystem folder into which the addon has been installed.
files no This only applies to plugins (type: "plugin"). Contains an array of objects, listing plugin files to be added. "src" is the source file path relative to the root inside mmip and "tgt" is the target file path relative to the Plugins folder. It can only write under the Plugins folder.
			"files": [{
			    "src": "pluginDLL.dll",
			    "tgt": "pluginDLL.dll"
showRestartPrompt no Default is "true". Tells MediaMonkey whether to prompt a user for a restart.
Possible values: "true", "false", "install", and "uninstall".
If "true", MM will prompt the user for a restart on both install and uninstall.
If "install", MM will only prompt on install.
If "uninstall", MM will only prompt on uninstall.
If "false", neither installing nor uninstalling will prompt a restart.
Must be a string if provided. Boolean true/false is not supported.

* May be required in the future.


You can choose to include a license file in the root of your addon, named license.txt. If present, when the addon is being installed. the license agreement will be shown to the user, and they will be required to accept the terms before installing.


All the HTML/CSS/JS code that handles MM functionality is stored in a tree structure. As a developer, you can add new files, replace existing, or even extend functionality of the existing files. This is achieved by replication of the folder structure in Addons. For example, if a file controls\checkbox.js is present in the Addon, it completely replaces the default MM functionality of a checkbox. Similarly, an _add suffix in a filename extends functionality of an existing file. E.g. dialogs\dlgAbout_add.js can contain code that adds new controls to the layout of the About dialog.

For information on how to load other files & scripts into your code, please see the sections on requirejs and localRequirejs here: Important_Methods_and_Utilities_(Addons)#requirejs


You can choose to include a script named init.js in the root of your addon. If present, the script will run at startup.

MediaMonkey folder structure

  • Root - Contains mainly mminit.js, which has the basic MM JS routines, several other utility .js files, maincontent.html which contains the basic definition of the main window. Also important is viewHandlers.js, which defines the tree structure of MM and behaviour of the views.
    • controls - Contains all the controls used in MM UI. This starts with very basic controls, like button.js or dropdown.js, and continues with more complex things like listview.js and goes all the way to the complex UI elements, like equalizer.js, player.js or autoPlaylistEditor.js.
    • dialogs - All the dialogs reside here, e.g. dlgConvertFormat.html + dlgConvertFormat.js
      • dlgOptions - Panels for the Tools > Options menu reside here.
    • helpers - Contains miscellaneous helper scripts that do not fit into the other categories. For example: butt services, tray icon menus, docking, etc.
    • layouts - Subfolders contain individual layouts, i.e. something that can replace/modify the files in the default folder structure in order to achieve completely different layout of MM (e.g. "Touch mode" layout). Unlike skins, layouts are supposed to mainly modify dimensions, positions and types of UI elements, not their color, etc. See Layouts for more information.
    • scripts - This contains all non-skin addons that are installed to MediaMonkey, including addons that are preinstalled. They are organized by id.
    • skin - Contains basic skin definitions, mostly a set of LESS files (an extension to CSS). See for more information.
      • icon - Contains all the icons used by MM. They are in SVG format in order to scale nicely to any display resolution. As anything else, they can be easily replaced by any Addon (skin or script).
    • skins - Subfolders contain individual skins, i.e. something that can replace/modify the files in the default folder structure in order to achieve completely different looks of MM. Unlike layouts, this is supposed to mainly modify colors, fonts, icons, etc. See Skinning_Guide for more information.

Filetypes that can be overridden:

  • JS (e.g. controls/artistGrid.js
  • HTML (e.g. (root)/player.html)
  • LESS (e.g. skin/skin_complete.less)
  • SVG (e.g. skin/icon/about.svg)

Filetypes that can be added to:

  • JS (e.g. (root)/actions_add.js)
  • LESS (e.g. skin/skin_base_add.less)

Filetypes that can be added new:

  • JS (e.g. dialogs/dlgOptions/pnl_myAddon.js)
  • HTML (e.g. dialogs/dlgOptions/pnl_myAddon.html)
  • LESS (e.g. skin/skin_somethingnew.less)
  • SVG (e.g. skin/icon/newIcon.svg)
  • CSS (e.g. dialogs/dlgOptions/myExtraStylesheet.css) (Not recommended)


The versioning of addons must be in the format of three period-separated numbers (for example 0.0.1, 1.2.34, etc.) We recommend using semantic versioning (see

MediaMonkey has a built-in updater for addons. When the user clicks "Find Updates" in the addons screen, it will check online if there are any updates for addons that are installed. If any are found, the user clicks the download button that appears, then it will download and install the updated addon.

