PodcastEpisodes table

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Name Value Type Possible Values Description
ID INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT (1 to inf.) Primary key
IDPodcast INTEGER ID Link to Podcasts table
IDTrack INTEGER -1(Not Downloaded),ID Link to Songs table
Downloaded INTEGER 0(Not Downloaded), 1(Downloaded) Episode download status
title TEXT NYT: Health Update for 04/01/2008 From <item><title>. Also stored in ID3 Title tag.
autor TEXT Jane Brody of The New York Times From <item><author>. Also stored in ID3 Artist tag.

Note that the field is named "autor" and not "author". This is a typo in the code but it is being left as-is for backwards compatibility.

link TEXT From <item><link>. Infrequently used.
description TEXT The effectiveness of weight loss drugs. From <item><description>. Also stored in ID3 Comment tag.
subtitle TEXT From <channel><subtitle>
summary TEXT From <channel><summary>
PubDate REAL 39535.447916667 Publication date. From <item><pubdate>. Formatted as the number of days since December 30, 1899.
NetSource TEXT http://podcasts.nytimes.com/podcasts/2008/03/28/01healthupdate.mp3 URL for media file. From <item><enclosure url>
keywords TEXT From <item><keywords>
duration TEXT* 1:03 From <item><itunes:duration>

This is the self-reported duration of the podcast from the XML, which may or may not be accurate to the real duration of the audio file.

category TEXT News From <item><category>
mime TEXT* audio/mpeg MIME type of the NetSource file. From <item><enclosure type>

Added in version 5.0

GUID TEXT http://podcasts.nytimes.com/podcasts/2008/03/28/01healthupdate.mp3 Globally Unique Identifier

Added in version 3.1

ViewStatus INTEGER
Show Removed Episode

Added in version 3.1

Note: iTunes feed tags take precedence over standard tags. e.g. <iTunes:author> is used in preference to <author>.