Submitting an addon

To submit an addon, you must first have an account on the MediaMonkey forum and be signed in.

  1. Go to and click Submit Addon.
  2. Select the most appropriate sub-category under MediaMonkey 5 that describes your addon.
  3. Click Submit New Addon.
    1. Name: Make sure it is the same as your addon's title, so that it does not confuse users after installing.
    2. Description: This does not have to be the same as the description in info.json. You can be as descriptive as you like.
    3. Support Link, Author Link, and License Type are optional.
    4. Image is not required, but highly recommended. We recommend that it be a square image, and the same image as your addon's icon.
  4. Click next. On this page, you will add the first version of your addon.
    1. Either upload your MMIP file or specify an external download link.
    2. Compatibility: Specify the MediaMonkey versions on which you have confirmed your addon works.
    3. What's New is optional, but you can specify updates here in future versions.
  5. Click Save. Review your changes, make sure everything is accurate, then click Finish.
  6. Your addon will appear in red until it is approved by a moderator. When approved, it will appear on the main addons page.

To add a new version of your addon, simply click Add New Version and follow steps 4-5. Each additional version needs to be approved by a moderator.

Adding to scripts

To add code to the end of a certain script, create a JS file in its appropriate location, with _add at the end of its name.

For example, if you wish to make an addition to controls/navigationBar.js, make controls/navigationBar_add.js inside your MMIP. You can also entirely replace the file if you name it controls/navigationBar.js inside your MMIP.

Self-hosted addons

For addons hosted on external sites, please provide a field updateURL in info.json to allow MediaMonkey to check for updates to your addon. The server must reply with info on the most recent version of the addon, in either XML or JSON format. More fields can be returned, but will be ignored by current versions of MediaMonkey.

For a working example, see: Please note that since the release of that addon, the MinVersionMajor - MaxVersionBuild fields have been replaced with MinAppVersion, as described below.


  1. The sequence of VersionMajor, VersionMinor, and VersionRelease form the standard version string; in the below example, it would be 3.0.6. VersionBuild also must be included but can be blank.
  2. UpdateURL is the link to download the addon as an MMIP.
  3. MinAppVersion refers to the minimum supported version of MediaMonkey. It is optional but highly recommended to include.




In JSON, version is provided as a single string instead of the four separate VersionX fields.

Example (equivalent to the XML above):

"version": "3.0.6",
"minAppVersion": "5.0.2",

Important tips

  • Minimize the amount of computation your addon does on startup. Most scripts in MM run as soon as the window loads, so make sure your addon does not take a long time doing synchronous calculations that can cause the window to take longer to load. Ways to help avoid this:
    • Use window.whenReady() when possible. Using window.whenReady() will cause your callback to only fire when all scripts are loaded, the whole DOM is processed by our parser, and all controls are initialized.
    • Use asynchronous code when possible (with either callbacks, Promises, or async/await). If you perform heavy calculations that are synchronous, then it will halt the UI. See for more information.
  • Put your _add scripts into an anonymous function. To prevent potential issues of variables with the same name being used across different scripts, we recommend putting most/all of your logic into an anonymous function. You can do it with arrow notation or function notation.
    • (() => { /* Do stuff */ })();
    • (function() { /* Do stuff */ })();
  • Enable Developer Mode. Under Help > About, you can enable Developer Mode. This will prevent crash logs from being automatically sent to MediaMonkey staff.
    • Additionally, developer mode can be enabled in the code via app.enabledDeveloperMode(true) during testing. But do not keep it in your published extension.
  • Use requestFrame and requestTimeout instead of requestAnimationFrame and setTimeout. The custom functions automatically check whether the window/control still exists, and do not call the callback when the window/control have already been destroyed, to prevent crashes.
  • Do not spam console.log in your final addon that's distributed to users. While developing it, it is completely okay to use it as much as you want! However, the JavaScript console.log function is relatively computationally expensive, so if it spams logs, then it will degrade performance. If it just logs occasionally, for debugging purposes, it's okay. Just don't overdo it.

Actions, Hotkeys & Menus

The MediaMonkey interface is controlled largely by actions, which are defined inside actions.js. Most UI elements are tied to actions, and all hotkeys are defined by actions.

Note: Defining custom actions must be done in actions_add.js. Otherwise, MediaMonkey will not properly register the actions.

Defining actions

Actions are defined in the global actions object. Each action contains the following attributes:

Attribute Type Required? Information
title function (string) yes Function that returns the (string) title of the action.
execute function yes Function that runs when the action is executed.
category function (string) no Function that returns the (string) name of the action's category. Categories are defined in the global actionCategories object. Default is general.
hotkeyAble boolean no Determines whether the action can be tied to a hotkey. Default is false.
icon string no Icon that shows in menus that contain the action. The icon ids are located in skin/(iconname).svg.
visible function (boolean) no Determines whether the action will show up in menus. This can be useful for integrating party mode, for example, by disabling your action when party mode is enabled with

visible: window.uitools.getCanEdit.

Additionally, actions can contain any other custom attributes and methods.

Defining your own custom action in actions_add.js:

actions.myCustomAction = {
    title: 'My Custom Action',
    hotkeyAble: true,
    execute: function () {
        messageDlg('This action was created by hotkeyAction script.', 'information', ['btnOK'], {
            defaultButton: 'btnOK'
        }, undefined);

Assigning hotkeys to actions

Assigning hotkeys is very simple. Hotkeys are handled by the global hotkeys object, and you can register a hotkey with the hotkeys.addHotkey method.


hotkeys.addHotkey(hotkey, action, global);
Attribute Type Required? Information
hotkey string yes The hotkey to assign. See Tools > Options > Hotkeys for the right syntax.
action string yes The action (in window.actions) to execute. Caps sensitive.
global boolean no Determines whether the hotkey is global (accessible outside the MM window). Default is false.

Adding a hotkey to your custom action:

hotkeys.addHotkey('Ctrl+Shift+Q', 'myCustomAction');

The addHotkey method automatically handles duplicates and deletions. So if a user deletes the hotkey, you don't have to worry about it showing up again every time the window reloads; and they can manually re-add it.

To see the syntax that MediaMonkey uses for hotkeys, go to the Tools>Options>Hotkeys window and type in your desired hotkey.

Adding actions to menus

MediaMonkey uses a structure for menus that allows infinitely nested sub-menus. The data structure of a menu item is as follows:

menuItem = {
    action: {
        title: String,      // Required
        execute: Function,  // Usually required
        icon: String,
        visible: Boolean,
        disabled: Boolean,
        submenu: Array
    order: Number,          // Required
    grouporder: Number     // Required

The submenu field, which is optional, contains an array of as many other menu items as desired. The grouporder field determines which group a menu item will belong to, and groups will be automatically sorted by the order field. Menu items defined in actions.js are intentionally given order and grouporder like 10, 20, 30, etc. to allow addons to insert menu items in between them as desired.

Note: These fields can either be the datatype as described above or a function which returns the requested data type. At runtime, the global method resolveToValue is called, which either returns the primitive type or calls the provided function. If you analyze the actions in actions.js, you'll see bits like visible: window.uitools.getCanEdit. This is an example of a function which resolves to a boolean.

There are two menu groups that you will most likely want to add items to: The main menu bar, and tracklist menus.

Main menu bar

The File, Edit, View, etc. menus are defined in window._menuItems, from actions.js. See actions.js or look in the devtools console to see all the possible submenus to which to add your action. You can only add to these menus inside actions_add.js.

For example, if you wish to add an action to the "Tools > Edit tags" submenu, that is under window._menuItems.editTags:

    action: actions.myNewAction,
    order: 10,
    grouporder: 10

Tracklist menus

Tracklist menus, which may also be called media menus, are the ones that contain Play now, Play next, Properties, etc. These are defined in window.menus.tracklistMenuItems, from controls/trackListView.js. You should only add to these menus inside controls/trackListView_add.js.

For example, if you wish to add an action below Cut, Copy, and Paste, but above Rename:

  • First, look in the definition of menus.tracklistMenuItems that Cut/Copy/Paste/Rename are in group 40, Paste's order is 30, and Rename's order is 35.
  • This item must go in the same group and have an order between 30 and 35.
    action: actions.myNewAction,
    order: 31,
    grouporder: 40


Coming soon

Storing Data


When you wish to save data such as user preferences, the most effective method is to save values in persistent.json. The way you do this is through the app.setValue and app.getValue methods. Both methods require two parameters.

If retrieving a value that is primitive, set the second parameter as undefined.

app.setValue('myExtension_foo', 'bar');
var foo = app.getValue('myExtension_foo', undefined);

When retrieving a value that is an object, you must provide the second parameter as an object. The function will take that object and populate each value if it exists, so you can easily manage default settings this way.

// Saving settings
app.setValue('myExtension_settings', {
    option1: 0,
    option2: 'electric boogaloo'
// Getting settings with hardcoded defaults
var settings = app.getValue('myExtension_settings', {
    option1: 0,
    option2: 'default'
// Passing an empty object works too
var settings = app.getValue('myExtension_settings', {});

This data is automatically saved in persistent.json, which is saved in the user's AppData folder or the Portable subfolder; for non-portable and portable installations, respectively. Persistent.json is only deleted if the user manually deletes it or removes a portable installation. Important: Make sure the keys that you use are unique. Include the addon ID in the key, as demonstrated above, to ensure this.


If you need to manage more data, you can use the database. In MM5, you can access the database through the app.db object. For more information, see:

To execute queries that do not need return values, use app.db.executeQueryAsync:

.then(() => {
	app.db.executeQueryAsync('INSERT INTO myPlugin [. . .]');
.catch(err => {

To execute queries that need return values, use app.db.getQueryResultAsync:
app.db.getQueryResultAsync('SELECT * FROM Albums')
.then(result => {
    // do stuff
.catch(err => console.error(err));

This method returns a QueryResults object, which is a linked list. See

Adding Configurable Settings to your Addon

There are two ways to add configurable options to an addon: via the "config" option in info.json, or modifying the options dialog.

Addon Config

The recommended way of adding configurable settings to an addon, if the settings are not directly related to an existing options panel, is to use the built-in addon configuration options. To do this, you must specify "config" in info.json:

"config": "config.js"

Inside your configuration js file, you must define a window.configInfo object, with two functions: load and save.

Load is executed during page load, and save is executed after "OK" is pressed. Both functions are passed two parameters: pnl and item.

  • "pnl" (pnlDiv) is the HTML node of the panel
  • "item" (addon) is an object that contains information about the addon, such as title, ext_id, description, version, installType, author, path, etc.

You can opt to add a config HTML as well, by giving it the same base name as your config JS. For example, if it is named config.js, create config.html; if it is named MediaMonkeyRocks.js, create MediaMonkeyRocks.html.

When a configuration script is provided for an addon, the panel will open once the addon is installed. Additionally, a button will appear in its listing to open the configuration panel.

Example usage:


<div class="uiRows">
        <div data-id="chbOption1" data-control-class="Checkbox" data-tip="Option 1 tooltip">Option 1</div>
        <div data-id="chbOption2" data-control-class="Checkbox" data-tip="Option 2 tooltip">Option 1</div>


window.configInfo = {
    load: function (pnlDiv, addon) {
        // Load config with defaults
        this.config = app.getValue('myAddon_config', {
            option1: true,
            option2: false,
        // Set checkboxes to the configuration settings
        var UI = getAllUIElements(pnlDiv);
        UI.chbOption1.controlClass.checked = this.config.option1;
        UI.chbOption2.controlClass.checked = this.config.option2;
    save: function (pnlDiv, addon) {
        // Save settings according to the checkbox changes
        var UI = getAllUIElements(pnlDiv);
        this.config.option1 = UI.chbOption1.controlClass.checked;
        this.config.option2 = UI.chbOption2.controlClass.checked;
        app.setValue('myAddon_config', this.config);

Options Dialog

When modifying the options dialog, you can either add to / modify an existing panel or create your own panel.

Adding to an existing panel

Adding to an existing panel can be done with _add JS files. For more context, take a look at dialogs/dlgOptions.js.

For example, if you wish to add to the General Options panel:

  1. Create dialogs/dlgOptions/pnl_General_add.js
  2. Override the optionPanels.pnl_General.load and functions to add your own code
  3. Use the divFromSimpleMenu function to automatically create styled checkboxes/radio buttons
  4. Use app.getValue and app.setValue to retrieve and save the user settings
(() => {
    var options = [
            title: 'Option 1', // The label that appears on the checkbox/radio button
            radiogroup: 'myAddon_RadioOptions', // Self-explanatory
            execute: function() {state.RadioOptions = 'option1'} // This function runs whenever the element is clicked
            title: 'Option 2',
            radiogroup: 'myAddon_RadioOptions',
            execute: function() {state.RadioOptions = 'option2'}
            title: 'My Checkbox',
            checkable: true, // Turns it into a checkbox
            execute: function() {state.Checkbox = this.checked;}
    var state;
        load: function($super, sett, pnlDiv) {
            $super(sett, pnlDiv);
            state = app.getValue('myAddon_settings', {
                RadioOptions: 'option1',
                Checkbox: false
            // Update checkbox/radiobutton state from settings
            if (state.RadioOptions == 'option1') {options[0].checked = true; options[1].checked = false;} 
            else {options[0].checked = false; options[1].checked = true}
            if (state.Checkbox == true) options[2].checked = true;
            // Create an HTML menu from the options
            divFromSimpleMenu(pnlDiv, options);
        save: function($super, sett, pnlDiv) {
            $super(sett, pnlDiv);
            // Save settings
            app.setValue('myAddon_settings', state);

Creating a new panel

You can define your new panel inside dialogs/dlgOptions, and add it inside dialogs/dlgOptions_add.js.

Coming soon


While most functionality can be reached in MediaMonkey 5 via addons using JS/HTML, it still supports the majority of the Winamp 2.0 API. Winamp plugin support for MediaMonkey 5 is the same as in MediaMonkey 4. See Winamp Plug-ins (MM4) for more details.

Packaging a Plugin

To create an MMIP installer for a plugin, you need to include the information about your plugin's file[s] into info.json:

"type": "plugin",
"files": [{
	"src": "pluginDLL.dll",
	"tgt": "pluginDLL.dll"

It can contain more files. "src" is the source file path relative to the root inside mmip, and "tgt" is target file relative to the Plugins folder inside the MediaMonkey installation. It can write only under the Plugins folder.

If needed, you can also include an installScript and uninstallScript:

"installScript": "install.js",
"uninstallScript": "uninstall.js"

The install script will run during installation and uninstall script will run after uninstallation.

Both will run inside the main window, allowing full access to the UI. Additionally, the variable window.__currentAddonPath will be set, pointing to the filesystem folder into which the addon has been installed.

Accessing the main window object from other windows

Sometimes, you may need to run functions or access properties from the main window in the context of other windows. For example, performing live updates in an options panel. To do this, use the app.dialogs.getMainWindow() method.

If you have a property "x" in the main window, this is how to access it from another window:


If you assign a property or method to "app", you will need to do this to get the version of it that is attached to the main window.


UI Elements & Controls


Instead of bitmaps, MediaMonkey uses SVGs for its icons. They are stored in the skin/icon folder. This is because SVGs can be scaled to any size without appearing pixelated. See Skinning Guide/Creating Icons for an introduction on how to create custom icons.

There are three ways to load icons: The data-icon HTML attribute; loadIconFast(); and loadIcon().


Whenever HTML is loaded and/or classes are initialized, any and all elements with the attribute "data-icon" will automatically load the SVG files associated with the icon name provided. For details on how it works, check window.initializeControls in mminit.js. See this example:

<div data-control-class="toolbutton" data-icon="music"></div>

This will create a ToolButton control with the icon from music.svg. Using the ToolButton control class is not required, but if you do not add any CSS to limit the size of the icon, it will appear very large.


If you wish to load an icon programmatically, use loadIconFast(). For more details, see loadIconFast.


Only use loadIcon() if you need to access the raw SVG code before adding it to the DOM. For more details, see loadIcon.

More coming soon